Been a “casual” player for almost all my 10+ years of playing. We didn’t have nearly the options available to us. I have not set foot in a raid outside of lfr, and not only do I have a heroic raid Ilevel average, but have the mythic appearance unlocked. I haven’t done much on my toon outside of doing delves, and the weekly things available to me. I have more things to do on alts, etc. This version of wow is WAY more casual friendly…
Or push keys in WoW since that’s in the game.
You’re welcome to your opinion of the mode, but telling people paying the same money as you to play WoW they should play a different game rather than the one that offers what they want is ridiculous, even for you.
What if I told you that fun is subjective? With the exception of perhaps the first item in your list, every other point is likely to have players that find the changes more fun than before. Just because you and the vocal crowd on forums and social media haven’t found those things fun doesn’t mean the rest of the player base agrees.
And to be clear, I’m not suggesting Blizzard has hit the mark with most players, perhaps they have screwed things up. But I recognize I have no way to measure this, so I’m not going to try to claim Blizzard hasn’t developed a fun game for the masses.
Pretty much this, I stop at +8 I sometimes will do 9s if the extra 2 gilded will benefit me by getting something upgraded by one less dungeon. I’m fine with being at 631-636, I don’t need to be at 639, the gain isn’t worth the headache.
Do you play the class you want every time you log in? Do you only do things that are fun and not a grind? If not then stop doing the things that are not fun…
Yep you got it exactly right. Retail endgame is continuously variable in difficulty and ‘casual players’ can play at the exact difficulty thats comfortable to them. Not everyone NEEDS full myth gear.
What so many of these people are really saying is “Remember when I could get full BiS while playing drunk”
M+ wasn’t a completely terrible addition. There is obviously an audience for it. The mistake was making it so central to gearing that it was nearly impossible to avoid and waiting 8 years to provide an alternative for people who prefer non-competitive play. It’s a shame it took them that long to figure it out but better late than never.
Is it me or does it seem that the seasons roll out too quickly?
I mean I’m just a casual player and am barely getting Champion/Hero gear and in a few weeks it’s just gonna be worthless.
Don’t get me wrong, I like new content, but WoW to me lately feels like it’s just a bit too rushed.
I’m sorry you’re not having fun. You could always try Classic WoW where leveling takes a long time, and there is very little quality of life.
sounds like you miss classic. you should try classic. its fun!
Kinda glad that you are gone. My pet theory is that if you are in so deep that you visit the forums then you’ll be back playing WoW again.
Yeah, that’s M+ for you… it really messes with everything else it comes into contact with
M+ is at it’s lowest point right now. If you have a competitive itch to scratch, modern m+ ain’t it.
It’s not competitive to do M+ lol. There is nothing competitive about mashing your face on a keyboard for hours on end slogging through dungeons. Competitive lol. that’s like saying setting up a tent is competitive.
It’s not fun to brick keys in the last weeks of the season when literally nothing should matter.
It’s not fun to still have gear hills to climb when I want—god forbid–want to play a different class.
It’s not fun when I’m consistently out of SOME kind of currency necessary to upgrade gear and I can’t.
It’s not fun when dungeon after dungeon after dungeon gives no gear.
It’s not fun when the GV choices are basically inconsequential.
- Play/vet better
- I don’t think you understand how playing multiple characters work
- Sounds like you’re mismanaging your currency
- Sounds like you don’t understand how RPGs work
- Sounds like you don’t understand how the GV works
The game is not fun anymore.
M+ is at it’s lowest point right now. If you have a competitive itch to scratch, modern m+ ain’t it.
Maybe it is at its lowest point for you. I’ll tell you I enjoyed keys far more this season than I did in SL S1.
Not everyone who plays M+ is doing so because it’s competitive. There are many reasons why people play M+, reaching a certain percentile of score is only one of them. If you cannot find a reason to run M+ for yourself, then don’t. You won’t find me trying to tell you that you’re somehow wrong. But projecting a single reason why some play M+ onto everyone as a reason why people are wrong for enjoying the mode is absolutely ridiculous.
It’s not competitive to do M+ lol. There is nothing competitive about mashing your face on a keyboard for hours on end slogging through dungeons. Competitive lol. that’s like saying setting up a tent is competitive.
I mean M+ does have a competitive side to it, and there certainly are players who engage with M+ specifically to compete. But reducing everyone who participates in M+ as being there for the competition is just another in the list of absurd tactics certain folks who dislike M+ pull out as a way to paint M+ to be worse than it is.
As long as you keep designing this “game” for the people that want to make it a career […]
This isn’t a thing that’s happening.
It’s not fun to brick keys in the last weeks of the season when literally nothing should matter.
Keys are the same that they have been the entire time. You bricking keys is a personal issue.
It’s not fun to still have gear hills to climb when I want—god forbid–want to play a different class.
Good thing it is really easy to gear up characters, making the question of gear largely if not entirely irrelevant for alts.
It’s not fun when I’m consistently out of SOME kind of currency necessary to upgrade gear […]
Valorstones: play the game.
Crests: play the game at the level that’s appropriate for your character.
The currency you are complaining about is easily obtained by simply just playing the game normally. So the answer to this is… play the game like one normally would.
It’s not fun when dungeon after dungeon after dungeon gives no gear.
“No gear” is relative. If by “No gear” you mean “No gear at all” then that’s a weird thing since groups, at least in M+, get 1.2 pieces of gear on average per dungeon (unless they have changed the rates since last time I checked in DF).
But if by “no useful gear” then that’s relative, and you’ll get more useful gear when gearing up initially but that will slow down as you get more and more geared up.
It’s not fun when the GV choices are basically inconsequential.
This indicates that you are either playing the game at too low of a level to get relevant gear upgrades, or have nearly maxxed out your character in near-perfect BiS gear. Complaining about “I’m in near perfect BiS and there’s no more to upgrade” is why we have patches and seasons.
Just wait until the next season if you insist on not pushing yourselves any higher from where you are at currently.
All in all, exceedingly little if anything of what you said here is rooted in any kind of reality… and most of it is you complaining about things that either aren’t real, is categorically wrong, or is a severe mischaracterisation. If you aren’t having fun because there’s no new season yet then… just say that instead next time?
It’s not competitive to do M+ lol. There is nothing competitive about mashing your face on a keyboard for hours on end slogging through dungeons. Competitive lol. that’s like saying setting up a tent is competitive.
No no. You misunderstand. You are competing with other players for the right to play M+. Once you’re in the dungeon, the competition is over.
I wouldnt mind if they just reskinned the current game to a new Universe (diablo, starcraft, or whatever). Just reskin the world, reskin the classes, and just start from a new story but the same game. When you get to the afterlife and the end ender of ending the all endings boss and then the next one and then the next one it kind of kills the small beauties of the world and the mattering of old dead zones.