It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

As someone who is disabled and relies on a few add-ons to help, I agree with this message.

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:arrow_up: This right here.

Me useing add ons does not effect others game play, just like those who don’t use add ons does not effect mine.

You can create a community or guild for players who are like minded and want to raid and such without add ons, the options are there. That’s why Blizzard created options and choices.


Yes, I mean essential functions shall be integrated into game’s default funtions/settings. And all 3rd party addons should be banned.

But as long as addons are allowed, there is little motives for Blizzard to do so, because why do it yourself when 3rd party do the job for you? And the overall experience for players will be worse.

How long does it take for Blizzard to simply update the game UI and bag UI? more than 10 years? Such basic and easy functions takes such long time, because a lot of players use addons and Blizzard can slack.

Blizz needs every second of their attention focused on just getting the game to actually work. I’m more than happy to let the addon devs do their thing instead of letting Blizz just mess it up.


However, for the player it frequently does way more good than harm.

DBM for example - as I understand it, all it really does is make more clear the stuff that the game is already doing. In my case, when I did raid I struggled with eyesight (as I’m not a young chick anymore) and DBM vocalised warnings etc for me, which made it a lot easier for me to participate with my guildies, which was huge fun for me. Not having that option back then would have meant I probably would have quit raiding a lot sooner because I wouldn’t have wanted to make things more difficult for my guildmates.

Life is not a level playing field and not every situation can be defined by some perfect agenda.


Again right here, your problem is with Blizzard. The addons are just filling a role that Blizzard has left in the game. It blizzard fixed the UI and offered the same thing as the addons, then people wouldn’t bother with the addons.
You need to be complaining at Blizzard and not demanding everyone suffer because you don’t like how they view and play the game.
As I said, if you don’t want to use addons then don’t. You don’t get to choose if others want to or get to use them. Addons have been part of WoW for nearly 20 years.
This is a you problem, not a addon problem.


Having basic functions integrated into default game settings, instead of downloading/updating via 3rd party, is a QoL improvement for everyone.

You already have basic functions tho

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Yes, but why would Blizzard improve UI when addons do the job for most players?

As I mentioned, people have been using UI/bag addons since day 1 of WoW. And it took Blizzard more than 10 years to update its default UI/bags.

If you ban tomtom, damage meter, etc, today, there will be full of cries from players tomorrow. And those functions will be added in the game before next sub date.

What if you want more than “basic” functions.

A lot of add ons add customization and flavor.


Why would we care when having 3rd party options means much more variety and customization than Blizz would ever offer if they were the only ones doing it?

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How about …

:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:


I’m a tad confused.

You say “ban add ons”. Then you say “incorporate them into the game systems”.

So, the things that add ons do, you don’t like, right? But you’d like them if the game did them?

What…exactly…is the difference? If the same result is achieved (be it by an add on or a game system) what difference does it make in the end?


It depends on what degree of customizations. Of course the game shall not allow unlimited customization.

e.g. I think the updated UI interface of DF already gives a very broad range of “customization” with all basic needs. It is good enough for most players. More customization beyond that is not “needed” but “wanted” by some.

And addons like WeakAura, TSM shall definitely be banned. They are not customization, they are another game.

These threads and ops always boil down to

“I can’t do what others do in game, it’s not me of course, if addons didn’t exist I would be in echo.”


It doesnt to begin with.

The entire point of customization is “wanted”. Thats literally why customization exists in any game.

Its not needed, its wanted.

Why do you think removing things people want in the game makes the game better?


There is big difference.

Default function doesn’t include 3rd parties. Everything is updated/patched by the game itself via, and all your in game settings are saved and sync.

There is no need to download/update/set addons on each device, if you play on multiple machines.

It is a big QoL improvement for players in terms of convenience, safety and bugs.

Lol yeah, that would be totally better for everybody if these troll threads just disappear tbh. lol.


Idk what you mean by this…can you give an example?

yeah it’s not really a show of skill for world first anymore as the best teams got addons that make the raid a lot more simplified than it was meant to be. I mean they’re basically following a script at this point as the addons tell them what is coming and when and all that crap. I’d honestly also love to see all addons be banned or if anything not allowed in the competitive field as hey if they can beat the game without addons they’re some truly skilled people… otherwise they’re just sweaty try hards. The game is meant to be fun… the toxic atmosphere damage and such addons create is not fun. You shouldn’t have a metaphorical gun pressed to your head when trying to enjoy content without addons.