It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

If the op offered any unique insights that werent based on trolling, it would at least been entertaining and worth engaging in.


I’m not sure why some of you are getting so angry over this post…

Do I think it’s ridiculous to say all addons need to be banned? Yes.

But attacking the OP isn’t a mature reaction. Voice your opinion respectfully, and move on.

There’s no need for the toxicity.


Not necessarily “simplified” the encounters, as some people have already point out, addon likes DBM/WA doesn’t always auto play the game for you.

But what all addons do and do better is: INFORMATION.

All addons are about getting information faster and more efficiently: e.g. voice alert, auto marker, timer, etc. from DBM, better nameplate, cd trackers, etc.

If Blizzard can make those information more visible, better telegraphing, easier tracking, then they don’t necessarily need to decrease difficulties.

Over the years, we have seen in-game quest tracker replace the old “questhelper”, in-game item level replace “gearscore”.

I think the new marker function in next patch is a nice change for combat. but they are not near enough, and there are a lot to be improved.

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The OP’s post is not a mature post. They make wild assumptions, speak for others, and actively state they want to remove careers and jobs from other people.


I have said this before, I am saying it again, and I will continue to say it:

You can have my addons when you pry them from my cold, dead hooves.

/moo :cow:


DBM/Big Wigs does not auto play the game for you at ANY point.

Its dishonest to say it doesnt “always” auto play, because it never does.


and that the post makes me go ok show us
with a video of the auto playing
without you touching the keyboard or controller in the same video


Then we could accuse them of botting and have a pretty solid case.


i agree it is time to ban draenei.

Completely agree and I think Dispelled hit the nail on the head earlier when they said:

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Or you could just learn to accept our space goat overlords and get to hoof polishing.

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NEVER! I will never bow you them floozies.

It’s time for OP to quit WOW.


Give me 1 example of a spell that is poorly telegraphed in the previous 2 raids.

the funny thing is we still have some orcs that makes the roads the old ways if that happens lol

And, they’ve taken those suggestions in many ways. The base game would probably not be anywhere near where it is now without the add-on community.


its time to ban discussion about banning addons.
if you dont like them dont use them.
‘problem’ literally solved


Blizzard can continue the current path, and make WoW more and more into a game of 3rd party websites, addons and sims. It just needs to accept the fact that it will continue decline and not attract new players.

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:yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face: