It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

I have fun writing weakauras. But take away my addons and I can still play the game. Yes they are an edge but not as big as you think it is


I’ll say what I always say in these threads. The top players are not the top players because of addons. Take addons away and the gap will actually get larger. So stop blaming addons and just realize you aren’t as good as them. But you don’t need to be a WF raider to enjoy this game.


They do their job better than Blizzard or any native game could.

Customization is amazing. No game company would be able to keep up with the customization that add ons give.

You havent yet outlined why others should not be allowed to use 3rd party sites to get add ons. You have not outlined why you should be able to make that decision for me.


Dragonflight is unplayable without adibags imo. And that is a bad state for the game to be in because the devs do before they think.

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 what you said has nothing to do with why I want addons to be banned

That is totally fine and normal.

I know every well that I am never as good as WF raiders.

I never want to be a WF raider.

Major basic functions should be done by the game’s devs themselves, not by multiple 3rd parties. Allowing addons only gives excuse for Blizzard not to do it themselves.

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The only person suggesting that, is you.

Either your reading comprehension needs improvement or you’re trolling. Which is it?

Surprised this nonscience is still going but I guess you are the Energizer Bunny of bad ideas. :no_good_man: :rofl:

Anyway Blizzard is NEVER going to pay their own employees to waste time doing something other people are already doing for free. Plus losing a large number of subs if they removed addons.


Because the forum doesn’t allow cross region users.

EU players have to make a character on US server (at least level 10) to post on US forum.

It is funny that some people automatically assume level 10 posters are trolls. :joy:

Your question should be asked to Blizzard: Why is there still regional restriction on forums.

Well I mean.

You are holding to that stereotype.

Now to recap. You want add ons banned because other people have to go to 3rd party websites.

That is your argument. You want to control what other people do.


yea these elitists using all their weakauras to time +20 keys!! they wouldn’t survive back in my day when weakauras weren’t a thing

But it doesn’t. Thanks for trying though

Ban addons 
 lol thought I saw a similar post a few months ago from a diffent person I think 

I like my ui I use elvui and like rare add on few other ones for like hiding stuff I don’t want etc and I swear I’ve seen this list before is this an alt you have posted on -.-

But it does and you are absolutely wrong. Mythic+ without RIO? Raiding without Discord? Good luck with that, get used to having your item upgrades stop half way. Blizz developers screwed up majorly with this design, probably because all the good developers bolted after it came to light how disgusting management is and not wanting to be a part of the forced sale to Microsoft because of said management.

Pretty sure the addon arms race is a known real phenomenon at this point, and has been ever since DBM was young.

Because of addons, Blizzard has to take into account the fact that you have addons when designing encounters in order not to have them be trivialized (unless the addon is something out-there OP enough to justify nerfing via the addon system, like old Decursive was).

It’s generally proven it’s basically impossible to achieve this without pretty much designing the encounters around the expectation that people will be using addons to mitigate the difficulty for them.

I’d say except for World Firsters - but it seems that having auxiliary members of the esports club coding addons on-the-fly to assist with the Big New Mechanics is actually part of the race, there.

In fact, this is another point against them: ideally, anyone who feels like they and theirs have the mettle should feel like they can at least take a shot at the world race. They probably won’t win, since most tend to overestimate their prospects, but they should at least feel like they could try. Right now, that’s not the case for WoW: you need so much auxiliary assistance that only the largest E-Sports orgs can even consider trying. Meanwhile, in XIV-land, there’s a healthy - if generally very brief - Savage race, because basically any static that thinks they’re good enough can reasonably throw their hat in the ring. You probably won’t win, but good statics aren’t generally weeks-in-the-dust the way WoW’s also-rans are, either.

Yes, yes, I know people will mention XIV’s ACT tool (which is technically against the TOS but de facto operates on a semi-DADT basis). That’s quite a bit different. Most people only use the DPS meter part, and while much is made of how tight DPS checks can be (especially for the final Savage fight of a tier early on), it doesn’t really have a lot impact on the race - often, the race is even over by the time ACT and FFLogs have even been updated to support the new patch! Its popularity is more to provide logs to aid in serious statics’ recruitment and to provide a competitive PvE mode because there’s not a lot else for skilled raiders to do there due to the fact that unless that particular tier gets an Ultimate - which is not always - you only get 5 Savage boss fights every two major patches (and as noted, high end teams clear them pretty fast too) so competition is one of the few things to keep it interesting.

