This isn’t a frustration cry tho. This is a cry for help or attention.
Here’s the thing. You pay a subscription to a game. If you could complete everything in a patch in a week of gametime, let alone there being 4 weeks in a month, you’d pay 1 month then stop altogether because you could gear 4 characters in a month. WoW is meant to be a game for the longhaul where your progress is a slow crawl and others are sprints. The issue is that you are asking for a game meant to hold your attention for months to be reduced to a week, maybe 2 weeks. That’s unacceptable. If you don’t have the time to play, then stop paying the sub and do something else with your time. The rest of us will continue to play the game for months and milk it of everything it has.
Technically, with enough TIME you can make an alt as strong as a main. I did it 5 times for my raid group because we needed different buffs and were recruiting still so with my ability to play a longer time, I was able to get 5 characters to 610 (when that was considered to be high, which was week 1 or 2, and now I have 6 characters at 624 ilvl. It just requires time and some people don’t have that, and that’s fine. But what we shouldnt be doing is catering to people who do not have the time to even play the game. It should be catering to the people that ARE playing the game
plays most boring gamemode possible,
is surprised when it’s boring