It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

I don’t see a link, either.

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Dont like? Don’t use. Frankly i wish all the “No Addons” need to nick off back to FF14 and stop trying to turn into that (bad) game.

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If it weren’t for boss timers, we’d just use the in-game stopwatch at the start of every encounter and memorize boss lines and important time intervals. Addons just shift the cognitive load.

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FF14 doesn’t allow addons but it’s possible to use an overlay that uses the addons externally.

They’ll still exist, they’ll just be harder for the average player to set up and use. People just don’t talk about it in game so a new player won’t have a clue.


Can you see this link?

Again, this has nothing to do with your OP prose that I’ve questioned.

Source for this?


EDIT: You posted a video of a player and a dev from an addon. Not anyone from Blizzard. Not a WoW dev. Your link is the equivalent of citing Wikipedia.


I began playing in Burning Crusade and the friend who introduced me to the game uses lots of mods. I have never used the default button bar.

I left the game during Shadow Lands and only recently came back. I was faced with hours of setting up mods again, a daunting task. I sat down, muddled through, this time trying to limit the mods. Key bindings were the biggest deal, especially for shot rotation.

I used Elvui, mostly for the button bars. I installed WIM and that’s about it. For the most part Blizzard’s UI is good. I just don’t know how to use the button bars effectively and so need an alternative.

The blame is partly on Blizzard, but removing addons would not suddenly make them less complacent. We simply wouldn’t have addons and we would be sent back to the “stone age”, so to speak. Removing them from the game is simply a bad idea. Period.


There is no source for this. He’s suggesting that the RWF team that makes the better weakauras or addons is the one that will win, and that has been true exactly one time in the history of this game, and even then it’s debatable and after that race Blizzard broke the functionality of that weakaura so it could never happen again.

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Babe, wake up.

The new “no addon purist” copypasta just dropped.

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Ban the addons? How about no? Banning them would create more problem than using them. In fact, some addons I use are very helpful like DBM because I’m deaf and DBM is handy for alerting me when I am in raid or dungeon. Even the world boss. If a boss is about to do something, I just do what it tell me what it need to be done such as moving out of the circle or use taunt, anything.

So, banning addons? Bad idea. Let us use addon, they can be helpful for anyone, especially for anyone who have disabilities.

No it isn’t; go play FF14 if you want to be punished for using addons.

Just a few:

You shall stop asking these same questions and start to learn to Google, and have some basic knowledge after playing the game.

At 16:18 onwards he answers the question about addons and encounter design.

That is what I am talking about. And it is not only for you

It’s time to ban conversations about banning add-ons.

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Personally, I’d probably boost that up a notch. The word “pathetic” comes to mind.

I’m not watching videos of rando YouTubers. I’ll instead acknowledge the relevant one with Ion, as someone else so graciously posted for you.

“We design acknowledging the existence of addons

He later goes on to state that they do indeed attempt to design mechanics that get around addon usage, but nowhere does he state this increases the difficulty for the player.

People hear what they want, take out the bits that affirm their belief, and run with it.


How about you provide a source to where guilds are competing for best addon coding? Because none of those match up to what you say.


Bro world first guilds pay people to code addons and weakauras to aid in progression. Why would you pay a bum for crap?