It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

I like addons. Without them I don’t think wow would have lasted as long as it has. Being able to customize and configure how information is presented to you is just as creative as customizing your character. Perhaps more, actually, since a good setup can be more impactful than a few pieces of gear or whatever.

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Fine by me.

You are not required to use any addons, and the addons dont automate your toon.
If you don’t want to use them then don’t. No one else should be forced to play the way you do.


I never use addons anymore. I have not ever since Curse got bought out. They really suck now and Im not going to support them with how bad they are and what they have turned into.

The Curseforge/Overwolf app is a lot smoother and faster. Seriously. All you need to do is boot it up, update your addons in record time and close it again.


If you know anything about computer programming then the only way to make software as quick as possible is if it does two things, 1, never shuts off even when you instruct it to, and 2, installs spyware to track the sites you go to incase you end up downloading something else that is better as well as to collect all your data in order to see how they can improve. 0 way it could have gotten so good so fast without doing one or all of those things, hence why I do not trust it.

there’s a version of the downloader that doesn’t use overwolf.

I don’t trust overwolf either.

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You clearly haven’t used Weakauras, it can automate movement, actions, etc. It was even mailing player gold without their knowledge. It can !follow players through portals. How is that not automation?

No. addon’s make the game fun to play.

Use it every day.

Citation needed.


Going to need to see evidence of this. Also where they got the addon from. A lot of untrused sites out there with malware in their downloads.

Good evening,

Looking for a status on this ticket to ban addons.

Thank you,

You do realize that has nothing to do with automation… right?

So your entire argument of WA playing the game for you…

Is a 3 year old not updated WA for TBC Classic that does nothing but /follow?

A WA that uses /follow when prompted through an input…is why you want WA’s banned?

I didn’t think you had a real argument. Thank you for confirming.

Blizzard obviously does not consider /follow a form of automation.

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Correct - the people who were banned for it were not even banned for automation - but caught by the relatively new anti-multi boxing rules

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Fun fact - key broadcasting software wasn’t banned due to automation.

It was banned because it made it too difficulty to detect bots.

Any add on that provides this functionality will already be banned.

Including WA.

WA doesn’t normally do this functionality.

You do know WeakAura’s doesn’t automate or bot anything in game. There is a big difference.

Ban yourself instead!

You clearly have never used WA.


Weakauras doesn’t enable automatisation.

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The post reaches over 800 replies. Of course I will ignore those meaningless call out or replies.

This is an important issue and big problem in current WoW. And it needs to be posted and discussed again and again.

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