It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

You realize this all came from addons right?


I’m in a love hate relationship with elvui.

Me saying they’re spreading misinformation isn’t a nasty attitude. It’s just fact. There’s a lot of things they’ve claimed about addons that simply aren’t true. I’m sorry you dislike that, but here we are.



I’m ok with this for encounter add-ons but I wanna keep my addon to auto-open all my mail or to have better sorting and filtering options for mounts. Stuff like that.

The only addons that needs to be broken is DBM and its ilk.

Y’all take this shoddy bait so easily. It’s like seeing the ilili posts at the top of the list. At this point I just shake my head, y’all want to argue with trolls so badly and waste your time.

I mean, breaking DBM and similar addons has been a firm position of mine regardless.

If you don’t like them don’t use them. You don’t get to dictate how others play.


I don’t. And I’m not saying people shouldn’t use them if they want to.

I just feel that the hot war between ramping dungeon/raid mechanics and DBM pings should end.

“break dbm” = forcing others to play how you feel they should play.
If they didn’t want dbm in the game, they’d have blocked it years ago, along with other add ons people are complaining about. Damage meters as well.
Who fuggin cares bro, it doesn’t affect you in the slightest

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The only reason people want addons banned is because they’re deluded into thinking it is the thing holding them back. Or they’re tired of people having analytics to their mistakes.


Again, I know.

I am allowed to have an opinion, however, as negative as it may be viewed as. The odds of my opinion becoming reality is effectively nil.

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Lizzard Fight!!!

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I’m pretty sure it’s because it’s a stupid opinion that holds no weight.
You’re more then welcome to have your opinion, but if you’re gonna tell the forum we’re gonna comment on how stupid it is. Cause and effect, we learn this early.

Sorry my opinion offended your precious playstyle.

Light above.

why is it these posts are always started by some level 10 character?

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I… man you’re a rare one, you’re not adding to your argument, you just go straight to i’m offended.
My brother in christ I don’t play with dbm, or weakauras, just details for damage meters. If they erased add ons i’d shrug it off.
Take care though lol

This reminds me of how our elementary school food would really blur the line between nutrition and prison grub :laughing:

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There is nothing to add. I would prefer DBM broken and I know it won’t ever happen. Period.

Immediately calling it stupid and saying others are going to join in equally adds nothing beyond a juvenile level of spite towards it.

Good evening.

Not really, addons do not make fights and raids harder. I have been a casual player since vanilla, raids and fights started getting harder when blizz started catering to the top 5% elite players and pvp’ers. I have always felt they should have a geared down casual setting for those players that do not want to be elite players, personally I would like to see where you could have the ability to change every dungeon and raid to a solo or customizable group size. As for addons, i use a UI addon for action bars (blizzs hasnt got there yet), a healing addon cause without an addon is ridiculously hard, map addon for easier reading, and gathering addon. Thats it. All these meters, combat addons, they could go away. I do not care if i am the top dps in a fight, dont care if i am last either, dont really care about the gear and stuff either. I do raids for the experience of the raid, the visuals and design. Slow and steady is fine by me. The way some of these folks do raids, lightning fast, blizz might as well not worry about design and make all raids and dungeons a pit in the ground that they just throw bosses into, because that is about what it has turned into.