It is time. Spell breakers and necromancers

I can’t see a necromancer pet class as a melee class. It makes no sense to raise up an army of dead things and not use it as a meat shield

FWIW you used to be able to run a DK as completely ranged (25 yards or w/e. it’s still ranged) outside of when you had to pop the debuffs with a couple talents. IDK if that remains true since the talent tree review but…

The druids have a few elemental spells too. They come by their powers by connecting to the natural world.

The Shaman in this seem to be similar in concept to D&D warlocks. They make pacts with spirits and elementals to gain power. They also get a couple of hexes. Some Troll shaman are called Witch Doctors, and they really want you to stay away from the voodoo.

As for the Death Knight being the necromancer. It does the job, but when you’re out in the world, it doesn’t feel like a Necromancer. It feels like a fighter with a pair of undead minions.

The Legion class hall quests, those make you feel like a necromancer. There’s an army of Scarlet Crusaders in the way? Oh look, now they’re MY army of zombie scarlet crusaders. Granted, they don’t actually help you get in, but they’re supposed to have. I’m pretty sure that what actually happened is that Nazgrim just choked out the ones guarding the hallway, and then Trollbane went in to pace up and down like he actually helped.

It’s literally not silly,

there is a ton of differences lol.

Death knights did not choose to be death knights for one, and lore wise necromancers are more powerful in the necromatic arts then death knights as well. The only exception of that rule is the lich king.

No they are not lol.

Or not trying to be contrived to make excuses as to why a class cannot be in the game. I think ppl is more blind that it can be added in game with different mechanics being the difference.

It kinda is. Necromancers aren’t some sort of protected class and aren’t any more or less powerful than a DK. Necromancers are people who use magic to control/create undead constructs. That’s it. DKs fit the bill by definition.

Depends on the DK as to if they chose it or not. The original DKs were all willingly involved in that ritual to make them as a shadow council move. Oh and the latest 4 horsemen agreed to become DKs.

Modern DKs who are the player character did not choose undeath. This doesn’t mean all DKs didn’t have a choice.

Lore wise? There’s a variance in power levels based on the individual and nothing more. The lich king? Hes an ultra powerful caster and he sits on the frozen throne and low key brought undeath to Azeroth (which may or may not actually amplify his whole strength depending on how you read it).

The point was the necromancers are already technically in the game by Blizzard definition. They don’t wear cloth and are melee classed technically but that =/= necromancers not being in the game.

With that said a 4th spec being added or Unholy being reconfigured to allow DKs to become a ranged class would literally fill what your asking for because they already have a basic kit that says “I do death and necromancy”

The Horsemen really didn’t choose it though. You raised them, and then they said it’s okay. But, do they have proper free will in that moment? Or is the magic influencing them to be okay with it?

That was how raising people into undeath happened for years in WoW as well though. ‘your back, wanna stay? Yea? great!’ or ‘your back, wanna stay? no?’ proceeds to redead them As far as I can tell DKs aren’t special in how they are raised outside of undergoing a slightly different process that can bind a spirit to a body that isn’t theirs to begin with.

If your looking for a story where an undead wants to be so before they actually die? Look at some of the bad guys plans and that water mage guy in BFA.

why are people pretending like necromancers are death knights and warlocks still?

Completely different types of units here - don’t even wield the same weapons or use the same armor. The way they control undead is completely different.

some of these poeple never played warcraft 3 huh? that makes sense it is an older game…but still, Kel’Thuzad is not Arthas. :roll_eyes:

When you start as a death knight, you don’t really have free will. Maybe we do things differently than the old Lich King, they really don’t say. But when you start out as a non-allied race death knight, you are under the Lich King’s control, free only to do the things he wanted you to do. It takes a great surge of anger to break that control at the end of that quest line.

Since the assumption is that The new Lich King is empowering us to do these things, how do we know that he’s not controlling our Horsemen?

Because our DK’s as a class undergo that process. That is our narrative but not how DKs work in lore. Magic in WoW isn’t directly tied to anything other than the 6 sources and the factions that embody them.

If you have the knowledge you can very well undergo the same rituals and processes that our DKs do and perform everything they do with likely less drawback. Lore wow magic is not game wow magic.

Shadowlands… the entirety of that expansion points towards that

Sounds like the high elf crowd.