Blizzard has literally come out and said that add-ons affect the way they design encounters, dungeons and PvP nerfs and buffs.
I’m happy with my performance. I’m not happy with the SS queue times, dwindling PvP scene or the increasingly toxic way players treat other in M+ because of the way those encounters are designed, leading to more people leaving the game . Add-ons are negatively impacting this game.
If someone binds a chain of four actions onto a single key, they aren’t even playing the game anymore. They’re practically telling the game to play itself for them. It’s cheating in higher end content.
You do realize that add on make keeping up with other people who have much more time than you to play the game much easier to do. Because without add ons most likely the gamers that your trying to keep up with, still wouldn’t be bothered to play with you, since web pages would still track your ability, skill and progression in the game and show that your under par with them.
The article you reference from Blizzard does not say they design raids, and dungeon encounters around add-ons. Thats the last thing they think about when they are designing. However, they did say after they have done their initial run, they take into consideration if the raid or dungeon can be altered by add-ons. They try to anticipate this and will block any add-ons that do , or can, alter dungeon or raid gameplay. Thats what was said.
If you don’t have a guild to do Mythic+ with then you leave yourself open to the toxicity of elitist players. Its basically pugging, and I don’t like that either. The PVP scene, that’s entirely different. I do decently without any special add ons or macros.
So, then you think that gaming mice are cheating, too? Since first day of WoW they have allowed for macros in game, key binding, etc.
There’s a third group (of which I include myself) that agree with the perception that SOME – not all, some – addons do give an unplanned impact on game play; but there ae others that have no impact at all beyond the individual player’s screen. The so-called QoL addons. There is ZERO impact on the game’s play design and mechanics if my mini-map is bottom-center of my screen; or if my quest list is center-left of my screen; or I have 6 action bars instead of 4; or my bag bar is bottom right of my screen.
Addons that give an advantage to playing the game – I don’t care if they’re banned or not. Addons that are purely QoL – leave 'em alone; let who wants them, have them. But a blanket ban of ALL addons – surely ye jest.
I came here to practically say this. For us RPers, it adds a lot more depth and dimension. Yes, we play other areas of the game of course but for RP? Adonis are practically essential.
Nobody makes you use addons.
I personally use wayfinder a lot, I loved the coordinates and map when it came to finding the glyphs for dragon riding.
What’s it to you if I have something that keeps me from getting lost in the game, or I use recount to check my dps, or dbm to help me not stand in the bad stuff.
Many more will fill in and the in-game community would be much more interactive and friendly. Third party addons are not required to play the game but players are constantly competing against other players who use them. The economy, pve, and pvp are all intertwined between players in the World of Warcraft, those that are not using the 3rd party addons are at a disadvantage.
They should just make a server that disables all addons. That way players.can choose
This is an enormous amount of copium. More players would leave than start playing because very few players are actively choosing to not play because addons exist, and frankly speaking, the game would become even more gatekeepy than people think it is now.