It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

Just stop.

You have the same access to addons as everyone else does. If you choose not to use them for whatever reason: that’s on you.

Also, not everyone uses combat addons: those aren’t the only kinds of addons. WA can be used for other things outside of raiding and dungeons.

Then there’s kgpanels.

This all sound more like a you issue. Don’t like addons: don’t use them. Don’t advocate getting rid of them just because YOU personally don’t like them.


I don’t understand why anyone wouldn’t want any edge they could legally get for a game like wow. Every edge. Addons, getting a full night’s sleep, eating healthy, taking supplements, etc.

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Survive without Sexymap? Inconceivable. I would have a map, that isn’t sexy.


It is nothing personal.

PS: I like your guild name.

Someone is salty they got beat by someone with an addon they didn’t think to get.


pvp players are shaking in their boots

Oh boy, this will be good. Let’s teach you how to prevent tunnel vision so you can actually see what’s going on.

  • Not an acceptable answer. You need to give me a spell to look at. None of this “this is common knowledge” → Common Knowledge is that frontals are tank-attacks. I’ve played both melee and ranged, and all melee has to do is stand behind enemies and avoid swirlies. If you’re taking damage from frontals, then you’re getting hit by tank busters.

  • Every frontal that target a ranged unit is accompanied by a frontal cone and the creature facing you.

  • They borrow with a dive animation.
  • They have an unborrowing aniamtion.
  • They have a cast bar and lock their facing position for the spray.

Literally just turn your camera around and adjust accordingly.

  • The solution is to stand near melee.
  • Harpooners aren’t one-shotting anything.
  • You can see the “Goin’ Bananas” pre-cast visual as a gold circle. They damage isn’t even deadly.
  • Pulling a deadly enemy with the harpooners is your choice.
  • All the deadly abilities are telegraphed as swirlies or circles on the ground.
  • Aggro tables are not a spell that you can visualize, this is game knowledge.
  • Fixates are telegraphed with a red beam and “eyes” over your head.
  • Archers have pre-visual swirlies for their non-targeted arrow attacks.
  • AOE Stomp is telegraphed with a pre-visual and a cast bar.
  • All spells cast by the big mobs are slower and show a cast bar, is also the only thing they really do.
  • Cast bars. Debuffs. blah blah. The mobs aren’t instantly casting anything.
  • Spell visuals included: Beams, Swirlies, and a large spell flash to show a failure. There are plenty of spell effects with spell visuals in your own words.
  • Fixates have beams and “eyes” over your head.
  • The Whirlwind, as you described it, is the telegraph. The “solution” is Soothe. But there is very clearly a telegraph according to your own words.
  • Cast bars, we’ve gone over this enough.
  • Totems as literally just NPCs emulating spells. That’s their telegraph – they exist.

Telegraphing has nothing to do with solutions. Telegraphing is just using spell visuals or creature animations to signal an event. Everything you listed has multiple telegraphs, including game sounds, but I assume you have those muted.


So far we haven’t seen from OP is:

1.Problems Add-ons cause that isnt player fault
2. Required Add-ons
3. A relevant means of fixing a game the Add-ons do for free.

What I have seen from OP is:

  1. trolling
  2. Lack of understanding of Add-ons.
  3. Excuses and calling people trolls for disagreement.
  4. Unwillingness to learn what Add-ons actually do an is scared of them.

An my favorite OP isnt actually against Add-ons so long as Blizzard baked them into the base game. They dislike the tedious approach of downloading it themselves.

So heres the thing Blizzard cant even manage class balances correctly the new AugVoker spec VERY CLEARLY showed that. An now you want to give them responsibility for making Add-ons HAHAHAHA… no :-1:


Usually I don’t like resorting to this conclusion but you actually seem to be quite genuinely trolling if a harmless role-play addon that allows us to express our characters and stories in-game with other role-players is something you want to get rid of for apparently no reason in particular.

You just made it personal.


A semi competent game should NOT rely on multiple 3rd party addons to play as it is intended.

Since RP is a major part of wow, and has its own designated servers, basic RP functions should be in in-game default settings, instead of letting 3rd party doing its own job.

As for other millions of personalization addons, No, you don’t NEED it, you just WANT it. The game can be played perfectly without them.

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  1. Tell that to someone with bad eyesight.

  2. People may enjoy different addons that hold the same purpose but in different ways. You expect Blizzard isn’t the type of company to make just one thing and be done with it?

Many people wanted the UI set up we have now, but a lot of people aren’t quite happy with the specifics and still use addons for their own reasons. There’s nothing wrong with that.


I say they wont.

I guess we are at a standstill.

And the game can be played perfectly with them.

Saying the game can be played without them is not justification to get rid of them.


Of course that is one of the biggest reasons.

When one has to download a 3rd party addon managers (wolf/twitch/curse/wowup, etc.) and then multiple more 3rd party addons, there is certainly higher security risk and chance of bug, interference, etc. besides the work to download/install/update addons on multiple PCs if you play on multiple devices.

If Blizzard can integrated similar functions, it will undoubtedly be more convenient, safe, less buggy, like the item level replaced the old “gearscore”, in-game quest tracker replaced “QuestHelper”.

The game shall not rely so heavily on 3rd party stuff to start with.

I never use addons. I approve of this message

This is as unnecessary as addons. You can download and install addons just fine without a manager. I do it and have no issue keeping mine up to date.


So are you saying you baited here to get the forum into an uproar?


Ahh No.

Nothings Wrong with Addons.


I read what they said and immediately was like “tell me you’re a young player without directly saying it” :joy:


Ive NEVER used anything to manage my addons.


Simple answer no, I think most will quit if addons were done away with.