It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

It is Time to Ban all those who want WoW Addons banned. My god, what a boring topic. Stop being weird boomers who wants every to have like they do - if you don’t like addons, don’t use them. They are not mandatory.


Oh look its the regular trolling about banning add ons must be Sunday. So predictable that every Sunday this comes up.


I feel that saying DBM should be broken is just showing a juvenile level of spit towards it.


So you are suggesting blizzard just makes DBM part of the base game?

Simple solution for you…Don’t use them. Problem solved. But like people in real life who don’t like something you have to spread your bull and try to force everyone to conform to what you like huh?

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RP communities rely on addons for character development, goods exchange, communication, story writing, and more. Unless these are implemented parts of the game (which they won’t be, because let’s be honest, when has the RP community ever been prioritized?), then addons need to stay.


Addons are the only reason I still play this game. No game compares to WoW’s ability to customize your UI. If that ever were to be removed, and its been a part of the game since before the game went live, there would be no reason for me to play this game over better games like FFXIV.

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Its time we ban people who complain about addons.
Don’t use them and keep being bad forever, problem solved.


How about no.

I never used Addons and still refuse to , for me I feel like if you have to use addons you have no real skills or challenges in the game . People just like to put everything into easy mode because god forbid if anything is challenging . If you try to take that easy lazy way of life away from them they get defensive and mean. So no wonder why so many people look like an episode of toddlers in tiaras right now

It’s not even the addons.
Players have gotten better and better over the years.

Classic is a prime example. Undergeared and under leveled, molten core was getting cleared insanely fast. Why? Mechanics were nonexistent. That genre was ‘new’ at the time and there was no info on the fights readily available like it is now.

That being said, does blizzard design fights around the use of addons? Yes. Is it the sole reason? No.

It’s safe to assume the majority that raid use dbm or something similar for timers. So fights are designed with that in mind AS WELL AS no one wants to do uber basic mechanics.
It’s boring. Just like how classes have evolved over the years from a singular button rotation to what we have now.

I also raided in a time prior to dbm/before it became popular. As a raid lead during those times, doing calls and tracking things with your own timers was not fun.

So, I for one, was super happy when dbm became a raiding staple so I could actually enjoy the raid vs micromanaging all the mechanics and players.

Opinion or not, that is a terrible idea. If addons like dbm were blocked, raiding would go back to super basic mechanics or it would kill a good portion of what is left of the raiding community.

So granted you are entitled to your opinion, you have to also think of the consequences of the “what if” past your own dislike of it.

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Honestly that was put together way too accurately for GD a shame they wont understand.

Real immersive players hit ALT + X and remove the entire UI and “feel” the Warcraft. Forego the shackles of the interface and become one with the world…of Warcraft.

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Blizzard could literally break all combat by simply never allowing those in-game events be detected by insecure code (read: addons). The only issue is that this would absolutely destroy UI functionality outright. And players would still find a way to make it work because you have to detect health changes somehow. Entire libraries would be built to support this black box model.

The result is that the goalposts would shift massively, but combat addons wouldnt be “solved” by any means.

Like one of the failure points of Private Auras is that the bosses might still expose the victim via "“target of target” :: This is why DBM /BigWigs can say like “First charge on me!” for first boss in Experiments encounter in Aberrus. There are so many ways to detect these supposedly hidden events, Blizzard needs to be extra careful.

And fwiw, I hope they continue to disallow certain computational addons/WAs. There were growing pains with Volcanic Heart in Aberrus, but no one seemed to mind Rushing Darkness – which is also a Private Aura. I hope that they can expand “Private Auras” (and events) to PVP. They should outright disable SendAddonMessage() and SendChatMessage() in Rated PVP maps as well.


If you don’t like addons, don’t use them… I like my addons. Removing them wouldn’t better the game.


In other words, when Hamstar sees a forum post they don’t like or agree with, they think they have the right to harass the poster in game.

There is no other reason you would make a statement like this. The internet is true anonymity… no matter if you know their bnet account or not.

You really don’t think that’s coming?

Everyone that doesn’t is cheating!!!

You should calm down. Getting so angry over an opinion is why we’re all in this mess in the first place.

Time to learn to be a mature adult, Bobby.

You too.

Or, maybe, because they know that Blizzard designs boss fight mechanics with DBM/BigWigs in mind, so it makes these addons required with any raid team worth a spit.

And some people don’t want to bother with addons, so that creates a barrier for those players, and they most likely leave the game.

The minute you tell players of a game that they need to go outside of the game for info, addons, etc… you lose some of those players.

Stop getting offended someone said the truth, and realize that we need to remove barriers to WoW, if we want it to stop it’s decreasing subscriber count.


External factors like wowlogs and raider IO have ruined the endgame experience of this game, ngl.

OK, you’re talking about Combat addons and not like a UI enhancer.

Still, the title of the thread is misleading 'cause at first, I thought you were talking about ALL addons.

I spoke too soon. NO!

Leave my Adapt and TRP ALONE!


what this one do?