It is time. Spell breakers and necromancers

why dont you name any hunter pets that are ranged rn?

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I am not your unpaid research assistant, and you didn’t say please.

then who did i hire as my unpaid assistant?!
Majority of you lizards look the same!

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Rude AND speciest.

Not a great combo.

Evoker filled no mechanical void. Charged attacks and 25yd range are not a mechanics that was solving problems. That in its self is purely flavour Trojan-horsing as a mechanic. And Dracthyr took the same racial “mechanic” that Worgen use and repurposed it.

The argument that hinges on mechanics or unique functionality isn’t any stronger than aesthetic based motivations.

Now if you angle it from a ‘problem’ approach:
The presence of NPC Necromancers with their own unique assets & flavour is a problem from a product design point of view (and a problem that Blizzard has created themselves), because they’ve dangled it in front of players faces for years. Had they not done this in Shadowlands, threads like this wouldn’t be nearly as prevalent.

Blizzard have now explicitly created a Necromancer-shaped void that’s now only filled by NPCs.

You typically don’t do this to consumers (but it’s not an angle that Blizzards approach their prod-dev, Blizzard aren’t known to follow best practice).

Honestly they could just add more glyphs to remedy the issue and slap it onto Warlock or Death Knights, to but that’s a no-brainer.

Evokers play different than the other two.

There is no such thing as a “necromancer void”.

You’re not even bothering to read at this point.

I am not bothering to read by bringing up something you stated using your own words?


Different type of mechanics and skills that could potential.

Like swapping places with a ranged pet as a get away mechanic.

No, they are not.

It is like saying a melee class is the same as ranged.

It actually was not removed due to balance issues “pumpkin”

No. Paladins is not spell breakers.

Tell me about it. Lol

Not pets. Pets you control.

No they are not lol.

Not even mechanically since arcane and necromancy story wise function differently then the other available classes.

They never tried to make necromancers. The class never touched an alpha/beta.

And evoker is so unique in using fire attacks, range, etc
 they are not unique

Mages is not melee and do not yse sheilds.

They also don’t raise undead and only have maybe one interaction with they’re pet that might as well not exist. (Can be passed up talent wise too)

Only warlocks has a ranged pet, and it sucks. Pets are creatures you control mechanically. Things that spawns that you do not control is called summons mechanically.

It is time :smiley: we are playing an rpg after all.

They could make them into a unique style of pet class, making them focus on a ranged pet with actual interaction with them. An example for say pvp is giving them a spell to swap places with the pet and the player as a get away mechanic. The undead could also hold more spells for it to cast then a traditional pet class that a necromancer must command them to cast in conjunction with the mecromancer cadting spells to add a speedier feeling spell cast class.

Mages uses nothing but arcane >.> fire and ice specs the mage summons from diffetent regions of the world and controls it’s projectory with arcane.

Also arcane is more then all of that lore wise that they can pull from, did you know arcane magic can even use lightning?

The more you know.

Warlocks have a number of potential pets, depending on their spec and build, which include:

  • Voidy
  • Sucubus/Incubus
  • Imps
  • Felhunter (or Observer)
  • Felguard
  • Vilefiend
  • Demonic Tyrant
  • Bilescourge Bombers
  • Eye of Kilrogg
  • Dreadstalkers

I don’t think I’ve missed anything. Some of these are ranges (the Imps particularly, the Bombers and partly the Sucubus), one is a tool (the Eye) and the rest are generally attack pets with various magical skills. Do you really feel that we need another class that uses pets? And if so, why? You could just as easily have the class character use whatever ranged attacks the pets use, and probably more effectively as those attacks would be increased by things like the character’s gear and buffs.

I’ve never figured the interest in Necromancers. While Lich transformation might be fun, Blizzard tried something similar to it when Warlocks had Metamorphosis ( until it was snipped off them and changed in character to give to Demon Hunters). Personally I’d prefer something like a Bard because at least with a Bard there would be whole unique range of possibilities not currently available in the game.

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You can create class focused on ranged pets basically. And several mechanics can be made that can take advantage of the pet being ranged, such as a swap pet/player position get away spell I suggested a few times in the thread. This is just a sample idea since so little pet classes does not have to care about pet positioning.

You can also create a pseudo double cast class using a ranged pet that has more spells to manually have them cast while your character is also casting a spell, This possibly making it feel like a faster paced caster class, also by making the pet’s spells matter almost as much as the player spells, the class won’t be as weak to lock-outs as other casters as a strength of a caster class.

And as you said, there is allot they can do with undeath baised mechanics as well, Necromancer lore stats the caster slowly turns into undead the longer they use their magic. They can have burst cycles of temperarly becoming a lich. Where their magic in this instance say, adds frost damage to their spells, and will crit alongside the spells that crits.

Also the caster pet won’t just be a weak leveling pet. >.>

Just reroll warrior and forget this dream


You don’t use imp to dps, pvp, raid, M+, you only use imp because it is the first warlock pet.
You replace it fast with void walker or other warlock pets.

So I am correct. Or you never touched warlocks, even on a leveling stance.

Maybe if I want to play Conan the barbarian.

Which I have 0 interest in doing so.


Aesthetics and lore are important when making a new class, but they’re not enough.

A new class also needs to fill a niche and have its own mechanics that distinguish them from the rest.

Warlock, specially demonology, is exactly what a necromancer would need to be. If they force a new necromancer class to be different just for the sake of not colliding with warlocks, it would feel out of place.

Also, let’s hope we never see the DH - Monk thing again, where they made Havoc play almost exactly like WW Monk, but easier.


I literally keep repeating what that niche would be in this thread. They can use ranged attacking pets, with their own spell book, making a psuedo double cast class along with more focus on pet positioning to maximize escape/other cool downs along with cd’s that turns tye necro into liches.

You can roleplay as one then.

If your pet is ranged what the hell does swapping locations with it actually achieve? Like I’m assuming that your supposed necromancer isn’t a melee class here.

Because they concluded that the necromancer lacked distinction; everything that they thought of having it do was already covered by the warlock class and what’s the point of duping an existing class?

The Evoker’s playstyle is distinct. If you play one for 5 minutes you’ll see that.

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Just do class skins that either just change casting colors, or damage types. Wanna be a spell breaker? Roll a protadin and just do arcane instead of holy/radiant damage. It isn’t like damage type even matters anymore