It is Time to Ban WoW Addons


My 1st link is the interview with Ion. And the other “rando youtubers” are the top players from best guilds that you asked proof from.

You clearly don’t even read post or understand what you are asking. There is no need for you to waste time keep posting.

Once again, provide a source to this claim.

So, because you’re wrong, you won’t even answer to any of this? We have Ion, not a random WoW dev, not a random player/YT, but Ion, speaking on the team’s behalf.

So this is simply incorrect now.

The recent WF was an issue of ethics, not addons as a whole. The team knew what they were doing, and chose to do it anyway. Exploits will occur whether addons exist or not.

Since you refuse to actually answer with truth, and simply beat around the bush/throw insults, I’ll do the work for you.

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I got an idea, how about you go back to the EU Forums and troll there. Us NA folks have enough trolls here on the NA Forums.


You are 100% right. :+1:

And thank you for constantly bumping up my post

I have posted the same on EU forum long time ago. And I want to know opinions from US players.

It is a legit discussion about THE most important issue of current WoW.

At the time WoW launched Blizzard permitted addons because they were thinking about the sorts of addons they saw for EverQuest.

Addons at the time were mostly UI tweaks and damage meters. They could never have imagined what addons would be able to do today.

There we have it, folks. At least we finally get the real reply :laughing:

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Well, here is the Answer from NA Players

So, back to EU you go. Addons are here to stay.


Acknowledging something implies that its existence will have a factor on the goal/project/intentions. Ion is just using lawyer language to soften the negative connotations that would happen by saying “compensating”.

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There are a plethora of issues in current WoW. Addon usage deosn’t even make it into the top 20. Or 30. Or 50.

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Addon usage doesn’t even make the top million of problems.

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Also true. I was just sticking to lower numbers. :sweat_smile:

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I like big numbers :joy:

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No, it doesn’t.

Are you going to provide a source where the top guilds are paying for the addons?

Except there are more problems are caused by allowing addons.

The idea that everyone who makes addons is making a CAREER off other players is pretty funny to me… I honestly WISH I could do that for a job lol

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Let me ask you something. Which addons hurt you? I want to indulge in your mind for a moment. I don’t want you to speak on the behalf of others here. Just you :heart:


You’re wrong, but okay.

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