It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

How do you react to

Disintegration halo 2 (x2) in 10 seconds?

Then use an addon manager.

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I wouldn’t say ban addons, there’s a lot of useful QoL ones, but at this point addons like DBM and Weakauras have become WAY too powerful.

Weakauras in particular, is beyond powerful, if you can program too you can also make some very strong assistance UI displays. Verbal commands and warnings of what other players are doing, etc.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to bash into Weakauras because I know nothing about it, but I do, I use it exclusively and I have created my own and downloaded many off Wago that help as well.

I know firsthand the power of it and it is starting to get pretty out of control.

Remove addons? No. A massive culling? Yes.

If I can find the article I will post here. But Blizzard made it very clear that certain elements of any addon that would interfere in gameplay as to change mechanics of the encounter would be blocked and not allowed.

Any examples from the past couple of tiers of how is out of control? Because to me it seems Blizzard has it under control, they break anything they dont like and they seem happy about how things are currently.

There is really nothing that outrageous in the last 3-4 tiers that really make me things they need to do much. People that complain about addons never give concrete examples on how are they being abuse.

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You’re asking me how banning versus not banning add-ons affects my gameplay? There are 1056 replies in this topic to date, so you do the math. It’s of my concern because it’s of every player’s concern; it has a significant impact on the game as a whole whether or not add-ons continue to be allowed.

Banning add-ons and forcing players to immersion learn situational awareness and quick arithmetic will completely shake up the PvP ladder, forever alter how Blizzard designs boss and trash pack encounters and change how class nerfs and buffs affect gameplay as a whole. Players will have less ability to use overtuned classes to their advantage unless they learn to get smarter about how they play.

PvP in this game is swirling down the drain and it doesn’t help matters that the fine balancing act Blizzard is forced to play usually results in too much dampening or certain classes getting buffed so hard one season that everyone rolls that class.

Without add-ons, we would have fewer trash packs full of mobs that constantly spam the same two cancer-causing spells or else the game is too easy for the add-on crowd, and instead have dungeons designed more around smart pulls, patience, different class utility and gameplay-affecting terrain like traps, nooks and crannies and pillars for LoS, blind corners, etc. It would actually be fun to do dungeons again, and it would feel more rewarding and more challenging in a satisfying way because navigating them successfully would be the result of your skillset, forethought and efforts alone.

What a weird position to take.

“Wouldn’t it be great if you could never know what was going on? Like anything at all? The warrior right clicked the boss and walked off to make a sandwich, but you’ll never know. Your rogue got globaled. Guess that mystery will never be solved.”

No, no it would not be great.

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“Any opinion I disagree with is a troll”


no because without candy buckets and all the things i would still have excelll sheets worth of crap to keep track of

Yes, there are over 1,000 replies on this thread, with a majority in favor of add ons. Those that aren’t in favor I can bet have never used addons or have no clue how to set them up. So, therefore they think no one should be using addons.

You give way to much credit to addons vs player’s actual abilities. Very little gameplay is affected by addons. It’s the player that affects their own game. Has nothing to do with anyone else.

You actually sound like someone who blames addons, and other players, for your performance not living up to your standards.

I really hope addons are banned. I hate keeping up with what I need to have in order to play the game with everyone else. Sucks when you are casual.

There isn’t a single addon required to complete 95% of the content in this game.

The vast majority of group content, including heroic raiding, can be done with a fully default UI.


What is it that you think you need to keep up with? Add ons do not affect your gameplay. Are you a major elitist player? Do you compete in PVPs, or high end Raids and Dungeons?

How does others gameplay affect you? It doesn’t. You affect your own gameplay.

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Tell you what go make your own game then you can ban addons all you want. The rest of us will be over here playing WoW where addons are allowed and make the game more fun for us.

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My end of the screen has no effect on your end of the screen.

Time to get gud if you blame add ons for your poor game performance. It’s a skill issue.

My Altoholic, BTW’s quest, Handynotes and many others are things I can only see on my end.


So because you’re lazy everyone else should suffer. :man_facepalming:

Relax big guy I just don’t like addons I have limited time to play the game hahahaha

Let’s go with that

That’s real good for you glad you like them

So, because you don’t like add ons then no one else should have them? Again, it doesn’t affect you in anyway.

Edit: Additionally, I have had the same add ons for years. I haven’t had to “keep up” with any new add ons. Also, if you do have a link for add ons, they can be automatically updated for you without ever going into the app.

So, I guess you think that macros shouldn’t be allowed in the game, either. Those that keybind and use macros for their gameplay?