It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Money is the incentive.

Banned addons + No in-game functions = Players crying/leaving/quitting = Sub lost = Money lost

Bobbie doesn’t like that

Yeah, I think I’m done humoring you now. I will no longer be responding to you or your posts. Have a good day.

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Hiw about a big ole fat no. Most of the addons that i use are litterally to make the ui bearable

I don’t think anyone is dictating anything. I think people are just saying what they think and what they’d like. Everyone who says “I don’t want that” is just as valid and valuable as feedback as “I’d like this”.

Asking for addons to be banned is really trying to dictate others though. Right now you have the option to use them or not. Disallowing them would remove the option from those who want them


I have addons that help me track oodles of information thats inperative to make the difference between a good healer and a bad healer.

I track my own CDs on separate WAs and have omniCD to track the defensive uses of my team mates. Knowing when my Blood DK is in purgatory is so imperative to tight situations for example.

DBM helps track enemy information as welll and especially helps since most bosses dont telegraph what they’re about to do and I can preemptively prepare for the next wave of damage.

There’s a plethora of other examples that help elaborate on tracking information that the default UI doesn’t or at least not as intuitively. I’d rather keep add ons a thing for those reasons.

Some of you dont do high end content and it shows.

I don’t do much high-end content and I still find many addons useful. WeakAuras for example helps me keep track of Barbed Shot better. And that is one benefit among many.


Balling up your fists and screeching the same thing over and over doesn’t make it true. “They cause problems” but then uses circular talk to avoid specifics until “lol it’s not even worth talking to you because you don’t read” and then on to the next person to cherry-pick, deflect, and avoid for 10 or so posts. Rinse and repeat. Go troll your own forums again. We’re all good here.


Keep RP addons. Idc about anything else.

Yep. I stopped playing their game, or whatever the heck it is.

I know OP was trolling, but like… I’m in.

The UI is actually usable now - which is what addons started as a stop-gap for…

Gut em all. Aberrus showed raids are capable of being successful but challenging without the completely reliance on DBM/WAs for every single iota of existence.

Start with whatever the super obnoxious addon that auto-marks lucky charms on every single pull of every M+ dungeon… because that crap is horrible.

Then whatever the addon is that puts people’s RP-character-name at the start of their messages… Because that’s just embarrassing for everyone involved.

Raiding is not hard, if it is you’re playing the wrong difficulty/with a bad team

All of CN and SOD I used no add-ons and had no problems getting AOTC. Read the mechanics before you pull and the game is easy for 99% of players (mythic is a different story)

There are already hundreds of smiliar replies like this in the thread, but I never responded to them, because, no offense, they have nothing to do why I want addons to be banned.

Of course players can play the game without any addons, but the fact is that combat addons like DBM has been downloaded 440 million times.

If your claim that “the game is easy for 99% of players” is true, then there should be NO problem for 99% players if DBM is banned. But it is clearly not the case, just from people’s response in this thread.

This type of claim is meaningless, but an ego showoff and insult to millions of players using those addons.

If there are more replies like “It is easy, everyone can do it without addons”, “You don’t need addons to play”, “they are not required at all”, “you have no skill if you use addon”,

My reply will be: Sure, you are right. Then you shouldn’t have problem with addons being banned.

Well, while we are on the topic

May as well ban any or all forms of strategy guides. Like no more streamers showing us how to defeat encounters, no more videos on rotations, no more videos on anything regarding the game.

Just allow survival of the fittest

If raiding is too hard for you, I suggest LFR. That’s what it exists for. Players need to play within the level that is comfortable for them, not complain about difficulties they aren’t prepared for.

Yea i am sorry but if you think cosemtic and rp addons are killing the game then your wrong. Its mainly combat and raid addons that are making raids a pain to develop for devs

No, that is not necessary and I am against that.

3rd party websites don’t directly interact with the game. They provide players info, but don’t directly facilitate in-game play like DBM, WA or TSM do.

Blizzard can ban addons from access of its game files/api, but they can’t ask 3rd party websites (youtube, wowhead, etc.) to remove the content, even if they sue them for IP.

I get what you’re saying, but I’m going to have to respectfully disagree.

First, a lot of the add-ons you’re referencing are for instance content. A lot of players genuinely seem to forget there are those of us who despise instance content and only do it when we’re essentially pushed into it (Thanks Legion Profession quests).

Second, many of us use add-ons for genuinely quality-of-life improvement. I still prefer Move Anything and Bartender to Blizzard’s hot mess UI and “Stuff will open on your screen where we tell you it’ll open.” I like having Titan panel with my coordinates in-game for easier navigating and knowing how much currency is spread out among my toons without logging out and toon swapping.

Third, Activision Blizzard can’t be bothered to fix known bugs that have been around for years so any argument that they can replace these quality of life functionalities is moot. I pay my sub to enjoy a game, not to be told how to engage it with it by devs who keep prioritizing instance content over content I care anything about.

The only way I will surrender my add-ons is when I see a quality product released where we’re not in “Beta” for a year after the game actually launches.

It isn’t cheating because it isn’t against TOS and ANY player can download that addon.

I like my addons. It makes the game better, oh and i can play with my xbox controller too, all thanks to addons making it more fun…

Lol op you are honestly not smart…
Sucks to be u lol