It Has Started

Glad I’m waiting for my friend group to get off work later tonight; I smashed out my four daily Bountiful Delves at Tier 8 and got six item levels out of it. Ran the first wing of Looking For Raid, too, but didn;t win anything.

That would be hilarious :joy:

i mean i would too if blizzard designed a dungeon that i cant get anything else from other then the first boss.

its a red herring to blame players when its a design problem. they made it so unrewarding to stick around.

i hope you understand when you look at the loot lists for some dungeons and some specs, literally some dungeons only have drops for u from 1st or last bosses. some bosses dont drop stuff at all for some specs. that is horrid design.

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I don’t believe you for a second. Everything in M0 is an upgrade right now. It’s not even logical for them to leave.

Don’t worry. Blizzard heard your complaints about people leaving early in Mythic dungeons…and decided to punish people who help out groups in LFR instead.


except thats wrong because classes prefer certain stats over others. do u not see the issue? even if its an ilvl increase it may be gear that has wrong stats. so you are not hunting some bosses at all. this is like basic BIS lists for gear idk why u seem to be so disingenuous about this.

Got it on my first kill, skill issue

I understand this, but atm ilvl is king and will be for awhile. Min/maxing on day 1 of dungeons being open would be again, illogical.

ilvl is not king. time is king. no one wants to waste their time for ilvl increase if its not bis.
would ilvl increase be nice while farming for bis? sure. but player time usage is also min maxed so this is the result

Blizzard doesn’t do theorycrafting. They don’t do BiS or stat priority. We do. They just tossed stuff on bosses.


they have the data now. So the question is… what’s the best way to punish degenerate behavior?

Me? I’d nerf the crap out of the trinket, not move it.

That’ll deter them and punish the people that got the trinket by screwing over others. And teach others to not do degenerate things or it gets things nerfed into the ground.

“They don’t control what is BiS”

but also

“Just make it not BiS”

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Learn to read. I didn’t say they don’t control things. I said they don’t theorycraft and don’t have the data of what WE determined was BiS until later.

You done harassing me yet in every thread? You seem a bit unhinged tonight.

Harassing you? In every thread? Pretty sure all I’ve done is point out your incredibly bad takes on this one subject.

I haven’t seen so much drama over a non legendary piece of loot since maybe spine in gruuls lair

People leaving

People whining about people leaving

I was even vote kicked by a group of 3 people in same guild because it dropped for me and I didn’t trade it lol

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I think that actually means that the 4th in your group was ALSO angry enough about it to hit yes.

That’s wild lol.

It’s been quite a few threads where you come after me personally with attacks and don’t comprehend facts over your tin foil or inability to read.

Put me on ignore and move on with your life.

lol it’s always the ones with locked profiles that are the most dramatic

There is no drama here. And the only reason my profile is hidden is so that creepy people can’t sit there watching me type a response and make trolling comments like “OMG I see u typing a novel!!!”

Everything anyone posts can easily be found. Another one who doesn’t read and just jumps on the personal attack bandwagon for no reason. :roll_eyes:

Figures, I plan to avoid ara for the most part given its going to be a pugging nightmare with how thirsty people are for that stupid trinket.

Whining that it’s a personal attack is dramatic. I’ve seen you around here a lot, you sure do love playing the victim

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