It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Hardly anyone agrees with you. Its 14 vs 100. Come one bro. Take the L.

I don’t think any of the millennials could function without addons. I know it’d be annoying without things like rare scanner and handy tools. I generally don’t even use DBM I just pay attention to what’s going on and react, I know crazy right?

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If you ban addons a lot of players are going to find out how bad they are at this game.


I’d be fine with the removal of addons as long as the game was coded to compensate. The reason addons exist is because the game provides woefully inadequate information to the player. Addons are the solution, not the problem.


So you agree that it is totally fine if all addons are banned.

No, if you don’t want to use them, then don’t.
Others shouldn’t be forced to play the game the way you do.
Basically you do you, don’t try and force others to be like you.


According to the interview with DBM developer, he is the sole maintainer since WOTLK.

And that is 1 person for a big addon like DBM.

I really doubt it takes a lot of people or money for Blizzard to do it. It is a problem of will and design philosophy.

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There is no problem - as you can raid without it successfully.


:dracthyr_a1: huh, I learned a thing. Thank you for this information. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Banning addons won’t make you better.

And I’d bet gold that’s what you’re thinking. All these threads are like that.

“I don’t like it or want it so lets be rid of it and I’ll magically be better.”


The only addon that I could really agree with removing in this context, and from my equation (not other peoples’ equations) is Recount and the like. I found that I would actually do worse with most classes because I was focused so much on the numbers.

But…just because I don’t like it or use it, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist. With addons, mileage varies significantly depending on the person. And yeah, removing them completely wouldn’t suddenly make everyone better at the game.


10 char


My angle with addons like that is that they have been a massive tool in improving my own play. As well as showing how much it has improved.

I see where you’re coming from though. If the going gets rough and you see stuff you don’t like on the meters, it can be tilting. I sometimes just show the top person. Helps with the drive to step it up. But also doesn’t create a comparison between everyone, which is mainly what tilts me.

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Honesty, if they make a function like Trp in-game with the level of depth and complexity that it has along with things like emote splitter and other silly features I use add-ons for, I would be down with removing add-on support.

Caveat to that opinion is they won’t… Like, ever. So dear lord no, this take is horrible, please don’t ever let them remove add-ons.

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I find it really entertaining that people like this don’t know how to itemize their characters correctly yet want to dictate what the rest of the player base should do. Just say you want to get carried through content without people seeing just how clueless you are and move on.


Yes, so can everyone. So there is no problem with banning those addons.

I do not want to see addons banned. But FFS many addons shouldnt be needed at all. Take DBM for example. Most other games dont need this because the game announces mechanics coming in.

So while DBM or BigWigs is not “required” to raid. It is a key tool is helping players learn the mechanics on new boss encounters.

Which leads me back to, WHY BLIZZ? Why can you not just put mechanic announcements into the game for players. Make it optional toggle.

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Right?! :|.

@OP: Nuh-uh, I hardly use mods outside of TRP3 and SpartanUI, but the UI looks like absolute dookie without SpartanUI.

It is an obvious question that Blizzard does not want to answer.

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This topic should be locked and OP should be banned if they make yet another one. It’s pointless and will never happen. In order for addons to be banned the company would have to incorporate too much into the base game. The game is too old for them to spend the time and money on something like that. If it were ever going to happen, it would have happened years ago. Your pathetic attempts at trolling this pointless topic have been largely dismissed. Go back to your EU forums. We don’t need or want anymore of your nonsense here. No thanks, Beks.