Did you just compare people playing WoW to needing to do the same amount of work and effort to play WoW as what NBA players get payed MILLIONS OF DOLLARS for?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA AAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You shouldn’t have to look up how to play a game on youtube to play the game, if you do then the developers of the game have seriously failed at communicating to the player what they should be doing in encounters.
Again: the Ballroom Blitz fight (yes, it will be called this from now on, good song and a good fight…usually) communicates clearly and effectively, without dbm, just from emotes, audio, AND how the courtiers move as well.
All of the fights after either have just ‘blend in swirlies’ or very unclear communication of what the mechanic you encounter is and you have to just ‘figure it out’ despite the hugely heavy penalties of raid whipes. Heck, even the Denathrius fight is much better handled, as the ‘pools’ he makes are suuuper clear on the ground, the different phases are super clearly telegraphed, as are the attacks, and nothing is ‘instant death’ in the fight (very quick death if you stand in the sick, but not instant) now, lets compare that to Sylvanis, the end boss of the next tier. Phase 1 has lots of swirlies that are similarly colored to the platform and some hits that will just…delete clothies if they get hit (it might be small individual AOE but they are spammed EVERYWHERE), then there is the chain run for p2…my god, who thought that was a good idea “Hey guys, run along these chains with death drops, kill fairly tanky adds, and dodge abilities, sorry casters yall are going to be gimped through this, so the dps checks will be harder, oh, and if you aren’t quick enough you have to restart the fight!” then comes p3, and the ‘platform hopping’ mechanic, while intersting on paper, the execution was horrible as nothing in game really communicated ‘get off the platform’ and with the particle effects, it looks like you should be fine on the platform if you stand in the right spots, but that’s just a lie.
A boss fight should effectively communicate what’s needed/what the player needs to do, within the fight it’s self and shouldn’t need special guides/tutorials to make sense of.