It is time. Spell breakers and necromancers

Lol, hilarious troll.

You could just, not give them DoT and CC attacks for all of them. As for how you balance it against Army of the dead. You don’t. You balance the base class performance around having them, the same way Hunter is balanced around having a pet (or not having one in the case of Marksman hunters that took the talent to make them do better without it.)

As for the lag, I don’t know much about that, but I’m certain they could find a balance between numbers and computer resources.

And now that your rude demands weren’t effective you resort to name calling.

As you call me a terrorist.

I did not, however, if the shoe fits

Totally not calling me a terrorist, right?

Feel like these classes would just work better as a “hero skin” that changes visuals maybe with a unique weapon type transmog that you can put over what that class is holding.

Demo lock gets necro as a hero class and just reskins the kit instead of a whole new class to balance.

hand of guldan = crashing skeleton’s or a giant skeletal fist
shadowbolt = bone spike
fel guard = skeleton lord (designed to look like an undead royal knight)

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Simply laying out my ground rules.

Demonology Warlocks already have ranged pets.
Now, pets having their own spell book has already been done. If what you suggest goes beyond that, and you need to be constantly using spells from your character and the pet separately, then it would be either broken and/or a very awkward to use.

But, worst of all, it would go against what the fantasy of a necromancer is. If you look at WoW’s past iterations of necromancers as implemented already in the game, you will see there are 2 kind of corpses that are usually raised by necromancers: skeletons and ghouls. Both are usually melee and rather dumb units.

The necromancer’s fantasy isn’t based on ranged complex pets, but rather several simple ones, overwhelming their enemies through numbers.

You do realize Metamorphosis always belonged to Demon Hunters, right? The same way that Death Coil belonged to Death Knights? Warlocks only had them in the first place because those classes weren’t playable in vanilla.


Warlocks literally have a spec that revolves around a bakers dozen of ranged caster lobbing fireballs.

Which is why I’d give them a horde Potentially some temporary summons as well, but I think at least one specialization needs to be focused almost entirely on managing that horde. I don’t know exactly how it would be done, I’m, not a video game expert. But I know that, in the latest edition of D&D, to have a skeleton and/or zombie horde, you have to use most of your spells to maintain control of it. So I think we play with that idea.

Let’s give them a couple of Wand based abilities, we don’t have a class that really uses those. By that I mean, yes, they can be equipped, but nobody has an Arcane shot for Wand. Just for example, I’m not saying just give them Arcane shot, but with a wand.

Give them a series of commands which will tell the horde to focus one target, spread out and attack anything they’re in combat with at random, or defend a target. If set to focus they will all pile onto the same target. If set to spread out, they will split as evenly as possible across all creatures in combat with them. If set to defend a target, they will taunt anything targeting it and keep attacking it.

Primary spells would be focused on supporting the undead horde. Standard buffs you’d expect, equalize health across the horde, sacrifice the lowest health minion to heal the next in line, raise attack, that sort of thing. Also of course raising more.

I don’t think they should need there to be bodies around to raise more skeletons, but perhaps they could get a cooldown reduction or cast speed increase for every target killed in the fight, persisting for a brief time after.

How many minions should they have? Well, that’s a hard question to answer. Obviously more than 2, most likely not 20. Though perhaps a cooldown to temporarily increase to 20 would not be out of the question, as stated, I am not a video game designer. I believe 8-10 would be an appropriate number of minions that don’t run out.

Using the skill to sacrifice minions to heal another minion, you could even twist it into an actual healing specialization, but that’s a bit outside of the typical fantasy.

Jajajajajjajaja. Necromancers! Only BELF race specific. :upside_down_face: :melting_face: :dracthyr_lulmao:

This can easily be fulfilled by DKs as well with a few minor tweaks to their kit. Putting a ranged spec in DKs would also be a nod to the original necromancers from WC2 (DKs)

Everyone that keeps saying DK’s are necromancers don’t know DK lore much do they?

Dk’s are themselves raised into undeath.

Necromancer’s are casters that are still alive that raises beings into undeath, depending on how powerful they are (and the player charecter is always depicted as more powerful then the average user) depends on the level of intellegence and skill of the undead.

You do know warlocks made those DK’s right using warlock souls and the corpses of human knights?

If they made anecromancer I wouldn’t be anything else. Every Diablo I was always a necro and on top of that a vulpera necro haha that would be dope

From what I’ve read, Warcraft 1 has regular necromancers. So that would be the original.

death knights are not “real” necromancers, they were created by Gul’dan(warlock) & necrolytes(necromancers).

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This is correct.

NGL It’s been years since I played WC1 and I completely forgot about the necrolytes that could raise undead from there. Your point has been noted.

With that said necrolytes from WC1 and DKs from WC2 can be argued to be one in the same considering the only difference is one is basically an ‘upgrade’ to the other from one game to the next. Not to mention that their lore for DKs is basically ‘orc souls stuffed into dead human corpses’ and Guldan used his ‘warlocks’ to do so. The warlock term there could be argued to have been the necrolytes from the previous game considering that they had nearly the same kit (dark vision was replaced with hurricane)

Yes but see above for that.

Still think trying to argue that a death knight is somehow all that different from a necromancer is being kinda silly.

From an actual lore standpoint? Two things, one is that a necromancer is someone who raises the undead (Dks literally raise the undead all the time) and two is that armor class doesn’t actually matter to a caster (This isn’t DnD and Anduin wears plate as a priest) Necromancers are already technically in the game in DKs.

From a game play standpoint DKs literally summon the undead. Quite literally go play an unholy DK and look at all those undead dorks you summon up. Yes they don’t do tons of damage but that could easily be remedied with a few minor tweaks to their kit. The basics for fulfilling everything you want in a necro is basically already in the DK kit if you make a couple tweaks to it.

I’m not quite sure how giving a DK a ranged spec through tweaking their kit wouldn’t literally fill your necromancer fantasy. Plate can even mog cloth. The only salient point is you have is that you want a DK that hasnt been raised into undeath
 Which can easily be ignored from an RP perspective if you really want it to.

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