It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Yes, so the vast majority don’t need addons. And new players are fine without addons.

Therefore, addons are unnecessary 3rd party stuff. And banning them won’t affect the vast majority of people.

Sounds like a stupid reason to ban them then

we need to stop necroing this thread

Banning unnecessary 3rd party interaction alone is already a good reason, which helps improving smoothness and reducing latency and bugs.

But ofc, the harm of addons are much more than just that.

Nothing you said there is true

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As someone who doesn’t really care, since you love pointing out misinformation so much, I will happily point out your own mental gymnastics you’re doing here.

Demonstrably false. There’s several content creators who have markedly proven a good UI can drastically affect one’s capacity to perform in a raid setting. Preach Gaming is one of them as an example.

This is a half-truth and you’re conveinently leaning into it to suit your needs. It’s true Blizzard has tried to keep add-ons from seeing certain things and implementing some additional protected APIs, but claiming this is a “solved” issue is categorically wrong, unless you just don’t realize the scope of what WeakAuras is truly capable of.

This is a strawman argument that shifts the responsibility of ingenuity from the design team to add-ons themselves. Fights being more complex is a subjective value, not an inherent one. This is only a net positive if everyone agrees complicated fights are better by objective value.

Personally I think there is several layers of complexity to this issue, and a lot of people blame add-ons as a catch-all scapegoat for issues that have little or nothing to do with add-ons, fundamentally. I think a lot of issues are more derivied from community response to add-ons, and the expectations that everyone is using the same list of add-ons, understands their funtions, and utilize them to the fullest extent.

I think there is such a thing as diminishing returns on complexity, and of course not every boss fight is monumentally complicated, but a straight DPS check - for example - has a very narrow design scope but can help a group assess their capacity to clear the remaining fights.

On a deeper level, the issue is the OP is blaming add-ons for a lot of things that are more tertiary to add-ons and their roles in the ecosystem. I think I would fall more on your side in the grand scheme, but don’t fight misinformstion with intellectual dishonesty.

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So how does MY personal UI affect anyone else? Do I suddenly make them suck because I use SexyMap and LiteBag?

Can you show me where I said it was solved? I’ll wait.

So who’s new alt is this? I can’t take people seriously who feel the need to hide on alts just to pick a fight.

Ion says a lot of things. My former mythic raider friend thinks that making raids harder since Cata follows directly from adding easier difficulties for more accessibility. They didn’t actually want more casuals to be raiding while continuing to be casual. They wanted the ones who did to git gud. However, since there is no learning component to WoW content, low skilled players can continue to play without ever getting constructive feedback.

Besides, there will always be casuals who don’t care about competitive achievement and low skilled players who pay for the development of hard content they will never see and don’t want to. Unless, of course, they find a way to push the low skilled players out of the game, which will make it less profitable and result in less future content and higher prices.

No one who pays for a subscription is under any obligation to git gud, or to push harder content and its achievements. Any game whose developers are not willing to accept that part of their playerbase and nurture it will end up less profitable. MMO’s are a tiny part of the videogame market. There aren’t tens of millions of new elites to take up the slack.

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Raids and Dungeons are so difficult because the Devs are forced to keep up with mod development. FF14 banned for that reason. Once the difficulty returned to human normal more people would do dungeons and Raids.

always the i am broken, things must be catered to me argument. If you are disabled then you may not get to play the game at elite levels or high levels or any level. Hence the term disabled. If the Devs can accommodate a disability great if not then that is the nature of the disability. No Mod that allow players to bypass mechanics. There is a reason I only Raid at LFR and Dungeon at Heroic. I suck. Should the Devs make it so I dont. Merit matters and those that can should reap the rewards of their effort. You and me will have to sit it out on the sidelines. That is life.

Carpet blaming addons like this is stupid when things like Total Roleplay 3 / MyRolePlay, Musician, Emote Splitter, and such exist.
Those do nothing but add to the experience, and in ways that blizzard, being a big corporation, would almost certainly never allow. Mentioning them in the same breath as WeakAuras, DBM, Details, et cetera, is really, really silly.

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My guild and I raid every tier for AotC. We don’t mythic raid, I have done a little in the past but nothing too much (maybe half of a raid done in mythic). DBM (or similar) is mandatory and weakauras are mandatory in some fights. Lords of Dread’s “among us” mechanic last expansion was absolutely terrible without a weakaura telling you who the imposter was. You can’t easily do this in voice and typing it out yourself will get you killed.

We should not have to rely on addons to know that a certain circle on the ground is friendly or bad or if you have to soak them. Just because it’s red doesn’t mean you run away from them. When each boss has 7-12 mechanics, many of which happen at the same time, you cannot be expected to sort through your debuff/buff bars to find if you have a certain mechanic on you. You need DBM or weakauras to yell at you because you also have to run away from something coming out.

There’s no reason to have addons and thus the need to have every boss have a bunch of mechanics that are difficult sometimes to figure out on your own. No addons means they can reduce the amount or make them easier to understand. FFXIV has all soaks have the same marker, all run out the same marker, etc. I don’t need addons to tell me what to do, the mechanic tells me what to do.

Apperantly Altaholic effects everyone too.

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There are several addons function that Blizzard must implement or completely ban them in their next expansion :

  1. Addons like TSM or other similar AH / Gathering / Gold making functions, either Blizzard needs to ban all of them, or provide the similar function to allow players one click to auto listing and cancellation and undercut.

  2. Altholic, enough said. If you are willing to give us a warband, than give us all Altholic features.

  3. Handynotes, quest trackers, instances and event completed list/timer, these are very basic info feature but extremely high quality of life stuffs, like Metzen said, respect the “time of the players”, so make these features as the standard Blizzard UI.

I am nobody then—fine with me! :wink:

I love making my UI! I’ve made custom gifs, images for it, and Custom WAs. I’ve adjusted addon code to suit my needs. A UI that suits me and is lightweight (enough).

Chiming in to say that once again, banning all add-ons is a stupid take.

Moderator Note: Sorry, folks. This should have been locked when it was bumped again after two months inactivity.