It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

If all add ons were banned then everyone is playing at the same level. You cant play the game without add ons like wa? well once they are gone they can balance things not to rely on them anymore. Competitions used to have a no add on rules so the rank 1s never used them to get used it but then things changed during covid. :frowning:

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oh they dont hold me back but they do enable me

Everyone does play at the same level.

okay lets see how you doing clearing a mythic raid without any add ons :slight_smile:

Nothing to do with anything I said.

You said everyone is at the same level. So everyone has to go get 3rd party add ons to be at the same level? Some teams that compete for world first have their own secret wa’s wrote by professionals and not to be shared under nda agreements… no everyone isnt at the same level as long as wa is a thing

You’re able to make these WAs as well

They aren’t the only people allowed to do these things, we are all on the same playing field

I think they should design and test encounters as if addons didn’t exist.

But I don’t think addons should be banned. Performance limit testing is a big part of the game for people.

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Everyone does play at the same level. Addons doesn’t make the game any easier, it just makes things more convenient.

You can literally do most Mythic raid bosses without AddOns. You can do it, albeit it’ll take more time. The issue is no one wants to progress EVERY week. When you’re 5/8 and stuck on Boss #3 in a different PUG, people lose patience faster.

Here’s a thought: The people who make and test the bosses don’t have DBM for those bosses. (They could make WAs, sure. They probably have AddOns because it’s familiar to a live experience.)

You can be carried through most mythic bosses you mean.

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My god dude, im not your parent. i have my own opinions and feelings on the matter just like you. ive had this argument many MANY times and you WILL NOT LISTEN to anything i have to say. You instead choose to rage at me because i wont argue with you about something i know we disagree on…so again…move on…we disagree its not the end of the world.

No, you can absolutely perform well in mythic raids without using things like DBM. There are a few things that can be trivialized by some addons, sure. But you can absolutely raid without addons and do well in mythic.

Do you have an example of someone doing one of the addon-centric bosses without it? Like Echo or Tindral for example?

Or do you mean like they can go into early bosses they overgear and technically not die?

There have been some addons that make the game easier. Like the original decursive addon that got busted for being too strong and automating things in combat. There have been some other examples over the years as well.

I don’t use many addons personally, but I don’t have problems with ones that display information and stuff in easier ways for you to process. They should never automate tasks or gameplay.

The game isn’t that hard. You can easily get 4 Mythic Boss in S3 before any real challenges start. The wing bosses are notable, but largely gear checks. Mythic Raiding is largely an IQ check.

Oh, so you don’t mythic raid then. I see.

I think it’s a bad boss design if it “requires” addons to be successful, but that’s a separate issue.

But yeah, I’ve obtained CE in the past without things like DBM when I had more time to raid. I’ve done mythic raid progression up to working on smolderon and did fine without the fireball tracking addon that many people use.

Maybe that’s anecdotal evidence, but it is absolutely possible to do current mythic content without tons of addons.

I don’t heal, which I know many healers use addons to help display health bars and stuff. That’s different to me because you need a way to easily parse raid health and the default UI isn’t always the best at that. But outside of a specific scenario or two, you don’t need addons for mythic raiding.

You’re certainly acting like it by telling me how I should play.

You don’t have an argument. All you have is “addons bad”.

Because “agree to disagree” is when you’re talking about something trivial. Banning addons is not trivial, at least not to me.

Not anymore. I just network with people who compete in MDI, TGP, RWF, etc. It’s not fun playing at that level when you have more important responsibilities IRL.

This may be a forum alt, but my idea of fun isn’t 40-80hrs a week with split runs, clones of characters, and generally being tied down to pay back massive gold loans via carries.

Good players generally know how to play their spec. DPS skill is rarely an issue. Doing the mechanics “better” is the best DPS increase for us. You can learn that too.