(And that’s not even counting the fact that due to the way Mythic raids are released, you basically also need to already be famous enough to have a direct ear to the devs because otherwise when you hit the inevitable showstopper bugs, you’ll just be told to take a number - i.e., delete your addons, try the release Mythic raid without them 
 enough of an ummmmmm as it is 
 and then probably have to wait till Tuesday maintenance for it to be fixed even if you were right after all. Basically, it’s an invitational match race between Limit and Echo, with no write-in signups allowed, LOL)

LFR and Normal can almost be dismissed here.

The problem with LFR isn’t usually the difficulty (unless you have a zonker like SOTFO or Nya where the mechanics couldn’t be simplified enough), it’s the queue times. Unless you can bam it out in the first couple of days that LFR is released, next thing you know you’re waiting what can be literally an hour or more to get in (and remember that not every character has a choice about not being DPS, either, it’s not like FFXIV’s effective “everyone’s a Druid” omnileveling system). And then you might not even get to do all of it either, because you might get pulled in as subs for an in-progress raid so you have to do it again! That’s not beginning to count that since the death of Titanforging, the only time LFR has any material usefulness is one time for the final boss quest, or when there’s a gimmick drop like the Nathria memories or SOD shards, or when Blizzard deigns to make the shiny fun thing (like the The Nine mount) drop in LFR too (most of the time, even the “fun thing” requires you to at least do Normal lately, like the Zereth Mortis mount mats).

The trouble with Normal is that the rewards aren’t good enough to really justify the logistic work in having an actual regular group (and it’s systemically difficult for them to be: M+ is always going to be more convenient overall while ilvl is so important these days that you can’t just lock people out of that gear level altogether or the game isn’t fun. It’s not like FF where mechanics are king to the point that even Savage gear’s +20 ilvl only gives a fairly small amount of wiggle, and is mostly used in the PUG finder as a sort of stand-in for “do you have Savage experience?”) while the mechanics are still by and large too spicy for most uncoordinated PUGs.

IOW, there’s little reason to do Normal because if you’re going to put in the necessary coordination effort, you might as well do Heroic. Think the last time I bothered with Normal was to dip a little bit into SOTFO on my mage, and that was only because I wanted the aforementioned ZM mount parts and you can’t get those on LFR.

So we’re already down to Mythic (which actually is too hard for most to enjoy) and Heroic (which still requires quite a bit of organization).

We also have a serious lack of good resources to organize players these days: frankly, most of the Discord servers I’ve seen for MMO raiding in general (XIV is about as guilty as WoW in this regard, actually) have felt more like LinkedIn for raiders than a cozy fun place, so the hardcore raiders have a place but the more casual folks who would be sticking with Heroic or even Normal, instead of just using Heroic as a stepping stone before going all in on Mythic feel too anxious.

There is also the fact that people have developed such a fevered trendiness in recent years that getting a new raid group off the ground is almost impossible: instead, that’s a recipe for bleeding the few really good players out to established raiding guilds and not getting anywhere, because of the heavy perception that if you don’t get on a new season immediately, it’s too late. Gatekept out, try again next season. So people are too afraid to take the chance on waiting for a new group to come together for fear that they’ll be shut out of the opportunity altogether. FWIW, I’ve been in guilds with 300+ active members on multiple occasions where we couldn’t even get 10 to sign up for a raid. It’s a real problem.


I actually agree with a few of these statements.

Over the course of playing a few addons disable some of the games ui for a short time, of the addon wasnt up to date.

I have about 4+ addons (that will get uninstalled) that arent required anymore due to blizzards advance ui change.

Sadly. This post wont be heard by the say called elitist of the game because they think this is a troll. Its not, its a legit post.

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To much to read.

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He wrote a book comparing wow and ff14

completely agree. addons in the beginning served a very select few QoL functions. Now they completely change the game. its a classic example of too much of a good thing. I use a lot of addons and I am fully for removing them altogether. open up some development ideas instead of letting the addons carry the weight.

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Even though I disagree with your comment. You have every right to post it.

What I totally disagree with is Blizz supporting peeps that cannot agree to disagree, agreeably.

Come on Blizz, get real.