It is time. Spell breakers and necromancers

How would a necromancer be different from a warlock?
Spell Breakers would be cool though.

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Frost does constant, steady damage based around frozen orb and procs. (Not cooldown reliant)

Fire damage is all centered around combust and resetting combust by consuming hot streak, which you achieve by landing crits. (Cooldown reliant, but at variable intervals based on gameplay.)

Arcane damage is centric on 2 burst windows, rotating between the 2 on a steady and predictable cooldown timer. (Cooldown reliant, on static and predictable intervals)

They are all extremely distinct, and don’t amount to monke do damage melee diffrant than monke throw banana. What your pet does, where your pet stands is not a mechanical difference to the player. If Felguard stood beside me and threw fireballs with an occasional firepatch to replace felstorm, they would function exactly the same as they do now.

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Would evokers have been created if they didnt have a unique gameplay style associated with them? If they were just gonna be
say balance druids. But look like dragons?

Evokers, Demon Hunters, Monks, Death Knights all came with a unique style associated with them. They filled a gap, mechanically.

I would say that Demon Hunter’s having to take abilities from Warlocks (and the back lash against it) is an example of something they will most likely strive not to do again.

I am not saying aesthetics arent important. But I am saying they can not carry a new class on their own. If there is not a new gameplay involved, new mechanics involved, etc
I do not see the class being created.

In this example, the person is asking for prot pallies, but with arcane aesthetics. Demo Warlocks but with necromancer aesthetics.

That is not enough to justify a new class. Aesthetics alone do not create a class. If there is not a gameplay/mechanical hole it is filling, I do not see the class being created.

Can your imagine the outrage if they just took prot pallies, made them arcane based
and introduced them as a new class?

We have the magical sword and board tank. We have the caster with ranged pets. Just because someone wants those two to look differently
that isnt enough to justify a new class being created.


Witch doctor from Diablo

Do they really? Because it feels like a bunch of dissonant mechanics rather than a defined alternative style.

If you are just throwing together a bunch of mechanics, it’d be easy enough to come up with a class concept for spellbreakers. Just pull the DOTA1 mechanic for the Invoker for a class, which would fit well enough because the Blood Mage has Spellbreaker vibes anyways. Combine a spell with a move to create a different effect. EZ PZ. I mean we’ve also already seen this in-game for a few different bosses - Imperator Margok and Spellblade Aluriel both have Spellbreaker combining components to produce different end results.

Heck, the boss before Imperator Margok is literally a Spellbreaker. The groundwork is already laid.

Monks brought new mechanics. Death knights brought new mechanics.

I just need to hear ground work other than “magical sword and board tank that disrupts magic”. If something is added that expands on this and makes it unique? Sure.

But my response is based on the information given to me.

“Ranged caster with ranged pets” is not enough to justify a new class.

I am not saying I am against any new class given these specific names. I am against the information given to me on why those classes need to be created.

“arcane sword and board that disrupts magic” and “ranged caster that uses ranged pets” is basically the extent of what is being laid out. Those are not unique mechanics to justify a new class.

Give me something that makes it unique, and I will reconsider.

I can get behind these ideas, only if I can tank :’)

Plz, I really hate outlaw and it would be better off being a tank spec.

I mean
 you’re not listening then
 because I’ve already explained it.

We’ve seen literally two/three different raid bosses use the Spellbreaker mechanics. They can brand/mark targets with magic, fortify the mark for increased effect, replicate the brand to spread it multi-target, or detonate the marks. They can also animate the brand. Fire, Ice, and Arcane each have different effects based on what effect is branded onto the target.

They can also create barriers or magical zones to repel or suppress magic.

Spellbreaker would be pointless if you couldn’t tank with it, considering that the sword and board look is iconic for it.

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Well the OP specifically wanted arcane only.

And a tank that uses brands? I mean


I mean that’s fair enough.

Still, I feel as though there’s design space to explore with building a primary gameplay loop around interacting with inflicted debuffs for different effects. While demon hunter does apply a few debuffs and thematically they may brand the targets, it’s not really the main gameplay gimmick. The closest thing we have is Flame Shock —> Lava Lash (Replicate) —> Fire Nova (Detonate) as an alternate playstyle build for Enh Shammy or maybe Aff Lock ramping a few DoTs and then using an effect to amplify their damage. This would take that concept but raise it to the next level, with the player able to diverge in different directions based on the demand of the situation. In single target situations they can fortify or animate the effects, in multi-target replicate and detonate. Deal damage, or reduce incoming damage, or siphon life back to yourself as an absorb, etc.

I think it could be fun.

So I am not saying I am against it.

I was against the ideas originally presented to me. Hence my “aesthetics are irrelevant” statement.

Once we get into this thought process of finding mechanics unique to the gameplay, I can potentially be on board.

I am not against any new class being added, regardless of name. As long as it can fill a mechanical void. If we find a way to make it unique? Lets do it.

Tinker class should come next. It could cover tank, healer, and range dps. Also could be another mail armor type class and use range weapons other than Hunters.

Bards could be possible as a healer and support class. Healer spec, a buff/ debuff spec, and a dps caster spec. Leather or cloth armor.

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we dont have ranged pets

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It is time Blizzard attempted to create a Bard class.

hunters don’t, we have a pet that is melee.

You might want to check again.

i dont see a ranged hunter pet.

closest we had was a snake that was only a temporary one.

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We used to have several ranged pets. Bliz took the ability way as they homogenized all the pets. :frowning:

You should check again.