It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Interesting. I have never thought of Microsoft factory actually.

And yet we have a dev team who is still trying to get ride of traditional flight. If they can try to do that bs they can do the same for addons.

Maybe the real problem is we have a dev team who creates fights with addons in mind which undermines wow in general on both sides of this post. Think about it.

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GL with that. You will never see that and I am thankful for that :slight_smile: Get rekt.

Of course, they are creating fights with addons in mind, they’ve always done that. This whole “addons are making raid fights harder” is mostly just cope from players who are just terrible at the game. Instead of taking a moment to come to terms with the fact that their inability to clear a normal/heroic raid actually comes from a personal failing, it’s easier much easier to blame an ever-increasing list of boogymen, of which addons happen to be one.

Sorry Mate, I misunderstood your post.

I think all addons should be purely for cosmetics. This was brought up during RWF. Literally they have addons and WA that does everything for them.

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  • Do we want you to feel like you have to download third party addons to succeed in the game? Nope, none of that feels good.

So have you all ever thought about actually disabling the combat addons? Have there been conversations about that or is it just kind of an idea?

  • I mean… it’s an idea that we’ve had conversations about.

Yeah, we’ve already acknowledged that they are designing fights with add-ons in mind, but what we haven’t agreed on is that it makes the fights harder. I can think of 3 fights in the last 5 years that have had addon requirements, and in all of those instances, the addon requirement only occurred on Mythic, a difficulty that less than 5% of the total player base engages with.

I am NOT for banning addons. Simply because they fix so many of the short comings in this game.

That said. Many addons I and others use like: DBM, GTFO, Details, Method Raid Tools, MiniMap Button and Simulation Craft should be built into the game.

There is NO reason we should need DBM or Big Wigs in dungeons or raids. The game should have an option to announce phases and big mechanics built in.

GTFO should be an accessibility option because some of us old folk are going blind.

Everyone should have their own (PERSONAL) DPS/HPS meter. Just so you can make sure your doing your best.

While we are at it. There needs to be rotation helper for new players or existing players to re-familiarize themself with changes to their classes rotation.

The truth is Blizzard has been so relaxed on addons simply because they didnt want to spend the money to improve the game. Now its come and bit them in the butt as new players coming to the game dont want to deal with addons or know how to install them. I get that. So while I personally never want to see them ever get rid of WeakAuras, they do need to start putting many of the addons as features into the game so people will not have a need for them at all.


WoW has become more and more unfriendly for new players over the years.
It is a big problem for the community and the game’s future.
But Blizzard seems to be fine with it, and more focused on the esports.

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Yea I agree.

I keep trying to get more people to play. But each time people get overwhelmed with all the “other” junk you have to do to play the game and just quit or move on to something else.

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If you don’t like addons take your ideas and shove off to the multitude of other games that don’t allow them.


Addons are not required to play the game. The barrier isn’t addons, its 20 years of game material that overwhelms new people.


Generally when I see this comment, its from sub performing players or super casuals.

I kinda wish there was a built in dps/healing counter. Its never made sense why its not built in game. :dracthyr_shrug:

I have never understood why in pvp its ok to know your opponents cd’s and its kinda like old school screen peaking in my, “quite biased and deep fried blooming onion of an opinion.” :dracthyr_tea:

As for the addons like DMB, You can play without it, but its gonna be nearly required for mythic raids because its a good way to sync with the raid team and for tanks/healers to know the very second to hit defensives. But even then nearly 90% of bosses have predicable windups and even cast bars to tell you that. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

I can understand well the divide, and problem is there’s not a good way to compromise this. Its either

  1. You hire the addon guys to make said addons official and in game for all, and inevitably let them go later unless blizzard is truly committed to job security. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:
  2. Blizz bans all or some addons, and makes in game replicas which then deprives the addon makers of jobs, and get major backlash from those who have used said addons for years.

:dracthyr_a1: Keeping the status quo is sadly the most logical and peaceful option.

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What addon is required then?
ALL addons just make some things easier such as timers and such, but they are not required.

Not going to waste my time arguing with you on this. Enjoy your LFR progression.

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You’re the one thats refusing to answer a very basic question lol

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To be fair you’re right that they’re not required, but how does others using add ons impact your play?
Why do you care so much?


Based off this post, I turned off DBM to give it a shot.

No complaints so far, it does make the game more fun. But, different strokes for different folks