It has been long enough

Kinda like you seemed to imply that all players posting suggestions/ideas on a retail character are trolling.

It goes both ways buddy.

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Then you’re probably on the wrong forum. This forum is for open discussion, your definition of what should be allowed isn’t Blizzard’s.

Never forget the first time someone tried to do what you’re doing:

I don’t believe I did. I simply meant that a troll is likely to hide behind a retail character, not that all retail characters posting are trolling.

Not what I am asking for, but believe what you want.

I don’t believe I did either, but you seem to think so.

I simply meant that retail avatars can make serious suggestions while at the same time classic avatars can make bad ones.

Again, it goes both ways.

it would take them 30 seconds to download the game… 5 minutes to create a character and bingo they will be able to comment…

i.e. this change won’t do anything.

I dunno, I have seen plenty of trolls hiding behind “classic” toons too. Trolls will be trolls, no matter what game you prefer.

That much is obvious. I never denied that. The anonymity is my issue.

Agreed, but tying it to a particular game set doesn’t help.

It would do something, and they would have to be level 10 I believe. That takes at least a couple hours. What it would do is show people that they do not have a serious character on classic.

What level constitutes a “serious” character?

Well, if you aren’t 60 in five or sixth months, you probably aren’t very serious about classic.

In my opinion, you’re more anonymous on a Classic character. No armory to check and a very short/recent post history.

If someone is going to troll they can hide just as easily on a Classic character. All they need is an alt and there’s no consequences to their reputation on their main in-game.

At least with retail characters you can check their armory, whether they block the easy link or not, and compare pets/mounts to help find the trolls and/or those switching characters to back themselves up.

There’s no option for that on classic characters.


This. One thousand times!


I’m leveling 4 alliance toons and 4 horde toons. Trying to keep each factions characters around the same level.

By your logic, I’m less serious about the game if it takes me more than 6 months to reach 60. Yep, totally makes sense.

Most people will have at least one max level character in six months. Most people don’t level up 8 characters at the same time.

When did we regain the ability to post on L1s?

edit: it seriously takes you ten times the length of time to create a character as it does to download 8 or so gigs?

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But still, by your logic I’m not a serious player then.

Cause it’ll likely take me longer than six months to get my alt army to 60.

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or they are posting on an alt. people still hide behind low level alts frequently. i see what you are trying to achieve and i support it. but don’t know if that is the right way about it… personally i’d like to see account lock outs for excessive trolling but anything like this is open to abuse so not much chance of it happening…


Alright, there are rare exceptions that could be a serious player but happen to inexplicably want to level 8 characters at the same time instead of focusing on one or two.