It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Addons also significantly slow the loading time of zones.

Blizzard would be forced into reevaluating their raids and making them more understandable. Which would happen as even if it wasn’t implemented right away it would have to be as the raids would be nerfed for this new level of player. Eventually stabilizing things. UI has come pretty far and I would like to see it improved upon still.

As someone who has played other mmo’s addons really are just a crutch and are not needed for gameplay.

I feel like the one that most people would miss is details/recount but there are other ways to improve and there are other ways to tell when someone is failing at there class. It works just fine for ffxiv not to have this and I think it would work just fine with wow.


This is just false. I’m sorry, but anecdotally being carried isn’t the same thing as addons not being required.

If someone can show me one, just one, raid group that gets CE without addons I’ll make a public apology and personally pay for it to be broadcast on networks TV.

But it will never happen. Modern raids are absolutely designed and dependent on addons. That’s not an opinion, that’s a statement of fact corroborated by the lead game director and the gm of the best guild in the US, and sometimes the world.

If addons were removed than raids would be fixed though.

They don’t have to remove addons to fix the raids.

Doesn’t Blizzard break those sort of addons generally speaking?

but why keep addons? They’re just a crutch that wow really doesn’t need.


Darn RP addons and UI customizations, they’re crutches! All of it, crutches! shakes fist at sky


Customizability. Why build something when you can crowdsource it? They’d have to hire a whole team of UI developers and UX designers to replace what the community is doing for free right now.

Why do that?

Your opinion doesn’t matter on this. Because you’re targeting an audience of speedrunners. WoW speedrunning is a “glitchless” category. So long as you don’t exploit a bug, all tools are fair game.

If there are any yes.

The follow me weak aura was broken in classic where 1 player typed !follow and it made the other player automatically follow them. !stop to stop

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Claiming that people who don’t addons are automatically carries when you have zero information about the raid and circumstances is pretty dumb honestly. People without addons can’t do competitive dps while doing mechanics? Yeah, that’s stupid.

But you do you.


You leave my role play addon alone

because it makes it harder for new players to get into wow. I assume wow wants to make their game accessible so they can have more subscribers and addons have hurt this endeavor.

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Addons aren’t a requirement. Do you see anywhere said by Blizzard that in order to do anything, you need addons to play it? If the answer is no, than addons aren’t a requirement.

And carries have nothing to do with addons.

Addons have existed for the entire lifetime of the game and it was never a problem before. Why is it a problem now?

Says the poster that’s leveled to 28.

Im done with this conversation “addons bad” as much as you like it or not is the argument. Now go pester someone else dude ive said my peace now stop tagging me.

I made it into Heroic Antorus with only a DPS meter and a guild discord. And I’ll be honest, the dps meter was because I liked seeing my number go up. You can go far without addons. Maybe not mythic, I’m not diving into that convo, it’s out of my depth, but newbies aren’t jumping into that either.

Forum alt. (But I think you knew that.)

because of technology. There has been an arms race of getting addons to trivialize content, and wow devs trying to get ahead of them.

This has caused the difficulty to spike in recent years.

And has in turn made the game less accessible.

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