It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

So you don’t even read the original topic. :joy:

Are you suggesting that bossfights were designed to be done with a stopwatch open?

Boss transitions to P2 at X % or Y time —
20+ players (or the RL + voice comms) all start a stop watch in P2 to pre-cast defensives for raid damage that occur at 30 second intervals while also keeping track of 45 second intervals for pre-positioning of soak, spread and knockback mechanics?

lol. do you actually do any of the content you are suggesting should be done this way?

where does this leave all the oneshot mechanics that happen in dungeons with zero telegraphing, or that occur in packs of mobs where keeping track of 3 different mobs in a pack of 5 gets absurd? Do we restart the stopwatch everytime sea spout or frost blast finish?


Here are two other assumptions I want to point out.

Your assumption that DBM auto plays for you.

Your assumption that there are poorly choreographed abilities.

Your assumption that raiding is too hard.


There were no problems listed there.

What problems do they cause in the game.

That was YOUR criteria, and you didn’t even fill that.



Which mechanics? Name them. Show me a video. Show me literally anything that supports your claim.

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I. did. not. say. that.

Now answer the question.


Wait Today is Saturday?

Alright I’m ahead on my classwork lol


Sure, if you don’t think them as problems, then there is no problem for you.

But there is no point to ask me the same question, when I already said it in my original post.

If you don’t agree with it, then it is fine.

You’re literally speaking for everyone in your OP. It’s worthless.


You didn’t list any problems in the game.

You listed problems external to the game and focused around players.

Because the problems you listed are centered around people, not the game itself.

Addons are created to get around problems with the game and the way it is designed. People cause the problems in your original post.

So explain why addons, which are solutions to problems the devs haven’t thought to fix yet (and sometimes later copy because they didn’t think of it first), are the problem and not the people themselves causing the problems you suggest.

Oh and this:

Is laughable at best. Mythic raiding is hard. Heroic raiding is hard for some people that try to do it. Normal is almost a joke but still hard for a select few. LFR is raiding with handrails installed and almost unfailable, but there is a small percentage of people that get enough gear but still have a “what does this button do” problem.

But all of this ^ is still a player problem, not an addon problem.





Need to ban 3 add ons.

Weak auras.

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Now explain why.

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Always love seeing you in threads. You say what I came to say an cover it just right. Cheers

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Cringing at OP. You’ll never take my non-combat addons and ui enhancements.


I dont have to explain anything.
I say ban those 3 and the game
will improve

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All addons need to be treated equally. They all have the access to game files.

And banning specific addon will not work. Banning DBM will just result DBM2, DBM3, etc. to replace current DBM.

All addons need to be banned.

I mean have you ever logged in?

  • Most trash with melee frontals have a ~1sec cast time and the only telegraph is hoping you see that particular mobs cast bar. This is just common knowledge.
  • The worms in NL teleport behind you and have a 1 shot cleave acid spray, later in the dungeon they are pulled with mobs that require hard cc to stop metamorphisis or the group wipes
  • Avalanche in NL can 1 shot, ~1sec cast time, brown circle on brown ground, these mobs are almost always in groups of other mobs that randomly target (pelters) or that have 1 shot frontals (the rock dudes throwing spraying shards)
  • Harpooners after Pirate Bosses in Freehold; they pull you into a pack. The same packs also have mobs that focus you and will kill you if they reach you, same pack also has a massive AOE (frost blast) that requires a kick, same pack also has a mob that does a channeled AOE that will kill you if it hits (goin’ bananas), the packs are traditionally pulled with the ogre that has an point blank AOE that will kill you and a thrown rock that will kill you, hopefully you don’t get pulled with no telegraph into one of these latter abilities.
  • The Ohanaran Plains centaurs, who have one mob cleaving, a bird that will focus a player and kill them if it reaches them, archers without aggro table, aoe stop that requires getting out of, a heroism buff that requires kick, and a group silence that requires stopping
  • Halls of Infusion, you have packs from the moment the dungeon starts where 1 expulsion will wipe the group, a channel of the focused beam can kill a player (requires a full on hard cc and does not cause ability to incur a cd), another mob is casting a stacking damage debuff, and as the packs go on you are fighting packs with multiple of these mobs with their mechanics at the same time.
  • Brackenhide, the WW that can only be “kicked” with a soothe, on a mob that also has an aoe fear, in packs where you also have to stomp totems and kick decaying surge, and several mobs will drop aggro to focus-chase a player.

There’s packs like this in basically every dungeon…


You want to take away my TRP which has zero relevance to any combat in the game?

I use a weakaura to show me what my stagger is on my brewmaster monk. It literally just enlarges the green/yellow/red icon from the upper right hand side of the screen. All it does is help me not have to squint to ascertain very important information.

Stop scapegoating.