It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Because things like Altoholic and Saved Instances lets me keep track of what I’ve done and what I have instead of needing to log in on every single character to double check. And Blizzard has had nearly 20 years to implement something similar, but has yet to do so.

That’s not an addon problem. That’s a developer ego problem. They can just not do that.


How absolutely convenient.

I’m sorry some bosses are just poor design with mechanics.

The green boss in amerdrassill for example. Green on green on green.

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Most addons are QoL, UI customization, or just accessibility tools. But also, you can just not use them, it’s fine, the game has more to do than when I started and it is all available if you want to go do mythic dungeons, world quests, feasts, sniffenseek, soup, fish… Go wild! Push heroic raids if you want, challenge yourself, addons or no the world is yours to explore!

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Blizzard not hiring more developers is a developer ego problem?

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They want a sufficiently hard game, but also an enjoyable one. Addons-specifically raiding addons have hampered there ability to do so.

Yet the more addons someone needs to compete with endgame content the less people are willing to engage.

Imagine being a new player, it becomes more and more insurmountable as time goes on. Now you don’t only need to learn your class and the mechanics but also a load of third party things as well?

We want the game to go on for years and the constant arms race with addons is only making this less likely.

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Yes, part of the problem is it seems like they’re designing raid encounters for the Race for World First instead of what’s fun.

Tindral and Fyraak specifically.

Smolderon was objectively great for its target audience. Good progression found before any nerfs for many Top50 guilds and those who followed as gear improved. (I think they nerfed the Mythic Balls number(?) to reduce coordination requirements.)

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I don’t see any of this insane arms race happening. Some of the fights are easier or harder than previous raid tiers (fyrakk is pretty simple mechanically on heroic, raszageth has more going on, whereas N’zoth was highly mechanical and Argus was quite basic) but I am not seeing any of these insane arms races of 3rd party tools. Just various mechanical complexity.

You are jumping into the middle of a conversation and have misunderstood what you’re replying to I think.

No, designing the raids to check addons is hampering their ability to do so. They could stick to reaction and positioning checks at an individual level, like interlocking void zones or if you remember hard mode vezax, but instead they want to challenge addon developers with stuff Ike echo’s bombs, where you require perfect coordination among 4 random people without time to communicate with speech the way humans do. FFXIV, for example, has clear and determinant mechanics without the need for sub second decision making.

Yeah. As long as the developers design fights that way, that is the expectation. The onus is on them to make the change.

It takes 2 to tango. Blizzard can stop this any time they want.

These aren’t mutually exclusive. But the way they’re doing it now it is.

I took your comment at face value.

This is precisely why I think the game would be better without raiding addons. I don’t want the addons developers to be challenged, I want the players to be challenged but only to a point that they don’t need answers from a third party source. Even the playing field and let people rise to the challenge themselves. And if something is undoable without third party intervention than it should be fixed.

Ah, here we go.

You don’t understand encounter design.

Here’s some basics:

  • Art Direction is part of Game Design, (Encounter Design falls under Game Design).
  • Final Fantasy’s encounter design is based on chorography – virtually all mechanics are hardcoded to specific times, and largely used only a few times at most. (Do this, then that.)
  • WoW’s encounter design is based on individual mechanics and creating new, interesting overlaps. (Do this. Do that. Now do this and that.)

Art direction in WoW’s encounter design is:

  • “The caster-looking creature is a caster.”
  • “The spell does Fire damage, so it should look like fire (orange, red, yellow)”
  • “The monster uses a dagger, it makes no sense for them to launch Shockwaves that shatter the ground.”

Art Direction in FF encounter design is all over the place. Whatever looks cool, mostly. Mechanics are given a robust spell language used across the entire game. So all mechanics “look the same” when painting the ground. Impact animations may change, but a “Shadow spell” looks like a “Mechanical spell”. This makes their boss design less unique, but they compensate by making more spectacular visual effects (read: louder visuals that block your entire screen).

What FF14 gains in clarity, they lose in immersive design. It’s a tradeoff. You can pick whichever you like more, but WoW is WoW and FF is FF. Both have merits. Both have faults.

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Everyone has the ability to add any add on.

Thats the same level.

Glad I could tee up that tirade for you. Anything to add about my actual point or just wanting to pontificate?

Mostly here to educate and waiting for my group on SOD to login so i can boost them to max level.

It doesn’t require the removal of addons for them to design the game that way.

Add-ons wouldn’t exist if the game had sufficiently accurate representations and explanations of mechanics, encounters and the like.

If blizzard wants you to stop using additional resources, then they need to present said resources themselves.

Raids aren’t too hard; people are mostly ignorant.

For example, I’ve been raiding with the same team for 6 years and just last Thursday I had to explain to them that the visuals on group soaks and solo soaks may vary in color, but the circles
always have the same visual cues. I guarantee most of the community is just as blind to that as they were.

On top of that, you want people to not use wowhead or other 3rd party info sites? … Then put access to how ANYTHING works, IN the game. Things like, where’s the bullion vendor, where’s the catalyst, how to crests work, ect ect ect

This has probably already been said in this thread, but I’m reiterating for importance.

True I actually agree with you here.

The fact is blizzard doesn’t have to build raids with addons in mind. And removing addons to get them to stop is just one solution to that problem. I guess it just seems easier to get an addon ban than to get blizzard to willingly give up the arms race.