It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

They are the same people that cry the game isnt challenging no point in arguing they will not listen

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:+1::+1::+1: dont know what to tell you

Go do a mythic raid or M+ dungeon over a +15 with addons and see how easy it is.

Lets see how well those addons play the game for you <3

We get it you love addons to do everything for you :face_exhaling:

So you have no argument when the game tells you to do things, but complain when an addon tells you to do things? That makes me think you’re just angry about addons.

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It absolutely does.

Clearly, you cannot step outside the fire without a voice prompt, otherwise you would not use it.

Now boss mechanics are designed around the expectation that you will be using that addon.

Which means the fire in the floor has to do a lot more damage since you will be standing on it for a lot less time.

It also means the fire in the floor will often be close to invisible, since you’re supposed to be using the addon.

Now the addon is mandatory.


Then you dont get it,and im not going to waste my time explaining it to you…you want it. i dont period, agree to disagree.

I’m both a raid leader and main tank, in a Cutting Edge Mythic guild, and it’s quite rare that I have any boss mod items turned on, at all. Boss mods really aren’t needed in the current game, and just add clutter.

You have no argument. You don’t care if the game tells you to do something, but you suddenly care when an addon tells you to do the exact same thing. You’re an old man yelling at clouds for all the sense you’re making.


I can say with confidence that there are visuals and highlights when certain spells proc for evoker. You are out here having the game play for you following your “logic”.

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It’s not all that strange when you realize that most of the people who are complaining about addons existing either don’t play the game, or don’t understand what addons are actually doing.

DBM is a catchall because a lot of folks really do think that it “plays the game for you.” Which is just absurd.


Now youre just being childish because i dont agree ive been on this same stance for years

Dont get mad because someone doesnt agree. Move on

I think a lot of (bad) players also install something like DBM, but don’t customize it. So they just get drowned in unnecessary messages, hoots, and whistles, and don’t know what to make of it.

I think the only thing I have turned on right now in BigWigs is the timer for Apocalypse Roar on Fyrrak, since I’m a seed carrier and have to go a long way zig-zagging lots of stuff to get there; I don’t have a half-second to spare.


If you’re not going to waste your time explaining, why waste your time replying at all?

Tell me your time isn’t valuable without telling me. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Eat your own popcorn lmfao

I’m willing to bet there are a sizeable number of people who install addons that don’t even know they have independent options panels.

I cannot imagine installing a piece of software and not immediately looking at what options are available to me.

Heck, before I even install an addon’s update I check the changelog first.



And yet you’re still here

“run away little girl” is literally DBM warning, which is an addon

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thats literally an addon.
I think posts like this strikes at the heart of the issue. addons are so deeply imbedded some players dont even know what the game is actually like.