It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

A person can do the same thing on voice chat, doing call out is not a big deal. When addons start to going beyond that is when they become a problem, but Blizzard has been good on stopping that by breaking problematic ones.

It does though. The cues DBM provides reduces that awareness one needs to have to beats an encounter. That doesn’t mean it pilots your character to victory over the hardest boss in the game.

So it doesn’t automate anything. Okay good, just making sure we’re on the same page.

Yes it does. It just doesn’t play your character for you, but I never said that it did anyway. Either way, you’re just being pedantic because my overall point that DBM makes encounters easier is true.

You still need the awareness to know what to do when you are targeted by a mechanic. Is the same thing as a raid leader calling out mechanics, is still on the player to deal with them.

Only addons i would use back in days is dark frames and that’s it. All other addons are absolutely unnecessary. You can be world first without DBM, you can complete dungeons on time without dps meter as well raids. You can see when player is using his ability so Addons are personal preference that are not required at all

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(Joining in a bit late here, so sorry if I’ve missed some context to the discussion)

Eh, while I’d agree that timers and sound alerts isn’t automation, when it comes to some mechanics there are addons that automate solving the puzzle that the mechanic poses. While it doesn’t automate your actions, it certainly automates solving the mechanical puzzles posed to your raid group.

Best example of this is the well documented Archimonde addon that displayed a simple line map to quickly deal with Wrought Chaos. Method used the add on to quickly solve the puzzle, and Paragon (I think it was them? It’s been awhile) used a carefully planned raid formation. Guess who won the race. While I wouldn’t say that that addon literally took control of their characters, SOME level of automation did occur in defeating the mechanic.

All about where we draw that line of when an addon provides so much information as to render a mechanic moot. For me, it’s when an add on literally tells you where you should stand and when. Particularly when such decisions require a dynamic decision be made based on variable raid/mechanic positioning. At that point… yeah… it sorta is automation.

And now you don’t need a raid leader to call certain mechanics because of an addon; making the fight easier and requiring the devs to invent new ways to occupy the mental bandwidth that has been freed up.

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Here’s the thing, all of the weakauras that “automated” mechanics: Wrought Chaos, Star Auger Bombs, Lords of Dread Amongus minigame were all broken by Blizzard within a week of them becoming public, as they should have been.

Map weakauras that many points to as being egregious (as seen on fights like Fatescribe, Jailer, or Echo) aren’t really doing anything super sophisticated beyond reading a list and displaying a number, the map graphic is just a static image, not an actual map. And I can tell you that without the jailer bomb weakaura, that encounter would still be doable, it just reduced the total pull count by about 400 attempts.

Because even with a “map” showing you where to go, you still need to put in the reps on these bosses to manage everything else going on.

There have definitely been examples of weakauras that have automated gameplay in the past, but all of them have been bricked by Blizzard pretty quickly.

Also, I tend to think that the accessibility of addons actually reduces the potential for gatekeeping in high-end play. Imagine if you will that all combat addons are now no longer functional, all that would happen is that websites and tools would pop up that people would run on their 2nd monitors to track timers and notes. It would mean that trying to raid in WoW without a 2nd monitor would be as much trolling as it is currently to not be using a boss mod. This means that there would be an actual hardware requirement to play the game beyond what is in the recommended system requirements.

“Oh, can’t afford a 2nd monitor? Whelp, have fun in LFR noob.”

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You still need a raid leader, for mythic there are a lot of things dbm doesn’t cover and are better to call out anyway. Dbm is more for pugs that don’t usually use voice chat, you guys give too much credit to those addons.

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I wouldn’t mind it, but some of the most popular/useful ones should probably be integrated into the game by default. Checking your stats (Meters), UI options, ect.

No, leave my add-ons alone.
If you don’t like them then don’t play with them but until you pay for my sub don’t tell me how it what to use to make the game how I want it.


I know how DBM works, I use it. DBM doesn’t make you a better player.

Your skill is how you apply this information, how you use the information received. DBM making you aware of situational mechanic’s doesn’t make you a better player. Doesn’t make it easier. Looking at videos on YouTube of certain fights, makes you more aware of situations too. Doesn’t make you a better player. Just makes you more aware.

It’s how you apply the knowledge you receive that makes you a better player.

that’s not true at all. there are still many functions during dungeons and raids that are called out. depending if you are with your guild or pugging


go play a different game if you dont want addons.

for the hard core? games not designed (or supposed to be) designed around them so addons being gone being better for hard core is making changes specifically for the 1%

for the casuals, not everything is competitive based. and there are a lot of flavor addons that have no real bearing on weather you can succeed or fail in the game

half the fun though is in tailoring the info the game play gives you into a visual tool set that differs widely from player to player.

why would a game company reduce the amount of free outsourcing by removing addons? why take on the burden of that cost?

you think them trying to take flying away was bad? imagine what happens if you remove the core ui setup people have already built over the years.

the only wow killer is wow and removing addons at this point is a solid path for the game to kill itself. :dracthyr_shrug:

and the removal of combat addons will just create a higher disparity of competency.

its been years and you still have things that happen which are impossible to notice or react to without modified sound effects. these are basic things that were not designed because they are addon counters. designing around addons. its just obscure mechanics because it visually looks better.

afflicted are hard to notice.

ground effects blend in to the ground.

and damage meters, healing and damage take. all of it should be baseline.
people want to see big numbers. to see if they are doing better or worse.

the game just feels worse when you dont have that info.

the greater good for the game is for good things to be added, not for existing things to be removed. self destructive development to remove addons.

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note, I said for certain mechanics. Not mythic raiding. The majority of players are not mythic raiders. A lot, or even most are pugging without voice chat. So addons like DBM ARE going to make things easier.

I never said it did. I said that it frees up mental bandwidth, which is does.

DBM doesn’t make encounters easier. It doesn’t reduce the difficulty level of a fight. It is basically a tool used, to help know what mechanics are there, and prepare for certain mechanics. It doesn’t change the difficulty of the encounter for a fight.

So it makes an encounter easier

Try convenient. Big difference. Blizzard implemented somethings from DBM into the base game. Does that mean the encounter is easier?

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Twenty years ago called. that time has long passed.