It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Hot dog


It’s time to ban discussion about “ban discussion about banning addons.”
If you don’t like a topic, don’t reply it.
“problem” literally solved.

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Its time to bring back the downvote button.


no it’s not

Having forums posters not linked the their BNet account is the biggest problem of WoW.


I had to lookup the 1st one. I think I’d go with the pizza. :pizza:

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That’s my go-to, but my wife loves the chicken bake.


Except your notion that changing anything would make it not decline and not attract new players is not based in reality.

Just like most of your complaints.


Yes, but that is another issue irrelevant to the topic.

You can open a new topic on support forum about that.

Maybe if they provided marinara sauce for the chicken bake as a dip, I’d like it more than both a good Costco glizzy and pizza slice. It’s dry af otherwise

Those are great too except when you get the one that is half dough

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Reminds me of what they used to call “pizza sticks” when I was young. Just a bunch of baked dough with some filling :laughing:

The only thing about add-ons I want banned is automated chat messages.

There is exactly zero need for five consecutive messages that you’re at 20% mana.

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or the old school pizzas we would get lol

lmao…when YOU are trying to affect MY game son, you MAKE IT MY business


We had something called pizza boat. Was just a slice of pizza shaped like a torpedo :stuck_out_tongue: Had the same texture as half baked bagel bites

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…Beat me to it.

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You can bypass the 10 character limit by doing this:
< aaaaaaaaaa >

Just remove the spaces and anything between the symbols won’t show.

My grandmother taught me if you put one slice of pizza face down on another, it made a pizza sandwich. She said this allowed you to eat twice as much pizza.


Yeah, but sometimes the comments are just better. :smiley:

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