It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

I use some too, but if they were removed, it wouldn’t hurt my game play at all. I played since og vanilla.

You are just running with the wrong folks. I haven’t had to share an achievement since og LK

I’m old and need some addons. Such a change would be very difficult for me to handle. I’ve used ELVUI since I begun.

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Do you consider yourself a good player? Do you do raids and dungeons? How do you fair? Is there anything that frustrates you about the game other than Addons?

You sound frustrated that you aren’t competitive enough and you are blaming it all on Addons.


I’m pretty sure it’s time to ban trolls like you.


This is just baseless speculation just as much as anyone else’s baseless speculation. Why do you think you can speak with authority on what the game and company can and cannot do?

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I use addons via CurseForge. You link it to your account. All you do is go in and check if there are updates and hit the update button. It takes all of 5 seconds to update. Not sure what you are talking about that it takes all this skill and time to update your addons. You either don’t use addons or you have no clue how to sync and update your addons.

I go into CurseForge every day and check for updates. Seconds in and out.

Edit: As I have been reminded :slight_smile: You can set your addons to auto update. How freaking easy is that? (I like to go in and look at the updates and read the changes, just my quirk)

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There is even an option for auto updates I believe, regardless… you shouldn’t spend more than 10 seconds updating addons :joy:

I wish you quoted who you are replying to so I could see the silliness. But tbh… most of this thread’s comments against addons have been pretty ridiculous.

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The RP addons are a godsend, they really add some elements that aren’t in an RP friendly game. I’d like to keep the addons thank you.

This is what happens when the trolls come and try and take over the forums.

Keyword being “try” xD

Even so, the quiet majority don’t use the forums. They can whine all they want, it’ll never happen.

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Okay, but what about people who use them to roleplay (Total RP3) and such like that? There isn’t a system in place in the base game that allows for this level of character customization/lore creation.

Uh huh… Go download the addons they use and go try mythic raiding, I’m sure it’s nothing at all to do with skill.

The anti addon players are ridiculous lmao. :clown_face:

Raiding is extremely easy right now, the easiest it’s been in years. There’s nothing wrong with a new player taking some time to get used to the game before they’re expected to easily raid heroic+…
Although my guild has recently had a few new players join that picked up raiding extremely quickly, so it’s just people expecting things to be handed to them without trying that claim this.

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If you don’t like addons, don’t use them, and the
Other players will decide what works best for them.

I will say since Dragonflight was released, I do like the UI improvements added to the base game, like mouse over casting and the action bar configuration. I’ve stopped using addons for those things.


I started to write there was an auto update feature but couldn’t remember if that was in CurseForge or not. But you are right, either way it takes seconds.

I was replying to the OP. Which i can tell she has no clue what she is talking about here

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I totally agree. I would add I have a suspicion the OP is struggling in this game and is blaming it on the community that uses addons. Instead of blaming it on themselves for just not playing at the level they want.


Oh no that makes it worse. I saw bullet points of nonsense and my eyes glazed over :joy:

That last line is a clear example they are clueless.
“The Overwolf and WoWup issue shows again how messy third parties are…”

Like… curse, overwolf, twitch app, they literally streamlined the addon process.

Who remembers having to find the addon/update. Download it. Find your addon folder, drag/drop. Make sure everything was compatible.
“Oh no everything is broken… brb deleting my WTF folder and starting over…”


Addons are fine. If you choose to use them that is up to you. Also notice some mass reporting of valid post here so feel free to report this cause you don’t agree. It just shows you waste your time trying to false flag people who don’t agree with you rather than trying to have a valid discussion.


If you want to play a game without addons, try Final Fantasy. Wow has always allowed addons, should always allow addons, and addons are hugely important to many people’s enjoyment of the game, myself included. I do not want to use the stock UI for basically anything. I want the flexibility to display information the way I want it displayed. My UI is more functional than the stock UI, and if I were forced to downgrade to the stock UI, I would probably stop playing the game altogether.

The fact that some mechanics require ridiculous WeakAuras to do (I’m looking at you Mythic Echo of Neltharian) is not an addon problem. It’s an encounter design problem.

I’ll use M Echo of Neltharian as an example because it’s the only fight this tier that requires any addons at all.

Volcanic Heart gives you 6 seconds to spread massive circles to avoid one-shotting your raid group. The distance you need to physically spread in order to do this is pretty huge–if two people head toward the same spot for a second or two, there will not be enough time to fully spread, and it will wipe your group. There is absolutely no way that the average CE guild could do this fight without a WeakArua helping coordinate who goes where. Maybe the best players in the world could pull it off, but that’s only a maybe. It’s still challenging with the WeakAura.

The problem with that fight is not that there is a WeakAura to help with the mechanic. The problem is that there is not enough time to handle the mechanic without one, given how big the circles are–you can’t just spread out, you have to spread very specifically. If VH lasted longer, or if the circles were smaller, there wouldn’t be any need for a WeakAura. This one is 100% on the encounter design team.

And this is the only fight this tier where an addon is actually required to complete the content. There are plenty of points where it’s helpful to have basic things like timers or better debuff tracking, but it’s not required like it is with this fight.

Now to address the points you made:

The RWF is utterly irrelevant to 99.99% of the community. No matter what Blizzard does, the RWF teams will do degenerate stuff to win. Literally nothing that Blizzard does should be because of the RWF–those folks treat WoW as a job because it is literally their job. Ignore the race when deciding how to develop this game–even the RWF teams will tell you that.

This statement is just objectively false. This is the easiest raid tier in years. You can make it through AOTC without using a single addon. There is absolutely zero requirement for any addons before Mythic, which is not something that casual players are going to be involved with. If you don’t want to use addons, you do not have to as a casual player.

Before DBM existed, people used to time mechanics with a stopwatch (like a literal stopwatch like your high school gym coach carried around). That information was then used, completely outside the game, to coordinate raid groups. When addons like DBM were developed, it was just to simplify this rather annoying process and make it available for everyone.

Making addons like DBM not work would not have the effect you think it would. It would just make playing more annoying because we would just go back to the old way.

This is a complete non-issue. WoWUP handles all my addons in the background without me ever thinking about it. It takes like 5 mins to fully set it up, and you can copy your entire wow directly to any other computers you use.

In the two decades this game has been around, there has been one minor hiccup with third-party sites, which you reference. But at no time did anyone lose access to addons. Alls they had to do was install a different app for like a month. Whoopty-doo. And of course, you don’t have to install an app at all if you don’t want to–they just make managing addons more convenient. If you’re not using many addons, you can install them individually like we used to do in the old days.

Nobody is making you use addons if you don’t want to.

I want to. Stop trying to mess up my game experience.


Even in mythic, There are addons that are actually required on maybe 1 fight an expansion.