It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Or they could continue allowing addons to exist since they can offer far more flexibility and configuration options than a single team could ever hope to accomplish.


Fixed that for you. :sunglasses::point_right::point_right:

reprhasing my post is against CoC, delete post please.

You’re not the one that gets to tell people to delete post.

Hah. Heh.
:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:

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that was not what i did said. He rephrased my post and it is against CoC.

Please, point out where in the CoC is editing a quote is against the rules?

This game should be purely clicks. No addons, no macros, no keybinds. Then we’d all be on equal footing.

What in the tinfoil is this?

There’s literally no way for WoW AddOns to collect personal information. They don’t even collect your “Game information” because you’re LITERALLY ON THE SAME BUILD. No one cares about some random Lvl10 Hunter named “Nelfas”.

All your “game data” is accessible with the API (which is basically the armory), and you can literally opt out of it. Hell, the deal with NetEase probably fell through because Blizzard wouldn’t give the CCP access to their player data – that’s why they let everyone download their own character data to their local machines.

You should worry about your ISP selling your literal information to data brokers, who then sell your information to advertisers, who then specifically target you and the area you live. Not to mention all the data breaches these massive brokers fall victim to.


Like Clicker Heros? Oh I loved that game there were neverending bosses and even a min/max endgame to it when I played years ago.

When you think about it most games are just hand/eye coordination tests

How dare you insult the tinfoil. Someone wearing tinfoil would make better claims that that from Nelfas.


What a bunch of nonsense

Citation needed.


If you don’t like them, turn them off. Stop trying to dictate how others play the game.


It isn’t, and the version he added is actually correct.

I would rather play with blizzard addons. too.

Exactly. While I do think stuff like boss addons sometimes cross the line (and make Blizzard have to design around them), most addons are just QOL improvements. “Getting rid of addons” would kill the game outright.

When I use to compete in dogfighting games, I always competed against people with Thrustmasters with programable macros to make their game play easier. It was always satisfying taking down people with a $9 joystick.

Made me want to become a pilot, but unfortunately, I don’t have the skillset to take tests without my brain going blank then profusely sweating and getting angry. That and when I went to join the Air Force, I found out that I would never get to fly combat aircraft because of my eyesight.

Hey I’ve never posted on here, in fact I only found this post because Google decided to throw it in my news notifications for some reason.

Anyways I just wanted to say this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.


Vast majority of people aren’t doing world first content

So yea, new players are absolutely fine with 0 add-ons at all, not sure why people need to lie about them so much