It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

with combat add on it give the players a
1 heads up on a move to get rdy or tank swap
2 know who to pair up with on some mechanics or to move away from the group
3 who has the bad puddles that needs to be moved away from the group.

Fair! But based on achievements the OP here seems to be a frequent poop-poster just swapping random level 10s around and posting nonsense for “Internet clout” and that’s really got to stop.


and fwiw, I think this is a good thing. fights - especially at the mythic level - were getting insanely complicated.

blizz can tone it back without banning addons though. as we have seen in their ability to hide certain spells/auras from the api.

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Frack that!!

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Totally agree that if they want to post nonsense they should cowboy up and own it.


EU chars can’t post on US forum unless you make a level 10. But that is totally irrelevant to the topic.

Your use of “required” here seems like an intentionally loaded term because the issue is accessibility, not “is it technically possible to do it without them.” Fight timers are very useful on nearly every boss because of accessibility, even if they’re not explicitly required.

  • Lords of Dread
  • Jailer
  • Dathea
  • Broodkeeper
  • Rasz
  • Sark
  • Many of the tank swap mechanics
  • Every boss where a bait tactic is used by the group

If I were to include dungeons from just this tier it would be a very long list, assuming you’re doing content at a difficulty where pre-applying a defensive is a life/death scenario.


What about restrictions on what aspects the addons can have. Like model edits, or other things.

Changing mithril nodes to look like Ragnaros the Fire Lord was a bannable offense but its really just an addon.

I think its worth regulating them heavier but not banning them.

It isnt.

  • people will leave
  • content wont get simplified. Youre fooling yourself
  • dont have to use them now

Modifying your game files is very different from utilizing a provided API.

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Like model edits
might been server side not the client side thats why these were banned

WoW has already suffered and declined a lot because of worsen community and lack of fresh blood.

WoW is already a high entry barrier game for new comers, because its complicated systems, specs, rotations, etc.

When all other popular games like LoL, Dota, CS only requires new players to download the game and go, WoW asks you to download addon managers first, then download addons, then check some 3rd party website, before you properly start.

Good luck to get new players into this. :joy:


You aren’t required to play with them. There are plenty of people who don’t

And good luck keeping the people who have used them for seventeen years


If you have no addons, the game doesn’t tell you to download addons. The only time WoW tells you about addons is when your addons may be out of date. So, you’re making up stuff again.


Just a heads-up OP, you’re going to see a lot of projection on US forums. A lot of ugliness and nastiness. (Idk how the EU forums are like)

Basically just some very nasty attitudes because of online anonymity.


Right. Perhaps a poor example, but i think the modern addons, specifically weakaura, but im sure there are others, deserve a second look.

If not that, then adjusting gameplay so that weakauras arent nearly as important.

I dont like the trend of blizzard absorbing optional player creations into the base UI. And i really dont want weakaura to become the norm

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porofessor league of legends
the other has addons to see what the other team has also

Combat Addons are almost exclusively fancy clocks.

Fancy clocks are fine. But computational addons that tell you to go to “Star” or “Left/Right” are what Blizzard dislikes.

telling the truth isn’t a nasty attiitude

it’s a bad idea, completely meritless, and something that will never happen.

OP is certainly entitled to their opinion, just as the rest of us are entitled to respond with our own.


Personal attacks are nasty. Attacking ideas is fine.