It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Sure, no problem. :+1:

And let me be clear here: I honestly think addons do more harm than good to wow. And All addons shall be banned.

If people think I am trolling, then let it be. :grinning:

FF14 is thataway. :point_right:

You leave my addons alone, you streamer worshipper.


No Addons are invaluable for accessibility especially for disabled players and that is important enough of a reason to keep addons simple as that.

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Only took you 332 posts into your thread to say that you allegedly will.

Of course, based on your history I do not instantly believe you. But I am willing to see if you will change for the better.

Now to your statement. I dont believe that downloading add ons from Curseforge is a negative for the game. And that seems to be basically your only complaint. Because any add on you seem to be ok with making it native to the game. So you dont seem to have an issue with add ons themselves. You just dont like them being stored on a 3rd party website.

Nowā€¦where add ons being on a 3rd party website vs WoW being bad for the game is where I disagree. Because being on a 3rd party website allows for diversity, quick updating, and new ideas.


Those basic functions should be in the gameā€™s default settings, not resort to 3rd parties.

Everybody wants to ruleā€¦ the World of Warcraft.


If addon functions are added to the main game, then what is the point of even banning them in the first place?


Yes they should but doing so takes up development time and costs money also Blizzard canā€™t just copy paste addons into the game.

Is it the best solution for accessibility no but itā€™s the only one on the table like WeakAuras, DBM, GTFO and VuhDo help me peform despite my disabilities especially in relation to response times and my poor eyesight.

If Addons are removed Disabled players such as myself would be punished for factors that are out of our control ruining our enjoyment and putting us at a severe disadvantage compared to our Abled peers.

The reality is that just removing Addons is not a simple, easy and harmless solution.


Convenience, safety and less bugs.

Why should players rely on so many 3rd party stuffs when playing a Blizzard game?

Why should players allow Blizzard to let 3rd party to do its own job?

Why should players be OK with downloading and updating addons when it should not be needed, and those functions should be in the game itself?

Allowing addons is allowing Blizzard to be lazy.

Then your issue is with WoW UI, not addons.


Thatā€™d be the time to quit wow. With my adhd Iā€™d find it virtually impossible to do high difficult content without dbm.


We are talking, yā€™know. Warcraft. The franchise where a a WC3 map launched an entire genre of games. Custom, third party stuff has always been a Warcraft Thing. Warcraft 2 had its custom maps, people managed to get custom units in Starcraft, and then Warcraft 3 came along which gave insane power in its map development kit. Heck, WoW is based on a modified WC3 engine

because, thatā€™s how stuffā€™s always worked if you need to update it? You donā€™t mod Skyrim, do you?

While thereā€™s some addons Iā€™d remove due to their effect on the player base (DPS meters. Sorry folks, but the Dracthyr situation has shown people canā€™t be trusted with them), thereā€™s things addons do that Blizzard would never do. Like, remember in Wrath when the Peggle devs just coded an entire Peggle into Warcraft? Blizzard were never going to do that. Or the TRP system that lets RPers have all their character bio? Musician, that lets you play music from MIDI files ala LotR or FFXIV?

Thatā€™s stuff addons can do and Blizz would never do


That is because DBM gives you information much more efficiently, with voice alert, auto marker, timer tracking, etc.

The solution is Blizzard improving its encounter on these aspects, not always relying DBM to do the job.

I am not against any accessibility functions for disabled people in anyway. And I donā€™t really know what addons they normally use.

But those basic, essential functions should be integrated into the game itself.

you should change the title of the thread to ā€œBlizzard should update their UIā€
Addons are created to fill in for something that is missing. If the UI had the functions that worked as well, people wouldnt need the addons.


I donā€™t have issue with WoW UI. I donā€™t even use any UI addons.

You mean i have problem with addon managers? Then yes, I do.

No all of your complaints have been about Blizzards UI and it not giving us the functions that addons do give.
So the solution is for the UI to be updated to give the same functionality, then people wouldnā€™t use the addons.

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You dont have to wait for ban, just stop using them, you dont really care what others do , do you ?


The UI affects everyone, but my addons only affect me and not you. If you donā€™t want to use addons then just donā€™t use them.


Canā€™t wait to be unable to play the game because of a disability, OP! Thank you so much! Truly saving the game.