It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

I do feel some people here on US forums are more aggressive than EU. I don’t know if it is the culture thing or not.

But, to be honest, I don’t care about those childish words or aggressive attitude on forum at all. I couldn’t care less even if they verbally insult me in front of my face in real life, as it does zero harm to me.

As someone who has been playing the game for 15+ years, I see very well how the game has evolved and community has changed. The game is not in a good status, losing old players faster than gaining new players.

Again, my feeling towards current WoW:

  • Will I quit wow now? No
  • Will I recommend it to others? No

If Blizzard decides to shut down WoW today as they did in China, I will accept it calmly with tiny sadness. There isn’t much left for me to miss in current WoW.

WoW needs serious improvement to attract new players or even maintain current players.

honest question

why are you here? why are you not posting all of this on the EU forums?

and getting rid of the addon system would not be a serious improvement.


Tbh, it is much more rational to do so than bringing a laptop to your cousin’s, just in case that you may have time to play some games together.

But that is just my opinion. If your lifestyle disagree with that, it is fine.

I posted this on EU forums long time ago. And I want to post it on US forums to see others’ opinions.

“hey cousin, you have an extra computer set up for me to download 100gb on so we can play WoW together?”

quite a common occurrence.

Your stories keep getting weirder and weirder.


i am shocked this post was made by an underleveled alt without the mains showing.

shocked honestly.

wait are they now claiming bringing a laptop on vacation is somehow irrational?

holy christ.


Yeah, I fail to understand the rationale behind that one. :sweat_smile:

What is so strange for people to have multiple PC at home? I do, and a lot of my friends and families do.

I am seriously confused. And you start to give me culture shock.

It is indeed getting weirder and weirder…

Whats so strange about having a laptop and bringing it with you?


while this is an argument, it’s a terrible one.

not really. it’s sound logic. this game has had addon support for 20 years. If someone doesn’t like it, instead of campaigning to change the game because of a facet that many, many other people like, they could do the less-selfish, less-entitles, and more logical path of playing a game that better suits their tastes.


I think the argument is if you aren’t having fun just stop trying to engage with the content. Addons allow for greater ideas when creating boss fights and also dramatically help those with disabilities.

The fact this wasn’t mentioned in the original post shows just how stupid this thread is.


Just personally I won’t do it.

I will not carry a laptop to others when I don’t know if we will have time for games or not.

If I need to carry a laptop just for that, I will happily skip games and do something else.

Well, lap tops are known for taking up huge amounts of space in a car. So I can see why you wouldnt pack one.

But I have entertained this fake scenario enough. Its all created to go off on a tangent and distract from your point of wanting to destroy customization.

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LOL, I think you will have a lot of culture shocks in the future.

but you’ll install 100GB of data on someone else’s computer? seriously? rude.


No. I am not rude enough to assume I can use someone’s home pc for video gaming when I am visiting.


WoW can be booted off a portable hard drive with no problems, you can just save Battlenet and the WoW folder to it and you don’t need to install anything or download anything.

It’s remarkably good like that, I had to raid in a net cafe for a few weeks because my PC died. I’d just plug it in and log in.

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First they came for our addons. Then it was our keyboards. Then our monitors. Then our video cards.

Online games never have an even playing field. Get over it.