It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Doesn’t matter, all the thing you said in that post was nonsense either way.

I literally have a buff I cant track without an add on.

Your view on the game feels rather stunted.

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I have no idea why anyone takes up argument in these obviously inflammatory opinion posts; it’s not like anyone is asking for input from GD, nor does OP have any insight and clearly lacks software engineering background.

Blizzard understands the limitations of their public APIS so there will be no move to disable plugins at any time before this game ends. Blizzard exposes the APIs they believe may be useful to write addons to play the game while not playing for you. And if they make a mistake, they fix it.

Spend all the time you like trying to rally the pitchforks and torches and burning down the building, that’s what this forum is for; to mislead, inveigle and infuriate.


Mmmhmm. Right.

What? They tried that ages ago, it was epic fail.

People expect you to use Discord to raid these days.

How does any of that affect you and your gameplay? How is it any of your concern?

This is so spot on. And none of the addons you mentioned are combat addons. I use TomTom, World Quest Tracker, TomCat’s Tours, and Handy Notes.

I especially love TomCat’s Tours because of the timers. I have my little dialog box set up just above my chat box. Perfect for notifications of special events.

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Addons have enhanced my experience with the game personally.


I rather quit than play without addons.


I dislike the adodn game but Blizz will need to put in some major UI overhauls and adjust fights accordingly to make that work.

right now now one has time on fights to look for a tiny debuff somewhere while dodging and dispelling and and and and … button bloat hasnt helped this.

I think that is really what they are aiming at honestly.
It’s kind of like concern trolling.

It helps if you review videos before you play a dungeon, too

i like addons. shrugs

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How do you think they make encounters easier? Have you ever tried DBM before?

DBM literally calls out mechanics for you, like stuff you need to soak, stuff you need to get out of the way of etc. It actually can automate a fair amount of the mechanics of a fight and take that mental bandwidth off of you.

I can both agree and disagree with your position. Downloading addons is a pain … a relatively minor one, but still a pain. But, for me, it’s a sufferable pain.

I don’t like the game’s action bars; an addon lets me move them to locations and appearance (# of rows vertical and horizontal) that is more suitable to my play-style and physical abilities. And I can have more than the default if I want them.

I don’t like the default mini-map location; an addon lets me more it, resize it, and customize what buttons appear around it and when/if they appear constantly or only on mouseover.

I don’t like the game’s rigidity in UI customization, overall, There’s no reason for it being that way other than the developer’s ego. We are NOT all the same, and our differences should be respected and accommodated when it does not interfere with actual game play.

You’re right, that’s why everyone who installs it has Cutting Edge.

Oh wait…

Combat addons should have been banned when encounters started to be designed with the addons in mind.

They should be banned immediately and permanently.

What a ridiculous goal post shift. You know that making encounters easier does not mean making the hardest level of content doable for everybody in the game, right?

You said it can automate mechanics, which it cannot, that is what I’m taking a dig at.