It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

You mentioned boss spells would be better telegraphed if they got rid of addons.

Can you name 1 mechanic in the past 2 raid tiers that had a bad telegraph?


What the hell are you talking about?

Some functions were addons, and now in game = if there are no addons, there won’t be functions in game???

Were there mount/toy collection tab addons? No, Are they in game now? Yes.

Was transmog an addon function? No, Do we have it in game now? Yes.

Assuming without addons, some functions won’t exist, because dev only copy existing addon functions, is laughable.

Such obvious logical fallacy is not even worth replying.

Except for the fact that the devs have in the past copied addon functionality to add QoL to the game.


slams hands on desk in epic Dwight fashion

BLOOD ALONE MOVES THE WHEELS OF HISTORY! BAN them all! :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Ask and you shall receive. Behold!!!


So whats your argument?

If the add ons get copied to be natively in game…is it hitting “update” on a 3rd party program thats really bothering you?

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sure, if that is what you understand from what i wrote. :+1:

No, what is laughable is you typed out this statement, read it, then hit send, without actually realizing you contradicted yourself.

Without the addons that they copied, what would they have had to copy from to get the in game function?



Would you mind clarifying? When you stated that DBM/WA doesnt ALWAYS play the game for you…specifically what were you referring to? What were you referring to that made you insert the word “always”?


Circular logic eventually comes around to bite itself in the tush.


Yes, and You can see my argument in my original post, if you actually read it, before starting all these trolling.

Why do you even troll people’s thread if you don’t even read anything? :joy:

Using hyperbole and absolutes do not nullify what I’ve stated. You’re trying too hard at this point.

I did not state EVERY SINGLE QOL feature was once an addon. It has, however, been a strong driving factor. To deny this is to deny the course of history.

I never said that. Reread.

You’re simply acting like some cartoony caricature at this point because you have nothing of substance. Are you that much of a miserable human?


Ok. So here is a scenario.

You want Blizzard to just copy add ons people use to put it natively in game. Are you saying that going forward nothing new (add on wise) would ever be discovered, created?

Because as it was previously mentioned…if you stop add on development…you stop Blizzard from importing things natively into the game. Because those things dont exist.




So people questioning you is now “trolling”?

No, I want answers. You said that addons hurt the game.


What, SPECIFICALLY, do they do to:

You haven’t answered that anywhere.

Give me 5 examples of what problems they cause.


Bruh, these people won’t even answer a basic request for an example. They aren’t here for a discussion.

They haven’t provided a single example of a raid mechanic that has poor telegraphing. Just ignore them.


Day early friend.

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idk, I didn’t even have the attention span to read the whole OP.
If I didn’t have all my addons carrying me I’d be auto-running around SW getting stuck in corners and stuff.

I’m kinda dependent on them really, so I’d rather not lose them.


It is to point out the assumption “devs only copying existing addons functions” is false.

because there are in-game functions never existed in addons.

its time to ban people who make stupid threads like this one

ka faen???