It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

That is the people abusing them and using them the wrong way. Don’t blame a tool on people’s behaviour.

0/10 Troll Thread!

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3D Portraits

If you don’t like something don’t use it. Don’t make those who enjoy using certain addons suffer. So long as something isnt exploiting a game for financial gain or deliberately allowing them to obtain items/gear/mounts that normally arent obtained in such a way, (not addon related but an example would be the sha mount exploit. The people who discovered the error and then continued to exploit it/encouraged further exploitation.) there’s no reason to ban it.

P.s. there is an open all mail option you know and a search bar in cosmetic/mount/toy tabs, you can even filter certain things. But I would also like to add that I use an addon that makes my mini map look cooler too. :sunglasses: for some reason I can’t stand the appearance of the standard mini map. :joy:

Even if there were no encounter addons, YT exists. And even without that, so long as a person possesses a handful of functional brain cells most fights aren’t that difficult to figure out. Imo encounter addons are simply a matter of convenience as no amount of addons are going save a dog :poop: gamer who is unable to understand the fundamentals of mechanics or even the basics of their chosen class.

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This hasn’t gotten any better. It’s still just “I know what’s best for the game and this is the only solution”. It’s pathetic.

I’ve decided that I’m just going to tell people to submit their resume to blizzard if they believe they can do a better job. :sweat_smile:

I use 1 addon Healium because i would rather click an not have to target each person while shifting cntrl alt mouseover . All way to complicated an Healium simplifies it for me.

So you want them to be doxed because they disagreed and, heaven forbid, be nasty back to a nasty person? Not a good look for you.

Improve default settings to integrate more stuff addons provide? All for it.

Banning all addons, including ones that don’t even affect gameplay - like TRP - and are simply for QoL the game doesn’t/can’t offer, or are for more casual content and side distractions? Lmao no.

Don’t punish every single addon user just because you hate how combat addons have affected Blizzard’s design philosophy. Addons aren’t big bad evils we have to defeat for the betterment of mankind.

This weird obsession you types have with taking addons away from everyone because you personally don’t like them, can’t use them, or can’t do the higher content you want without them, is incredibly dumb and honestly rather concerning. I can’t imagine being this obsessed with how other people have fun and enjoy the game.

Besides - if playing XIV for 10 years showed me anything, it’s that addons can’t be stopped without incredibly invasive malware-style anti-cheat software. And that drives way more people from a game than addon usage does. So even if Blizzard did make the pants on head decision out of the blue, to one day ban addons… they can’t really stop people from using them, regardless. It just becomes a don’t ask, don’t tell situation like it is in XIV. Which does nothing to ‘solve’ any problems you perceive addons to create.


So what about the handicapped that play? Im blind in one eye and my one addon helps me focus alot more of healing than having to be all over the screen and usuing 500 buttons from all the bloat. Anti addons is not the way. You play your way an leave everyone else alone is the best bet.


But I’m on my downtime at work… Since I am not one of the lucky ones who can play WoW at work, I check the forums for entertainment until breaks over. Some of you I actually really enjoy talking to, the other lot though? Your dedication to the troll is astounding, thank you for the entertainment.

Honestly the point is to not let people get under your skin. Why someone would let another person truly make them upset over anything around here is beyond me lol. Have a laugh every once in awhile. Personally I just like to chat, make key points, debate and learn stuff from other people.

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I’m pressing this giant red “NO” button I glued on my desk years ago.


It will happen.

Blizzard talked about the problem of combat add-ons long time ago. And their future design will diminish the effectiveness of computational add-ons.

Even DBM’s author think it is stupid.

While part of me thinks it would be absolutely hilarious to watch this game’s community destroy itself if they couldn’t readily get addons.

It’s also like way way too late to even consider this. At like every angle.

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Ofc not exactly like current 3RD party addon.

Why would the dev make a hard fight, then at the same time make a direct counter to its own design? It makes 0 sense.

The thing Blizzard shall do is to make “information” clearer in their design: colors scheme, spell effects, ability timers. etc.

It shall make information clearer for players, not doing things like auto marks, voice alert, warnings like “move away”,“stack up” shouted directly to your face as DBM.

Addons are too much apart of WoWs lifeblood.

If you tried to get rid of them, players would split off and play a version of WoW that has them.

I don’t think it’s time to ban addons, I think it’s time to design the game so you don’t need to manage 5 mandatory addons to complete the content. It seems like the developers can see what addons people are using most to manage what kinds of issues and make some changes based on that. Or am I just out in left field here?

Addons are something you should use for general utility purposes. Like managing your bags or identifying pet breeds. You shouldn’t need an addon because the Graphics in a fight are so complex and illegible that you need help seeing what’s going on.

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I think addons are bad for the game because they make encounters even harder.

Just another Sunday troll screaming into the void about something that’ll literally never happen. In a few days this will be buried and forgotten.

It is very late to consider this, also why it is very controversial, as so many people are used to them.

However, it is scandalous that a game relies so heavily on 3rd parties to be played properly, and the devs are OK to let 3rd parties doing their own job.

Interesting. I don’t play FF XIV, so I don’t know how anti-cheat software works.

I played Lost ark for few days via Steam. I noticed there is anti-cheat software logo on the starting screen.

I thought it would be very easy for Blizzard to stop 3rd party having access to its game files.

There are a lot of Blizzard games on launcher. I don’t know if players use addons in Starcraft 2, overwatch, diablo, etc. I guess they don’t, since I have never heard of addons or cheat mods in those games.

If it can be done easily in other games, I assume it can be done in WoW too.