It is Time to Ban WoW Addons

But how would my guild set our funny nicknames on our meters? Making each other laugh with silly meter names is a part of our guild culture.

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Not sure if you’re joking or serious or somewhere in between (sarcasm doesn’t transfer well on the internets), but that could still be facilitated by third-party meter addons so long as everybody is using the same addon.

Because there is no need for Blizzard to improve the UI, since most players use 3rd party UI addons.

Over the years, Blizzard has added toy/mount tabs, in-game voice chat, mouse over macro, improved AH UI, etc. But it is not enough. A lot more functions shall be added into default UI.

Only banning addons can make Blizzard to work on its only UI, instead of let players relying on 3rd party.

I’m serious. We literally make a game out of having ridiculous nicknames.

But if all addons were banned like the level 10 character who doesn’t even play the game wants we wouldn’t have that freedom.

You are definitely trolling.

They’ve had opportunities to fix the UI for years and haven’t done the bare minimum. They literally recorded the text box in late Legion but they didn’t add the basic accessibility feature of larger than 18 point font or even a serif font option.


You just post an opinion and it gets flagged.


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It doesn’t matter, as long as everyone is following the forum rules.

It’s always a level 10 trolling and making bait threads.

I need the add ons for my disability,

You don’t speak for everyone.

Add ons have nothing to do with this if so please provide a source.

Here we go with Ion says. :roll_eyes:

Streamers who probably always had issues with this kind of content, raiding isn’t for everyone.

Kill WoW /thread.

They are not going to do this. :rofl:


That was last month’s hot topic. But it is a revolving door around here :rofl:

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That is not surprising. It is one of the most important issues for WoW today.

Nothing Blizzard ever officially implements will be as good as an addon developed by someone actually passionate about the game.

I will not get rid of my ELVUI.


if you say so I guess :thinking: I’m not losing much sleep over it though. I do agree in that it would be nice, if they added some of the more used addons into the default ui. Like they did with the quest helper thing.

Yeah I’m not into full-on banning, just integration of “essentials” so that the game is somewhat adequately equipped for group content play expectations from players out of the box and so addon authors have less legwork to do. Ideally, addons should have very little “brains” in their code and should be mostly about user customization, with the game itself filling the majority of the “brains” role.

Just because a bald streamer says something doesn’t make it true.


That entirely depends on devs will and effort.

How is item level compared to gearscore? In-game quest tracking compared to QuestHelper?

Integerated functions will only works faster and smoother than 3rd party addon, not slower.

And we only need to open to update the game itself, instead of openning curse/twitch/overwolf/wowup or whatever to watch their drama and ads.

It doesn’t matter who said it, but what one said.

The last time Blizzard tried to integrate a popular addon into their game they did such a poor job of it that most people still just use the addon. Pass.


I mean mouth-breathers like you wouldn’t be flocking to the forum to try and get his attention if he hadn’t, so I would say it matters.


I don’t agree with what you say, but I defend your right to say it.


:roll_eyes: you are a meme, and not a good one


I actually wanted this at one point. I hate the whole parsing thing. Even if your doing good damage players don’t take into account when you are dodging mechanics, so your still seen as bad if you lose DPS for 5 seconds. I had this issue with my last guild.

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