Ah yes, if we wanted to do that we would be playing DnD wouldn’t we?
Say in pvp, you’d want to make sure your pet is in a position away from the melee smacking you to use said skill. It would acheive a get away mechanic. And a unique one that no pet class has since you know, most of them uses melee pets.
The previous team did, the previous team wouldn’t also create a dragon clasd abd said they would never again make a race with no lore back ground.
Not really, it is a combination of mage and demon hunter game play.
It would not solve the issue, and it merks up the lore more, something i have a bone to pick on blizz for.
Demonology warlock has:
Hand of guldan (which summons piles of imps that shoot at things for you)
Dread stalkers (litterally shooting dogs at people)
Tyrant (Also shoots at people).
Gate way (to teleport from one place to another)
summoning circle (which lets you teleport back to a previously marked location).
Short of the transformation thing (which was a demonology talent many expansions ago) everything you’ve described is already part of the warlock kit.
Also you’ve described what is at best 1 spec for a supposed class. Please explain to me what your second and potentially third specs would look like.
If you are worried about the lore, then make only certain races able to do it. Spell Breakers in WC3 were only Bloodelves, so let only protadin blood elves use the skin. Though, everything I see doesn’t show that other races couldn’t do the spell breaking stuff
I love the idea of the Necromancer, but it should differ greatly from Warlock. For instance, when they first walk onto the battlefield, they should have no minions. The most they can do is raise a clay golem. From the bodies of their victims, they could raise weak skeleton and skeletal mages. Or swap out the clay golem for one made of blood or metal. Personally, they should focus on long range casting of poisons and bone spells.
Their main resource could be called Essence and get used for most spells and to summon/resummon when their minions die. Their secondary should be called Bone Shards, or in casting bone-related things like Bone Shield, Bone Spurs (caltrops), or Bone Lance.
No. But I could see bringing something similar to wow. Especially if it were a hybrid ranged/melee class like the RDM (Red Mage) in FF. Like, once they’ve used all their essence in setting up a fight, they have to jump into melee to recover it, then back out to ranged again. I think that would be an amazing new play dynamic for wow.
Blizz will do what they will do of course. But my prime concern for new classes isn’t what most people think.,it’s blizzard struggles to manage the classes they got now. We want to add to that work?
I mean, we kind of have this already; It’s called the unholy DK; a melee class that summons piles of undead and can shoot at people.
Further, the other problem that comes about with raising dead things to serve you is that it gets much, much harder to do that in raids/dungeons since a lot of bosses simply don’t have a protracted add presence; like Terros straight up has nothing, most of the time you are fighting razagath there is nothing, council technically has four mobs but if you are waiting for one of them to keel over then that means you are functionally useless for most of the fight.
So as a result you’d need to either design future dungeons/raid bosses with this in mind so that players can have things to refresh their minion/pet pool with (which means you are going to have more adds running around that need to be controlled so they don’t gum up your healers) and in groups that don’t have a necromancer running around you have just a pile of annoying chaff added for no particularly good reason.
There is legitimately something to be said for this; there are presently 35 specs in the game and it can be an extremely long time before any of them get the love and attention that they need.
A pure psionics user would be fun. You could claim shadow priests sorta cover it, and sorta, I guess. But psionic ‘magic’ has it’s own unique feel and flavor - messing with your opponent’s mind, and using your own to manipulate your environment, up to and including your own form is one of the more interesting additions brought by D&D.
It would only be the same if they made it the same. which is rather lazy.
When I think of a necromancer, I think of the classic undead horde necromancer. A fantasy that Warlock and Deathknight cannot provide. They get one minion (or two) that sticks around, and then a bunch of others that stick around for up to 30 seconds. That’s okay, but it doesn’t give you that nice walking army feel.
The issue with having a horde is that it becomes seriosuly problematic for gameplay balance issues; Like I’m imagining sending 10+ ghouls at a target (lets say a player). If each of your ghouls has a Dot, aoe and/or CC effect then it becomes impossible to deal with since the necromancer can just bury you in adds while you just eat it, since you can’t damage/ cleave them down due to pet resistances (to say nothing of how your undead pets are immune to fear effects) and the necromancer is just going to hang back and let you eat it.
Meanwhile, if you somehow get caught without your horde then you’re damn near helpless.
Further, if you wind up in a situation where there are multiple necromancers running around it becomes a bleed on people’s system’s due to the sheer volume of adds and effects on screen thus making Raids harder; the term’s “Lagtra” and “Lagaran” exist for a reason.
This isn’t even going into how you balance it against DK’s AotD.