It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

So your solution is to hurt the game and players in hope the Blizzard would do something? You are making a worse and worse case for your position.


Good luck with that, everytime Blizzard does do some ā€œimprovingā€, itā€™s usually a terrible alternative to the thing they are trying to copy. At best, itā€™s okay, but too simple. And rarely you get something good.

And having no addons wouldnā€™t incentivize them to improve on them either. They can barely make a basic UI editor.


you really need to get over yourself.

it isnā€™t for you to say what is and is not needed for other people.


oh no then nexus mods is the same way
i believe that these mod sites scan the mods to make sure its safe

That hasnā€™t stopped the influencerā€™s purity cultists from posting these stinkbait threads EVERY DAY.

They want the freedom to take everyone elseā€™s freedom away.


with the bag idea they did it was still a swing and a miss

Pretty much. :point_up:

Being honest, iā€™ve never really care for the bagnon sort of addons since it just messes up my organization i had for items to begin with. Maybe i donā€™t see the appeal in it.


No add-ons are required to play the game. Everyone is free to use or not use them as they see fit. Get over it.


But your first para talks about how bad add ons are because - to quote your own words - ā€œThe recent WF races are no longer just a competition of game skills, but also a competition of which guild can write best codes and addonsā€.

Your second para talks about casuals and raiding difficulty. The fact is, raids have always been difficult for casuals. Casuals, by definition, play casually and finding guilds that raid to their level is not easy - and that has zero to do with add ons, and everything to do with things like skill, personal issues, time and interest. Add ons might make their life a bit easier but most of those add ons are purely QoL ones, not the high intensity high level things the WF raiders use.

The main thing is that Blizzard has had problems with a small number of specialised add ons that aid high level World First guilds because of the need to try and adjust fight mechanics. They have already made moves to address those issues by blocking certain ones. They are hardly likely to incorporate such add on abilities into their game - the idea is to stop them so they can adjust their boss fights for everyoneā€™s benefit, not include them to make their life harder.


look at sorted it give you all the info
amount of gold in total you have
guild bank info
your bank and alt bank info with gold
every thing has their own tab and can have it listed like fallout or have it in a bubble like tab

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Itā€™s time to ban people who bring up the suggestion of banning addons.

Addons bring much needed accessibility to this game, whether you like it or not. You are actively saying you donā€™t believe disabled players and players who need other accommodations that Blizzard wonā€™t give themselves should be able to play this game when you say you want addons banned.



Lead off item is the give away.

WFR crews are all WA/DBM programming it seems.

This is so true. the reason why I canā€™t run mythic raid is my WA and DBM setup. its not me, canā€™t be. Its the WA/DBM! This was sarcasm in case meters broken.


Addons have their own place. One of my favorites has always been Mistraā€™s Diablo Orbs. I like to ā€œDiabolizeā€ my WoW experience. If Blizzard doesnā€™t want to put that in as an in-house option, thatā€™s okay. Another one of my favorites is Spy; it never hurts to get chirped at if thereā€™s someone of the opposite faction nearby.

Another favorite is putting in customized gun sounds. I miss the heck out of that, because the current gun sounds are total crap. So addons do well in things Blizzard should do but donā€™t get around to doing.


Cost of doing Business is something that companies donā€™t like to think about when it comes to develop and keep developing the product and services of that business. Obvious fixed costs like employees, facility upkeep and rent they have to pay out but when they have shareholder expectations to meet, they donā€™t re-invest that money back into the business. They will complain they need more money from the end-users yet post millions and billions in profit year over year (example utility companies).

As far as the add-ons go, yes, the company that puts out that software that is requiring people to make 3rd party software needs to be looked into and baked it into the original product. Hire these modifiers for the main team or off-site contractors would be the way to go as some websites host malicious content that an end-user downloads because they see something that might make their life a bit easier to play.

  • just my humble opinion

Tell me you donā€™t actually play the game without telling me :eyes:


I suppose thatā€™s fair.

At my school sometimes weā€™d have the hotdog boat. A hotdog sliced in twain with a scoop of mashed potatoes topped by some shredded cheese. So simple and yet so good.


Thisā€¦sounds very intriguing.

Replace with a sausage, brat, kielbasaā€¦more mashed tators. SO many possibilities.


Of all the things people get on their soapbox over. Hereā€™s an ideaā€¦ instead of possessing the ā€œif Iā€™m not happy, no oneā€™s happyā€ mindset try considering the following:

General complaint: ā€œI donā€™t like addons and because of this blizzard should ban them!ā€
Alternative Solution: Donā€™t use addons.


Iā€™m pretty sure no oneā€™s holding you hostage and forcing you to use addons. Let people play how they want to play - if they like using addons great. If not, also great. You do you boo boo. :heart:


Nah, I like my addons.
If you donā€™t, donā€™t use them