It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely would love for Blizz to implement a proper RP character sheet (like TRP) into the game, but I would NEVER advocate for a full on ban of ALL addons, for it.

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I said this - its illogical. Their answer was some ramble about how it doesnt include 3rd parties and you dont need to download and its a QoL thing and…that still didn’t make any sense.

Im coming to the conclusion that its either a “I’ll make a post about something controversial like banning add ons” or “I don’t like them but I’m not sure why”. Either way, I dont see the need to make the post if you can’t actually support your reasoning for making it.


Like, I don’t even raid, and they’re advocating for a ban on ALL addons. I use quite a bit of non-Raiding addons. OFC I can live without them, but it would suck that I would lose something fun for me, that I wasn’t bothering nobody with.

Like I sad:

I am fine if Blizzard implement addons like tomtom, damage meter, or altoholic, but definitely not adds like WA, DBM, TSM. etc…

They are way too versatile and beyond the function of an addon.

Now, you’re changing your argument.

I disagree and moving on then.


Wait…you don’t like an add on because its too versatile? Eh?

All that DBM does, for example, is provide warnings about known mechanics and combat effects. Players who are very familiar with a fight can certainly do without it, but for the newer or more casual player, its a huge help in learning the fights and getting the timings set in your memory. And it helps players with certain disabilities by providing vocal warnings (which helped me hugely when I was raiding).

And TSM (one of my top 5 favorite add ons) simply improves the functions of the AH and allows players to do things like keep track of crafting for things they want to sell, lists of items they regularly buy and sell, etc. Its a QoL add on and it gives no advantage over anyone else because it doesn’t affect the AH at all - it just makes the whole process for the user easier. I couldn’t, for example, manage selling 300 transmogs without the sell function; my arthritis in my hands and fingers would cause me pain to have to do all those sales individually.



Oh this thread looks fun!


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It makes no sense because OP is trolling.


No thanks

I like TRP 3 for rp

I don’t fully disagree, but you have to know that a LOT of quality of life fixes to the game are the result of popular add-ons being implemented into the game.

On the other hand… I absolutely hate how I can’t make a macro that pushes the “create auction” button when I’m feeding items into the AH to save myself 10 minutes of posting.

I have posted on my main since day 1.

Clearly you didn’t understand my comment.

You mean your made-up post that ignores that you can report those people if such a thing actually happened? You do not like my post are you planning on harassing me in game?

They’re actually not required at all.
Try using youtube if you’re having this much trouble with these mechanics in fights. You do them two or three times and it’s easy to remember.

For someone mad that I came at someone for having an opinion that they chose to voice, is pretty weird when you’re doing the exact same thing in this post! If you can’t handle someone telling you your opinion on something is stupid, get off the internet.

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Still so mad.

There really should be an age minimum requirement on these forums…

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Take the L and leave

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Nah, laughing at your tantrum is too much fun…

if Blizzard makes in-game addons of this type:

Damage count (like details);

A score system based on misconduct, such as swearing or leaving m+ / arenas (and this appears when the player tries to enter a pug, and only resets/increases the score when the player plays well, and this score should be > bad - normal - good < to avoid numbers);

If they make different font options on damage (like the classic numbers addon);

Make a scheme similar to the DBGM;

And at least some tools that weak auras have (like knowing the total number of maelstrom stacks that shamans need to know)

then we can talk about it.

Then feel free to return to EU and post your garbage suggestions there.

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Yeah I can’t believe the OP has been going this long and that this train wreck is still here.

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