It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

If Blizzard bans addons, they would be losing out on money from people who would leave (RP communities just rightfully were up in arms when a PTR issue caused RP profile addons to brick). They won’t be banned, and certainly not over the two people here asking for it.

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No, what would happen is the already enormous skill gap between good players and average players would turn into a canyon. The best players would have a small adjustment period before they would return to form, your average players would literally never recover.

Blizzard games and specifically World of Warcraft have always been designed with addons in mind. Blizzard can not and should not attempt to integrate addons to appease everyone, they do that enough as it is and dramatically, hilariously fail at it.

Although developing bosses around addons is always a thing Blizzard does and have been doing so for years. Banning addons to relieve that, just makes more work for them.

There is no winning side to banning addons.

And you think banning 15+ years of utility that the players have had and gotten used too? Would not be a vicious cycle and backlash?

You’re fooling yourself if that’s the case.

And what is that? Eluding back to my first point of,

Blizzard can not and should not attempt to integrate addons to appease everyone.

There is no route or direction where they ban addons attempt to integrate some into the base game and make everyone happy. There is an addon for literally everything in the game, they will miss something or make something wrong. Overall it just adds a lot more work with very little benefit besides peeving off their playerbase.

I’m not defending a multi-million dollar company saying that they can’t do that work. I’m saying from a business standpoint it’d be a hilariously bad move. Wouldn’t be the first time no, but still.

I agree the first half of that statement, WoW can always be improved. Dragonflight from what I’ve experienced so far is already leaps and bounds towards that compared to the utter steaming heap that Shadowlands was.

There are minimal realities and cases where Blizzard takes a page from SE and FFXIV and bans addons. FFXIV was developed in mind without addons, WoW has always been developed in mind with addons. That’s very, extremely unlikely to change.

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Also let’s not forget that despite addons being banned in FFXIV, they are still widely used, and are very often more powerful than WoW addons are because they are unregulated.

It says something when your playerbase, risking a ban, are still downloading addons.


I know I’m the minority, but I only use Altoholic for crafting and material reasons and details as a damage meter.

I used to use weak auras and things, but I got lazy. I only update althoholic and details maybe twice an expansion if they break.


Have an add-on indicator running. Build everything for no add-ons. If people download them and get bored that’s a them problem. Have all achievements require no add-ons running.

That would be my evil solution.

You just keep thinking that. :person_facepalming:


Sure, ban addons. It would be absolute peak comedy to watch you all beg for them back.

We’ve joked for 20 years about “WoW killers”. This would actually do it. What an idiotic hill to die on.


Can’t beg to have something back you never had :joy::joy: it would be amusing seeing everyone else who plays the addon game freak out though

10000% agree. Itll never happen, but i whole heartedly agree. Any addon that plays the game for you should be removed. Gone are the days where you have to pay attention. Now all you have to do is wait for an addon to scream at you for standing in fire :unamused:

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Blizzard isn’t going to hire a hundred people just to fiddle with the UI.

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I find it… strange, that so many people apparently have an issue with DBM.

Like to each their own, but out of all the addons out there. Feels like a bizarre one to raise pitch forks against.


Where are these addons that play the game for you? I’d love that. Give me some free time from hunting rares :face_with_spiral_eyes: :face_with_spiral_eyes:


“Taunt now” “more out of the fire” “get to the (which ever marker)”… and encounters are designed by this…

The addon asking you to do something isn’t the same thing as doing it for you. The Blizzard UI will have stuff like that too, but do you think the game is playing itself for you?

They make me move my character? They activate my keybinds for me? Or do they just give me information that I specifically requested by installing the addon that I can then react to how I wish?

All the information is presented in base game without addons. There are no issues if someone else wants to present them to be a bit more obvious

Im not going to debate my stance on addons its obvious you enjoy them and that is good but not having to know a fight at all and all but ignore learning mechanics because an addon is flashes for you telling you what to do is overkill so we shall agree to disagree


No issues by what standard? Are you saying it does not affect the game?

The statement is also false, since many addons can make visible certain things that otherwise would not be.


Me personally choosing to have something scream in my ear if I am standing in fire has no affect on you playing the game whatsoever

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The game also tells you what to do. Does “run away little girl” ring any bells? That’s a prime example of the game literally shouting at you to do something. But nobody cried and whined about the game “playing itself” because that’s a silly argument.