It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Ngl. But for raiding, i never needed a addon for anything. If you use your eyes and pay attention, some might be able to do it easily…

But slip up, and dead. Reason why blizzard put a log about the raid detailing every boss and their attacks and how to counter them.

(Back to my last reply)
Reason blizzard did alot of changes to the UI is due to decreasing the third party crap. They actually made 3 addons useless due to the editmode.

Bagon, for bag slot moveability.
(Uhm) GWS2 (i think thats the name) that allow the ui to be moved around.
And since blizzard couldnt do it due to thrid parties, was an auto sell junk button… Which the name (guessing due to having it once) Scraper.

So hate me if you will but, all you elitist that rely on addons are patethic, for the absolute need for an addon to tell you how to play… Yes i looking at you too PVPers. An addon to tell you when someones on cd and all that. Disgraceful, because you made pvp harder for that fact.

Yes i said it.

If would argue that thinking addons tell anyone how to play is pretty pathetic.

Yes i said it.

also, toxic much dude?


That is doing much much more damage to the game than addons EVER could. One of the best things that could happen would be an end to the esport aspects of WoW.


Not all addons are for skills or fighting mechanics. Some addons are or roleplay communities or character customizations. Some are to enhance the mini-map. Some are to add sounds.

However, your perspective is extremely short-sighted. If we look beyond your point of view, addons have a plethora of uses. There are even plenty of addons for disabled players, including players with motor disabilities, visual impairments, and issues dealing with the loss of a limb. Some addons help boost sounds or visuals for players who are deaf or legally blind.

I hope you’re not inferring that these players, who rely on these addons heavily to be involved in the community, don’t have “skill” or are “lazy”. I also hope you’re not holding judgements against the roleplaying community who use addons heavily to enhance their storytelling experiences.

I advice you to broaden your viewpoint before you come in here insulting players who choose or need addons.


me, sipping my coffee, my addon allowing me to give my character a last name



The only people who care about social interacting are people who stay home 24/7 playing WoW and don’t have jobs.

The rest of us go out and social interact with people in the real world,

My add ons have nothing to do with anyone’s else’s play but my own, just like someone not having add ons has no effects on my game play.

I really don’t understand why you hate people who use add ons that has 0 effect on you.

Demanding to bring everyone to your level of game play is selfish, not to mention that some people with disabilities rely on add ons to accommodate their needs to play.

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My statement still stands, I don’t think ALL addons should be banned.

Discord isn’t an add on and a lot of games, not just mmo’s, use and/or are better with voice chat. You are also misinformed. It’s not a “forced sale”. There is not hostile take over. The sale is being done willingly. Given how bad WOW has gotten since the Activision merger I’m hoping this will improve things. Microsoft is not always a great company, but they are passionate about their gaming division, keeping it going even when it’s in the red.

Not ALL addons do this.

I’m not a Raider and even Blizz can’t figure out how to do 3D portraits, apply a proper RP character sheet, proper spam filter, etc. NONE of which have anything to do with Raiding :roll_eyes:


You misunderstood.

XIV does not put invasive anti-cheat software in. Thus, it is still able to be heavily modified via Dalamud plugins (their version of addons) or visual mods with Textools to replace the appearance of clothing or facial features, etc. XIV does, however, have an anti-mod policy. Third party modifications or plugins are banned under the Terms of Service for the game - however, they know that mods and plugins for the game exist, and they have actively stated they cannot prevent a player from using them.

Thus, addons and mods are essentially in a grey area of “don’t ask, don’t tell” - publicly banned by the ToS, and if you are caught using them somehow you will be actioned for it. But otherwise, they realize people are and will mod/use addons from plugin software, and have stated outside of placing invasive anti-cheat software in, they cannot prevent this.

My comment was thusly: you could ban them all you like, but outside of putting in invasive malware-type anti-cheat software to fully prevent modification or reading of game files… there would be nothing stopping people from continuing to use addons like DBM and WA, in this hypothetical world of Blizzard making probably the stupidest decision to date.

It would just become an actionable offense to admit to using them, or using them on a stream or something. But it would not prevent actual usage, and would do nothing except breed a much more toxic atmosphere where people will just silently remove problems or people not using addons, versus now, where you can at least talk stuff out or show someone how to improve.

