It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

This will never happen

op must have missed the AQ 40 final boss how overtuned it was even the devs could not beat it
DBM was created when naxx 40 was out

I’m getting tired of people like this. Let people enjoy life the way they want. Who are you to tell people how to enjoy something they like? I swear people like you are the people that are ruining freedoms for others. If you wanna play the game the way you want to so be it. You don’t see me telling you that you have to play the game with addon’s! It’s been this way since vanilla. If you don’t like it. Go play a game that doesn’t have addons. Who are you to try and change a game that’s always been a way. Thousands of popular games have addons.

Lol what a bad way to think about it. I hope youre not this way irl.

Why though?

I really appreciate the well thought out post. I think we often get nasty with posts we don’t agree with and don’t take the time to appreciate the time and effort people sometimes go to to put together ideas that hope improve the game we all know and love. Thank you for taking the time to post.

That being said, I disagree. I think the default WoW UI has always been subpar, but I don’t think it ever would have changed or improved without people writing Add-ons that so clearly improved the player experience.

I think Add-ons also give people another way to interface with the game they love. They can also expose young would-be programmers to some of their very first basic coding projects (I know this was true for me).

I don’t know of anyone who makes a living writing Add-ons (in fairness, I haven’t looked). The guy who does DBM was super poor and ended up getting gifted a very fancy custom WoW PC from Blizzard when it was found out he was caring for his ailing mother. I actually know the guy who built and maintains Auctioneer. He was a senior engineer at LinkedIn and now works in a similar position at Etsy. He doesn’t do Auctioneer for the money (I kind of doubt he gets much from it, despite it being an incredibly popular Add-on with millions of downloads).

I don’t know much about RWF or if they’re using different Add-ons from what “normal” people use. So I can’t really speak to that. But if there is something out there that is making the game unfair, Blizzard holds all the API keys (literally and figuratively) that all Add-ons need to function. They can close off certain end-points (or add new ones) as they see fit. I don’t see any reason for an “all or nothing” approach.

But I do know Add-ons make the game easier and more fun to play. They add a ton of customization options and I really like that.

My understanding is that the new UI in game took a lot of its cues from popular Add-ons that have existed for years. I think Blizzard can, and has, learned a lot from the passionate modders that have put in countless hours to make the game better for all.


It’s always refreshing to see takes that are THIS bad. I’d almost say this is an elaborate bait post, but sadly I feel that you as an individual actually feel this way.

Since you’re not a world first raider, why does it matter to you? You have no stake in the farm.

Just a reminder

What’s special about WoW and it’s use of third party addons is that it allows, through the use of addons, people with disabilities to play the game. What a monsterous company Blizzard must be.

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Nah, add-ons like DBM have been around forever. I started raiding in TBC and even then it was already commonplace and the functionality hasn’t changed drastically since then. While add-ons may have played a part in the evolution of game design, that’s just part of the equation; the availability of information across the board has increased since the early days. Should sites like Icy-Veins also be banned? Should guides on Youtube be taken down? All of this contributes to the real reason why encounters are increasingly harder - the average modern player is just better and more informed than they used to be.

As for Blizzard adding add-on functions to the in-game client, this can be a good thing IF done well, which it often isn’t. However, there are just far too many ways people enjoy WoW for Blizzard to ever realistically cater to every single niche interest in default functions. Add-ons do this just fine, though. Everyone has their own idea of which add-ons are essential to their play. There is no way for Blizzard to cater to everyone. Like it or not, add-ons are a Pandora’s box that was opened long ago and cannot be closed without massive upheaval from the playerbase.

Why can’t players chose to use or not use addons?


Is that logical thinking I see? That is not welcome here.


Thank you, Beki. I agree, and I’m starting a Facebook. The add-ons must go

Well, at least we know for a fact that you are trolling, given your necro of another thread of basically the same title.

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As much of a fact this is.
It still goes back to my question at 564
 Up there.

For me it isn’t cheating because every player has the ability to get an add-on. As far as damage meters it isn’t for me to throw it in a players face or brag, it is to make myself a better player. Like maybe my rotation is off or maybe I needed to figure out that Critical Strike is mute in PvP. The only other addons I use is Healers Have to Die and Battleground Enemies to see the comp of the other team.

It is time to Mute a thread when the majority of the comments are either attacks against other commenters or attacks against the OP. Simply expressing opinions on a topic seems to be a lost art.

Played this for years with out addons off and on. No dps, hps, no move now bs
 you can a have a brain too and hit raids and dungeons. I streamed to my guild once and they were pissed i didnt run dmb or bw, i was more mad they ignored mechanics with it on. L
Some play the game some let the game do everything but the buttons for them idc. I just tuck my head do my job as best as i can.


I play with some ui addons like bagnom/deja character stats

The only combat addon i use is details! And yet even then i dont find much difficult your point is completely moot. Causal shouldn’t dictate your level of skill. Casual describes the amount of time available to dedicate to the game, im a casual cause i can only dedicate a few hours a week to the game anymore, but in those few hours you could throw me in a mythic raid group and id be performing with the rest of them

You ain’t gotta cry about the fact that add-ons are calling you out for not being good and just git-gud darksouls style

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Did he just use an ADDON called chatGPT to write that because that’s how chatGPT writes exactly. Wow.