It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Lua, and access to WoW’s api, is one of the most interesting aspects of the game to me. This is one of the few games where if a UI element is not how I like it, I can change it in it’s entirety; size, opacity, color, strata, etc.

If you choose to educate yourself on the subject, you will see improvement in your gameplay. And if you really think a player having knowledge of a game’s internal workings is somehow unfair, I am inclined to point out that “preparation” is considered a skill.


The only add-on I use a lot is All The Things. It helps me find out what there is left to get in every zone/instance.

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Allowing addons is the biggest reason why there are so many problems in game, but Blizzard has no motivation to fix.

And banning addons will give the biggest urge for Blizzard to improve its game, instead of slacking and let others doing its job.

while we’re at it, ban EU trolls from the US forums


It will not incentivize them to do anything, and it will push a number of players away from the game entirely. No one benefits from removing addons. I am truly beginning to wonder what your intentions are. If you aren’t trolling, you are quite dedicated, so I guess I can respect that, as wrong as you are. If you are trolling, please go touch grass. You’ve been at this for far too long. I would honestly recommend that for both scenarios.

Haven’t seen the “addojs make me sad : (” topic in awhile

That itself is a strong incentive for them to do something.

Reread my post, since I wasn’t agreeing with you in any capacity.

You guys who are hating on OP for having an opinion are wild! I think all addons with the exception of UI (look and cosmetic) should go too.

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You are entitled to your opinion, but we will probably disagree with you too. The OP is just being obnoxious about it, and they can’t even make a good argument. It’d be one thing if they were actually making a point that we could understand and actually holds up, but they haven’t managed to do that yet. All they are doing is running in circles and moving goal posts, which makes me wonder if they are indeed trolling or not. I’ve been giving them the benefit of the doubt up until now.

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Son, his “opinion” would directly affect my gameplay and literally drive me out of the game forever, so yeah, I will hate on his “opinion”.


Why can Blizzard add many mounts, pets, transmog in store? but can’t fix simple problems and improve basic QoL in game for years?

They can’t make profit from it, and 3rd parties are doing it for free, because addons are allowed.

If Blizzard can make addons and sell them in stores like mounts, pets and transmog, those functions will be implemented in the game next week.

Since Blizzard can’t and won’t sell addons (I hope so), only banning addons will give them the urge to change and improve.

Except…it wont incentivize them. At all. Good lord.


This is probably the best take you’ve had this entire thread, and I 100% agree with you


I hate to admit it, almost to the point I want to vomit, but yeah I agree with this as well.

If they would have led with that, I’d have been a cheerleader the whole time :mega:

The only thing it’s time to do is to stop trying to dictate how people enjoy the game and to try and take away tools that make the game a more enjoyable, some times even make the game playable at all, for other people.


Why do we need multiples of the same, exact post??

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There are no negatives to add-ons

The devs DO NOT HAVE TO MAKE RAIDS HARDER because of add-ons. The fact that they do is because they CHOOSE to do so because they are malicious and cannot stand the thought of more people succeeding. But they could also choose not make raids harder. This is like the school bully saying he has to beat you up because you wear glasses. He doesn’t have to, he is choosing to.

That people installed add-ons for raiding, healing, questing, etc. is because the game as designed was not meeting their needs. Who wants to or can memorize the timing and arbitrary and artificial dance steps for a hundred raid bosses, 300 instance bosses? Who wants to use the awful double click healing system where you have to click into the name then the healing spell instead of both at once? This should have been a wakeup call to the devs that their game design was not working.

And for questing they sort of got the message and improved the base Ui. But for some reason they treat raiding like this holy altar which needs a blood sacrifice. It is like they feel this need to ensure a certain percent of raiders lose no matter what instead of realizing that people did not enjoy wiping just because they failed to memorize the artificial arbitrary choreography. We aren’t studying to be heart surgeons. No patient is going to die if we use adding to help us with the raid choreography instead of studying.

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If this was their main argument, same here. But they decided to just…bring it up out of the blue. At this point, the damage to their credibility is beyond saving.

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