It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

So you agree that it is a good thing if addons are banned. :+1:


And thats why i dont argue with them xD

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Actual trolling at this point, I see. Nowhere in the message were those words.


Where are you getting these percentages?

No M+, barely any normal raid progress, no pvp rating. So sure, if you don’t do anything above queueable content you probably don’t need any addons.

Y’know, rereading this original post it is actually a disaster. There is no negative impact listed here, the groupings are random at best, and none of the points actually work with one another. Also this post was made in July of last year and it was bad then, too. Who reopened this?

It literally didn’t start that way. It was the Big Bad Wolf in Kara that told you what to do.


Oh, love the Big Bad Wolf encounter


Most of the people that complain about addons don’t do anything remotely difficult in the game where an addon could actually help them.

They have a constant martyr complex and think addons are yet another thing “holding them back/down”.

This thread is still going?

  1. Blizzard’s entire Default UI is literally an AddOn. Technically, EVERYTHING in the default UI is an AddOn. Player-Devs are allowed access to much of the API they use.
  2. AddOns are a “Pandora’s Box” at this point. They were a FEATURE of WoW 20 years ago, and that has not changed since.
  3. AddOns massively improve accessibility. (Should please implement ALL accessbilities features? Absolutely not, but they should make efforts – and they have made major additions, (TTS) – available to us.) Your proposed idea of “Ban all AddOns” means the most accessible game on the market (of any MMO, and likely any game) is instnatly unavailable to people who literally rely on them. You are telling those players to shove it. Stupid ideas like “Ban all addons” have major consequences for people you clearly know nothing about.
  4. You literally don’t need AddOns to achieve ANY “non-1%” rewards – all of which are cosmetic. Getting +20 in S3 was a joke. Aside from Mythic Tindral and Mythic Fyrakk, which were objectively overtuned for the target audience (they literally tuned it for the best 100 players in the world on release, but most “1%” guilds got to Mythic: Smolderon and progressed just fine til that point.). PVP suffers the most from AddOns, but that’s largely due to complexity of PVP (still an issue).
  5. The solution to gatekeeping will ALWAYS be “make your own group.” If you’re too scared to do that, that’s not Blizzard’s fault. If you want to push harder content, then don’t use addons. The game will be objectively more difficult for you regardless.

The ultimate solution to a “Ban all AddOns” idea is to make a new game. You make a fresh start and design a game without AddOns.

You will never get rid of metagaming. You will never get rid of guides. You will never get rid of datamining. You will never get rid of ANYTHING you think is a problem with WoW, because these problems are not a “WoW” problem.

The only addons I use are the ones that put to locations of skyshards and lore books on the- wait wrong game.

For wow, the only addon I use is dbm and only when I’m tanking so I can get a heads up on when to taunt when I’m doing my lfr runs on my tank.

Because it’s not about making a cogent argument, it’s about being mad at the game for the sake of being mad. Addons are used as the reason because they are something Blizzard will never remove, which means people like OP can always have something to be reliably mad about.

If Blizzard banned all addons these same players would just choose a new thing to complain about.


You’re the one who’s entire argument is “addons bad”. You say you hate it when “addons play the game for you”, yet have nothing to say when the game itself does the exact same thing.

Nah. You’re the one who wants to ruin the game for others, without a care in the world about how they feel about it. How about you move on.


Almost a year later you continue to revive your own thread that should have died and been replaced with yet another person making the same joke or calling addons cheating, impressive. That aside, I highly doubt that was an agreement with your view, just the way that person feels. There are plenty of people who choose to play without addons at all, that doesn’t mean they think they should be banned.

While I don’t really need DBM to hold my hand and the WeakAuras display I made is simply handy and I would get by without it, getting rid of addons with how pathetic the stock ui is isn’t even feasible. Just get over it. Maybe come back to this discussion when the stock ui doesn’t require me to have 5 button bars and more fingers than a non-mutated human is born with to find all my key bindings you can convince me to give up all my addons. Until then, as a healer it’s very handy that someone wrote an addon that lets me situationally have the same binding function differently with no extra buttons pressed.

Man if all these add-ons just play the game for you

Why isn’t everyone gold capped and first try clearing mythic raids and +10s?

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I agree. Most addons should be banned. Maybe they can create better boss and just encounters in general without them.


If addons play the game for you so easily, why did Tindral still take 400+ pulls for the best guilds in the world (whom typically have in-house addon designers.)

Why do guilds further down the line still take hundreds of pulls using those addons?

I know you can’t answer genuinely, but it’s something to think about.


FWIW, I agree with you.

But Tindral was overtuned AF. The P2/P3 Seeds were 3sec on release. Genuinely just a stupidly hard mechanic to execute, even with pre-positioning. It was nerfed to 5sec, but still caused many wipes.

If they privatized the UI like they do with private auras, and fully disable in-game combat logs, then maybe Smolderon would have lived 50 pulls longer or so. Tindral and Fyrakk were outliers though. (Smolderon was probably perfect for the target audience though.)

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A highly programmable interface is my favorite thing about wow.
