It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

I have several addons, but none of them are for actual mechanics in the game. I have one for scrap selling, no talking heads, numeration for dps counter, DejaCharacterStats to show the ilvl of items and have more stats on the right panel, and coordinates for my map. I don’t raid or do dungeons, so no need to have the warnings… I can look at the ground and see when I’m standing in :poop:.

All QOL addons.


No need to get so emotional it’s just my opinion you do whatever makes YOU happy big guy

And that’s why most of the hardcore players miss the Vanilla days, to think about the strategies, to learn the mechanics, those things were worth it in a raid run, but now dbm practically says to you when to breath or not lol. People complaining about secuenced macros when the game literally allows you to make a scrip with the macro chart, at least making macros dont involve third parties in the process, it seems not logical at all, isn’t it?

This is why threads need to auto-lock after a couple of weeks with no activity. Also this nonsense didn’t need to be resurrected.


Vanilla strategies.

The time period in WoW when they were the easiest and most simplified.

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Its kinda a genie is already out of the bottle situation, now that the community has become so used to the convenience they are much less likely to go without and would likely just irritate the playerbase that uses them(which we can guess is a fairly significant quantity) and given the current perception of Blizzard as a brand right now rocking that boat would not be wise.

No, go away. I am an intelligent non-lazy person and you do not speak for me. I would take addons in every game over the horrible UIs of any game maker 100% of the time.

Oh wait, 281 posts and 70 achievement points…this is another troll thread. Blizzard needs to ban troll accounts.


No. In fact, many addons Blizzard has realized should be incorporated into their retail, and they have borrowed parts of addons to incorporate them, or stolen entire addon functions. For example, recently the ‘sell grey’ addon has become ‘sell junk’ native. My gosh, if they hadn’t, and QQs like you got rid of ‘Sell Grey’ addon, then we’d be back to individually clicking a hundred items from our bags one at a time??! Oh please. Addons exist to fill holes till Blizzard figures out it has holes and…and steals the addon.

So let me get this straight. They make the game so insane that you need addons to keep up but claim they only made game insane because they know people have addons.

If not for the crazy demand from high DPS i wouldn’t have rotation helpers, cause between constantly moving and having “dynamic” rotations instead of “boring” static less than 4 button rotations, I miss where i am supposed pick back up after moving. Its because of that I hardly brave going into dungeons or raids.
Please don’t get rid of Addons.

FF14 is thataway :point_right:

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If your topic is dead, it is dead. Bumping dead topics is considered as trolling.


Knowing them, they’ll re-post it word for word in a fresh thread for the 3rd time at some point.


Actually, they could design better and more interesting trinkets, rings and neck pieces, illuminating the need for add ons, and increasing the design scope within their own game…

We need more addons not less.

If you don’t like addons … DON’T USE THEM!

i wanna see a raise of hands of ppl who do not use dbm lol.

If people stopped responding to topics after a certain periods of time, in most cases, a month at minimum though by my own speculation, not sure on how long a topic needs to be inactive for it to become dead, then the topic is usually considered dead. Necro’ing dead threads is considered as trolling:


I may have in the past necroed a post, but it wasn’t intentional. Especially if it has to do with an issue that doesn’t warrant a new post about the same issue creeping up again, bugs would be one good example.

That said, when I started reading this post, it took me little time until I got near the end that it was noticed to be necroed. When using the search features which some don’t which causes multiple posts, the game will pull up what people might think is an active or semi-active post.

As I said I can either add on to an old post with issues or I can start a new post about the same issues and maybe miss someone that found the issue as well and found an answer.

Let me give you a picture of what would happen if addons were banned. One, Blizzard doesn’t have much of a UX/UI team frankly so what we’d get would be pretty basic. Two, the game would get far more annoying in many respects to play due to lack of QoL. Three, the game would get harder because addons give helpful information that helps people optimize their rotations, positioning, etc and thus likely result in content becoming easier.

Oh and people with no RAM installed would run the game smoother perhaps and addon errors would stop messing up the game at times.

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If you want the game to exist and be healthy, you wouldn’t be supporting removing addons. The mass exodus that would happen would be astounding, including me.

Unknown necro. Nice


In my opinion, its time to ban anyone demanding addons be banned, lol.
go play another game if this one isnt making you happy.