They don’t, honestly.

I’m a newer player who hasn’t even been here a year yet, and I absolutely adore Warcraft thus far. I don’t devote my every waking moment in the game to raiding or M+, of course, but even when I do step into M+, I don’t find myself having an awful time because of ‘big bad addons’.

In fact, DBM is super helpful for me - I have a tendency to tunnel vision, and also have ADHD + am a high-functioning autistic, so I can get overwhelmed easily or lose track of some important things because I began focusing on other important things. All DBM does is yell at me to remind me “hey, important thing!”. That’s all I use it for, and that’s all I need it to do.

Would I survive encounters without it? Sure, probably. But there’s no reason to take it away from me, or from others who use it - especially not out of some false claim that it makes WoW “new player unfriendly”. What a load of rot that is, lmao.

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Easier to allow full customization rather than eliminate it.

You havent explained why destroying customization is good for the game.

How do you know?

Then again. You enjoy speaking for others and flat out lying. So…yeah.

And I find it pathetic to say others shouldnt use add ons.

I am looking at you.

I am well aware you did, new forum alt.


I mean even then I mostly ignore the callouts being done by my WA’s and bigwigs, given I pretty much memorize the patterns after 3-5 pulls on a boss, it’s not that complicated. I only use the ability tracker from time to time to track when the next big aoe is going to happen to line my CDs up for it or build up my holy power if I’m between my CD’s to deal with it. The useful for when your initially doing prog but after that they become background noise.

Interesting. I wonder how the “grey area” approach works.

If the addons are banned by policy, but used by players, aren’t there many people maliciously report each other for using addons?

I know games are different. But I still wonder how they do it with other Blizzard games like Starcraft 2, Diablo, Overwatch.

E.g. Starcraft 2 is a true esports game in RTS genre. In theory, addons would offer much bigger advantage in SC2. I don’t know if they exist, but I have never heard of any SC2 addons, pluggins or cheat mods. And I don’t feel the presence of “very invasive anti-cheat software” when I am playing SC2.

If Blizzard can do it easily with SC2, Diablo, Overwatch, why can’t it do the same with WoW?

Feral here. Before getting timers I had to rely on specific nameplates for feral druids. Your point is exactly correct. The DMG difference with and without any form of add-ons is crazy.


Basically as I outlined. So long as you are not publicly discussing using mods or plugins, and are not leaving a trail to follow - such as linking your Twitter account where you post tons of modded screenshots, to your in-game character name and server (yes, people do this, and it’s stupid lol) - then they genuinely cannot detect if you are running anything, and thus cannot issue you any sort of punishment.

This is only possible if you leave a trail. And even then, it’s not always guaranteed; oftentimes SE is very 50/50 on whether they take outside evidence into account during reports, so even if someone tried to use someone’s mod-showing Twitter to maliciously report them for breaking ToS via modding… if the player has nothing directly linking their Twitter to them in-game, it’s not likely that any action would be taken.

No idea. I don’t play anything besides WoW and Diablo 4. Diablo 4 doesn’t have anti-cheat software in it, to my knowledge.

There is no evidence they have anti-cheat software in their other games. And if they do, it isn’t the malicious malware-esque type.

And even if they do have some sort of software like that - there is no reason to implement it in WoW, at all. The game is almost 20 years old and addons have been used since almost the first year; they’ve had plenty of opportunity to change their mind about addon usage and do something to clamp down on it, and they continuously choose not to.

And again - there is zero reason addons should be banned. Especially ALL addons - including stuff like TRP or Handynotes, which doesn’t even affect people’s gameplay in group environments. I don’t really see why you or people like you are so invested in trying to rip away customization tools or helpful QoL just because you, personally, have a vendetta against using them yourself.

Play how you like. Let others play how they like.


So what happens if people have eyesight problems or have trouble moving there hand?


according to the op? heck them!


It should be integrated in the game itself.

It is ridiculous that players need to rely on 3rd party for basic accessibility options/settings.

But why do you hate customization, and why do you think making all the current players mad will bring in new players?

Why is it so important to you to control how other people play and remove their options?