It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Most times they are. :no_good_man:


We just ignoring the fact that they were management.

There is really no point to reply those who simply said “raid is not hard”, “just get good”, “you hate addons because you are not as good as those pros” etc.

They are meaningless and have nothing to do with why I want addons banned.

WoW is a high entry barrier games for newbies, no matter how elitists claim “it is easy and just L2P”. Yes, it is easy when veteran players already accumulate the knowledge over 15 years. :joy:

The classes, specs, talents, abilities can be overwhelming for new players, and already requires reading on 3rd party websites to be played properly.

Addons are just another layer of turn off for new players. It is not good for the games’ future.

can we stop with the “new players are helpless ninnies who can’t figure out how to navigate addons” rhetoric? it is simply not true.


This is actually itself a problem.

When distrustful assumptions like this become the norm, you end up with other issues: such as rampant clout chasing that one sees in gaming culture these days.

Used to be that was just for egotistical social media personalities and wannabes. Now you almost have to do it to not simply be assumed to be a troll.

Which also materially makes many of the underlying situations worse: eventually, only top players get their voices heard at all, as anyone with less experience is assumed to only hold their opinion for want of skill and “if you were actually good you’d think differently” &c. Then we wonder why casual and especially mid tier folks find themselves struggling to stay afloat 

why do we need modern medicine when so many other countries dont need it? how about running water, what so great about that when other people dont need it. your argument sucks

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Just because you repeat this statement doesn’t make it true.

“lets make the game exponentially worse for current players for the hypothetical new player in a 20 year old game” is not a good take


this is just a silly asinine argument. why do you assume most new players are so stupid that they cant figure out addons. in an age of apps and technology you are assuming that it isnt trivial for todays players to figure it out.


I totally support anyone’s right to disagree me. Forum is a place for people to express their own opinion, no matter how ridiculous it is.

But I firmly against personal attack or insults. Again, i believe forum is a place to discuss the “issue”, not the “people” who brings up an issue, no matter how much you are against it.

I have no idea why my post is flag and hidden by so many. It is a legit topic about the game without any insulting or improper language.

And people who simply claim I am a troll because of level 10 or very different opinion, well, are just funny :joy:

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You keep saying factually inaccurate information.

With the cornerstone of your point being “I want to ruin the game for everyone else”



I forgot to turn on my DBM, in Classic, once, when I went into a ZG.

And, I thought how am I gonna know when Raptor Mount boss is “watching me”?

He literally does a /yell about it. No different than my DBM text telling me about it

But still, I don’t think ALL addons should be banned.


No problem.

My post is of course “my opinion”. If you think it is not true or disagree with it, it is totally fine.

I see your opinions, and you have valid reasons.

Thats fine. Your opinion has been shown to be factually wrong, multiple times.

And its not my opinion that yours is wrong. Its factual.

That being said. I will always disagree with someone suggesting that the game gets completely ruined for mysterious reasons.


It has nothing to do with “assume most new players are so stupid”.

It is just simple logic:

  • Improved in-game functions without the need of addons
  • bad default functions with the need of many 3rd party addons

Which is easier and more convenient?

I don’t think addons can be partially banned. They all have access game files.

Even if Blizzard can target ban addons like DBM, it will just be replaced by another combat addons, DBM2, DBM3

If Blizzard bans all combat addons, addon creators will just add combat functions into other non-combat addons, as long as addons are allowed.

It will not achieve the purpose

I don’t think it could be more obvious that you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Blizz can absolutely ban some addons and not others. they have full control over their API.

That said, I vehemently disagree with you. I think addons are one of the great strengths of this game. I also firmly believe they’re not going anywhere, and if you feel so strongly anti-addon, instead of campaigning to destroy a game that has had addons for almost 20 years, perhaps you should go find a game that doesn’t have addon support where you would be happier.


considering the skill of add on developers 100% 3rd party add ons have consistently always been better that is why blizzard doesnt bother. i mean why would you spend resources developing add ons. when your player base will do a better job of it.


Addons have had a positive effect on the game. I do believe the addons have demonstrated to the game developers just what can be done with the flexible lua based game user interface provided since 2004. And I do believe some of the addon features from addons like Tukui and Elvui have been incorporated into the latest version of the games user interface
such as the GRID edit move pieces of the interface around. And it is pretty cool to be able to write a quick and dirty macro and assign it to a action button. And none of the addons are mandatory. Mostly they are of personal choice to use or not to use
so the best of both worlds :slight_smile:

It is sad the social aspect of the game is rapidly fading away.

On high end, it is aiming esport on its core endgame contents M+/MDI, raids/WF, PvP/AWC. On low end, it is pretty much solo gameplay experience for new gamers. There are few social activities in between.

Will I quit WoW because of this? No, not yet, after so many years.

Will I recommend WoW to a new player? No, not fun or worthy for newbies.

Addons/mods have been banned in FF14 since day 1 and people still use them. The world first team for the newest Ultimate even used a camera zoom hack. Which the devs ended up making fun of in the newest raid tier. (and yes, people use a DBM equivalent in FF14 called Cactbot)

WoW is a game that has existed with addon support since day 1. It’s never going away and even if they did try to go back on it, people would still find ways to use them. People would probably be less dependent on them if certain information was more clearly presented/telegraphed. I mean, I have GTFO installed because Blizzard throws color theory out the window by putting purple AOEs on purple floors. I’d uninstall GTFO immediately if I didn’t have to squint to see certain AOEs.